Fun And Assingments

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Two days later after helping my dad a bit against his will, I returned to my mansion.
Walking in, I couldn't wait to see my Chocolate. Hopefully,  she didn't cause any trouble.
Opening the door to our room I was net with a huge mess, like none of the objects were in their place, just scattered around the room. Boxes were all around, gift wrappers torn apart, ribbons split up, chocolate wrappers thrown on the floor, the bed was all covered with crumbled clothes, and glasses of chocolate milkshakes were broken into pieces spilling the liquid all out.
Unexpectedly I heard a soft giggle behind the huge tower of gift boxes. I took myself to find the owner of the giggle even though I knew who it was it made me feel grateful she was still here.
Walking up to her, I cleared my throat, folding my arms and standing erect. She turned to me with an innocent smile. She is wearing one of my black hoodies and her shorts. Well, my hoodie reaches up to her mid-thigh and is too loose on her, I guess that's what makes it comfy for her.
" Chocolate, what's all this mess?"
" I was having fun with all of my gifts, Daddy. I love all of them. They are Pretty Pretty Pretty!"
She boomed with happiness and expressed it with her cute hand gestures. Oh God, I just love her.
" That's right Baby but isn't our room a mess now?"
" Yes Daddy, but I have an idea. "
" Really? What is it?"
She moved to our bed picked up a pillow and threw at me. I dogged it but that was quick.
" Chocolate. " I said a bit sternly yet she stood up on the bed giggled and threw another one at me. Ok, I guess I'll play along. I picked up a pillow and threw it at her, she failed to dodge it and dropped it on the bed clenching her tummy and laughing gleefully. 
" Daddy, let's have a pillow fight. The winner gets a treat from the loser. " She said standing up.
"OK then. Let me warn you I'm good at it, it's my win. "
" Oh, let's see the big bear!"
We ran across the room throwing pillows at each other. In the end, I picked her up swirled her in the air, and plopped her on the bed, raising both of her hands and grabbing them above had headed.
" Daddy!"
" Shh, Chocolate. It's my win I need a treat now. "
" I meant food!"
" Nope, I meant something else. " I smirked. She's an innocent little and is unaware of my dirty thoughts. I don't want to lose her trust. I've always wanted to hold her wrists up and make her beg. ' Daddy I need playtime ' the words I wanna hear come out of her pretty mouth. When will the time be? But I can't hurt her, I need to take it slow. She's innocent. Ezra! Snap out of your dirty thoughts!
Sighing I thought I'd take it slow. I tickled her and she burst into laughter.
" Stop, Daddy. Stop."
I did stop. We both are sweaty, I need to shower.
" Ok, now I want you to get to your study. I'll be there shortly. Ask May to get stuff ready, I'll be doing some of my work along with you studying."
" Daddy, please. I don't wanna study now. Miss Kuren is on leave for just two days. I wanna have fun, please. Please. Pretty please. I also need to freshen up. " She started whining.
" Little girl, Now!"
" Yes, Daddy!"
She ran out of our room, leaving me in a hella messy room, I sighed. I called the staff to clean it up then went to take a warm shower. A few minutes later, I walked to my study to grab my stuff. I wonder if Chocolate has started with her work. When I found out she was seventeen ( almost eighteen ), she wasn't from a good background which is why she didn't go to high school. I knew she was smart and wanted her to be her best version so I decided she would be home-schooled. This also kept her busy while I was away and distracted her mind. I walked into her study, she was sitting on her chair behind the desk scribbling something. She had her fluffy pens and her stationery laid all over the desk. I smiled at her cuteness. 
I picked her up and sat her on the desk. 
" Daddy. You stink.  "
" Nope, you stink. "
We were having fun in low voices enough for us to listen. When May simply entered saying something to my baby while examining the papers in her hand. She didn't notice us. She is like my girls' manager. 
" Vio, you neither have terminated your assignments nor your classwork of the past ten days. I'm glad Sir hasn't gotta know about it but I don't wanna get in trouble along with you. I suggest you..."
She looked up and her eyes widened to see me right there. My baby's face paled as she spoke and I knew both of them were in trouble.
" Oh Please continue. "
She bowed.
" Sir, it's nothing of primacy or..."
" My order isn't followed yet. "
My stern voice sent a shiver down the spine of girls. Gosh.
" Sir, Vio has been missing her assignments and lessons ...."
" All of this while I'm away, baby ?"
I questioned my little lass. She was undoubtedly terrified. She knows how profound her education is to me. Also, I have constantly reminded her of the importance of being an earnest student.  She is gripping the edge of the table so tightly that it explains the sweat on her forehead which is a result of laziness.
" Baby. "
" Ah! Daddy, I needed a little break. "
She gestured with a pinch of her finger and a pout.
" In my study both of you. Now. May, call Hunter along."
Her face paled too. He is her strict elder Brother after all.
When everyone comes into my study. I begin. My little girl is gonna have a hard time sitting. I called Hunter, and as I asked May beforehand, he knew I was gonna talk about her. He's with Dad and Uncle Jaden right now. It took just one ring for him to pick up.
" Hunter, your lassie is being too amiable. Which I suggest is no good.  Her job is to strictly look after the lady of the house. She is responsible for her daily activities, which she sadly isn't doing well with. Please take care of it. This shouldn't ever happen again. "
" Yes, Boss. I'll make sure of it. Please excuse us. "
" Yes. "
May excused herself. It was now just me and my Chocolate. I turned around to see her quietly peering at the floor as if it would swallow her.
" Princess. "
"Daddy, I'm extremely sorry. Please no, punish - punishment..."
