part VI - secret

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Yunjin held her headphone tightly as it was on her head, trying to cancel out the screams. She was curled up on her bed as drops of tears fell down her bedsheets.

The headphones were really special to Yunjin, her mom had bought it for her as a birthday present for her 9th birthday.

Yunjin's mom specifically picked out headphones that were noise-cancelling but also played music. Though Yunjin never knew why her mom bought them for her, they've been used every single day since the day she received them.

At first, Yunjin was just happy to be able to listen to music without blasting it in her room but she would have never knew it would have been this helpful for her.

" I thought I could of have trusted you... "

" And you c-can! Just give me another chance, Seoha. "

" I can't! You'll just do it over and over again— "

The sounds of her mother sobbing are so painful.

She didn't want to hear it anymore.

Yunjin gripped her headphones even harder and pushed them into her head, just hoping that the noises would stop for once.

" No! Just one more chance, I won't do it ever again. I love you and I won't ever let that go. "

" I- Fine... Just one more chance. "

The 6 year old Yunjin didn't know what was happening, but all she knew is that her parents were fighting. Her chest went up and down repeatedly as she closed her eyes shut and pulled her blanket over her.


Yunjin just arrived at school.

She felt tired and just wanted to stay home, but she can't. Her stepdad won't let her. Thinking about yesterday, it isn't the first time that it has happened. Usually, her stepdad wouldn't beat her up, but after her mother's death, her stepdad finally showed her true colours.

He would mostly hit her with either his own hands or things around the house, but if he was feeling really angry, he would give harsh punishments like leaving her locked in her room for days which would be a reason for why she would skip school for some days.

" Choi Yunjin. "

She heard a familiar voice.

" Wonyoung? "

" You ASSHOLE! " Wonyoung pushed on Yunjin harshly causing the latter to flinch and be pushed back, " You still haven't payed me back yet, huh? "

" I'll pay you back one day, just stop being such a bitch! "

" One day?! You'll pay me back one day? Do you know how many times you have told me that stupid ass phrase? " Wonyoung shouted, " You keep saying that but it's never true! "

" Wonyoung, why do you have to make everything big?! The only thing I did is I accidentally made your bag dirty, and besides, your backpack isn't that important is it? "

" My bag isn't important? Yes the fucking hell it is! That shit costs me a lot, and you're paying me the money back so I can buy a new one. "

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