No matter how adorable she tries to be I quickly grabbed her by her arm and sat on the leather chair pulling her over my lap, and propping her butt up. She wiggled and started kicking, and as a result, her fluffy slippers were thrown away. She immediately ceased when my hand landed right at the center of her butt.
" Owww! Daddy! "
" Stay quiet little one. It will end soon. "
She followed with a sniffle. And I continued with. A few minutes after her warm-up, I took out a wooden ruler from one of the drawers of my desk.
" Daddy, please not the ruler, it hurts! I'm already sore..."
" Even after two days? That reminds me, you to have to write your lines too, right? I asked you to write it after Dinner with me. Unfortunately,  I wasn't available then but now... I'm sure you haven't done it, have you?"
" I'm sorry Daddy, I didn't do it. "
She sniffled. Good, she didn't lie but yet has disobeyed me again. Sighing, I took the ruler and slapped it across her butt, she yelped.
" Daddy, it hurts. I'm sorry!"
" Eleven more, Girl. Then you can start with your lines right in front of me. "
" Please, Daddy."
I ignored her please, I wanted to end it as fast as I could. I wanna spend sweet time with her but her naughtiness is just in the way. I quickly delivered the Eleven spanks the last two being extra hard to make the lesson crystal clear. I pulled her up to sit on my lap, wiped her tears with my thumb, and kissed the ones that came after. A few minutes after the aftercare of patting her back, telling her how much of a good girl she is, how sweet of chocolate, how she can do her best in academics and her lessons, and how she makes me so proud. I sternly asked her to get on with her work.
" Girl, you are now gonna sit on the wooden chair and write me an essay about the importance of education, knowledge, and Obeying Daddy. The essay better be ten pages or more. NO LESS."
I said sternly, to which she pouted and whined. 
" Daddy TEN pages, my little hands can't..."
" Shh! If you can procrastinate for ten days then a ten-page piece is not much of a penalty. Baby, no more whining. I'm letting you go off with the lines. Get to work right now. "
" Daddy! Please. I'm sowwwy. "
I pinched her butt to which she jumped and rubbed it. Sitting down slowly on the wooden chair I ordered specially to make her writing time uncomfortable as a part of the punishment.
She kept the pout for long but my ignorance finally stopped it. Waving the pen with her fingers, acting to think, biting the pen, counting the number of lines and pages all but not working on the essay.
" Girl, you are not leaving the chair until you are done. Stop messing around and write."
" Daddy, I can't think of a way to begin. Can you help? Please. "
" Nope. It's a punishment. Now if I don't get to see at least a page written within the next fifteen minutes, you are gonna sit in the corner.  "
" No, not the corner. I'll write. "
She whined. Good. I smiled at her and returned to my work. Observing her from time to time, scribbling something on the pages. After fifteen minutes I asked her for her work.
" Baby, are you done with at least one ?"
" Umm. Yes, Daddy. Here ."
She said handing me her page. Good work, with perfect penmanship. I'm glad she remembers the rules for writing punishments. I make her rewrite everything twice if I find missteps.
" Good Girl. You can continue baby. "
" Yes, Daddy. Um, I need to use the bathroom, please. "
" Yes, you can little girl. "
It took her a few minutes and she got back to work. We made small talk and I kept checking on her work timely. We are finally done after hours - A Ten Page Fair Essay with no errors. We had our breakfast here, it's time for lunch now.
" You are to write an apology on a page and attach it to the essay. Submit this to your mentor tomorrow. Am I clear ?"
" Yes, Daddy. "
" And, whenever I'm home. You'll be attending your classes in my study. "
" What! Why ?" 
She raised her voice something that I don't tolerate when it's directed at me 'cause it's disrespectful.
" Did you just raise your voice at me, little girl? Seems like your butt hasn't learned its lesson yet. "
" No. I have. "
" Well, if you behave. I have a surprise for you tonight. "
" Surprise, Daddy. I love you!"
" Love you too, Chocolate. "
"Let's get to lunch now, shall we be My Princess?"
"Yesssie ."
" Hey, do you want cream on your naughty red butt?"
" Yes Daddy, please. "
She blushed.
I laid her across my lap, taking down her panties, I spread some some of the cream. She hissed but eventually relaxed. I picked her up and stood her in front of me. 
" Alright, are we ready to be a good girl?"
" Yes, Daddy. "
"OK, get downstairs to the dining hall. I'll be there shortly. "
" Yes, Daddy. "
I kissed her forehead, and she giggled and left.
I'm keen to tell her about her surprise. Dad had sent me the details of our tickets and tour to Paris. It makes me happy to have some time only for my Chocolate but also disappointing, I couldn't handle my job well and still need Dad's support.
I'm hella sure Dad is handling the chaos pretty well yet I call him. 
" Sir..."
" Son you call me one more time, I'm gonna come out of this fucking phone and punch you. "
" My apologies, but I wanna know about the status of our..."
" Nope, I'm not going to and no one is going to tell you about it. I need you to relax. If you are having issues regarding you not meeting the standards of being a King. You are Ridiculous. When I was handling the Mafia I needed Jaden's help very often even more than what you ask for. Well, you don't ask for help. Anyways just relax.  Don't you dare call anyone else, Clear? I'll punch you right in front of everyone, wake up and smell the coffee. For now, enjoy your trip to Paris. "
" Sir, I..."
" Silence there. Take care of my Daughter. "
Darn, let me speak to you, Old man!
I immediately called Hunter.
" Hunter I need to..."
" Boss..."
Someone snatched the phone out of his hand and spoke.
" Dear, son. "
Fuck. I got off the call. My Dad is being a real Jerk right now. I just need to know about MY MAFIA!
Anyway, I kept the thought aside and went to have lunch with my Chocolate.

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