Truth And Memories

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Joel Blade:- Second son of the Blade Family

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Joel Blade:- Second son of the Blade Family.

Irina POV:-
Fucking Shit, I'm in the panic room ( or so they call it. It's a punishment room for me ). It's not that dark here but yes I definitely can't say it's bright. I'm used to it anyways I've been thrown here as a punishment since childhood. Sometimes I just act scared to satisfy them, which saves me from further assault. I'm sure they have fun treating me like shit. Oh! I forgot to mention I was just in my sports bra and leggings, they checked me throughout to make sure I didn't have any tools to get out of there. Anyway, I'm in this hell of a dungeon and trying to find a new trick to get out of here. I've tried many ways to get out of here and they have memorized all of them. So I've to ponder something new.
Think Irina, think!!!
I guess a day here won't matter, right? Maybe not. I sat down only to lay down thoroughly. I hovered to sleep immediately as my eyelids made their way down. It only made me realize how tired I was, the eyelid seemed so heavy and my body hurt so bad. The floor is so frigid, they should have furnished the room with a heater, fuckers. Darkness and senselessness are the only two sensations one can, therefore. As for me who has spent half of my life here I have distinct thoughts though, I can feel loathing, covetousness, bitterness, madness, and the will to use and throw myself as a tissue.
I miss my mom sometimes, in extreme cases I mean. When I feel broken, on one to love. Brother Joel left two years ago for his studies not that he can do it right in this city but Dad sent him away when he gained the info of me and him being close to each other. There's no change in my life anyway, him being here doesn't change my routine, I just got a few hours with him in a week when he was here.
Most of my life has been spent either in the workout gym, the training grounds, fighting and building skills, shooting, and learning various weapons like knives, daggers, rifles, mini bombers, yo-yo, ropes, shafts, and many more, or in this panic room. All I was taught since I was five, was to protect my big brother from his enemies and help him gain supreme power, this ultimately became the goal of my life. Well, I'd say it was until I saw him, the king of the Mafia world, Ezra Elijah. The strongest man I've ever seen, well a built body, it's wasn't just blown-up muscles but a result of hours of sweat, sharp jawline, dangerous countenance, scary vibes, and extremely skilled, confident, business-minded, true to his words and most importantly deadly drool-worthy. Oh God, but he was the one who shot my mom right in front of me when I was five and he was just ten. His Dad was teaching him to have 'no mercy for bastards who betray them'. I don't know but I didn't cry that day, it felt like it was bound to happen, and no amount of cries could fix it. It just felt as if he was meant to kill her and push me to a different world. Ever since her death, Mr Blade, or the old Blade started secretly training me. Ezra didn't know of my existence and thought I was a mere child of a maid. How ridiculous, this girl who seemed to be harmless and innocent turned to almost kill the King.
Anyways, I drifted to sleep. A few hours later, there was a knock at the door, I didn't respond, probably it was, the old man or that jerk of a brother. I spurned it, rolled my eyes, and got back to my dreamland. I heard my name being called several times and someone bragged into the room by the door unexpectedly.
I turned around to see who it was, maybe just not inquisitive enough to sit up and talk.
" Irina, get up, sis. Are you dead? No no no you can't be!"
Oh, it's Joel, the younger son of a shitty Blade. Nevertheless, he's kind and protective over me.
" No, big bro. I'm alive and perfectly fine. "
" Get up then. "
I got up and he scanned me from top to bottom.
" Gosh! Crazy aren't you? How could you be fine with such a thin layer of clothes, in this freezing basement? You are coming upstairs with me and are gonna spend the rest of your life in my room. I can't risk for you to stay with Gramps or Lucas anymore, and with that pretty good moth of yours, you have no chance in hell to deny my order. "
" Aren't you being over dramatic?"
" No, follow me. "
" Nope, not a chance. I'm not gonna be a reason for an altercation between you and the old head. You know me and him better. Right, Bro?"
" Irina, no more talking about it. You are coming along with me. I can force you too, I just want it to be the easy way. "
This made me smirk, it the easy way is it? I dripped on the floor and lay back. My hands behind my head, legs crossed over.
" What can you do about it? I choose the hard way and you are well aware of the fact, that I am more vigorous than both the nuts of Blades. "
" I'm not nuts, Lucas may be. Hear me out. Please get up, I've to discuss some substantial matters. "
" Alright, alright. "
I got up and followed him up to his room. All the way I saw dead guards and security around me. I'll talk about it later with him. Entering his room, gave me the feeling of love and ardor. His room always felt warm and I felt loved, the only person who loved me and asked for no returns, no revenge, no protection just a brother who protects me from my evil.
I inhaled deeply, letting the scent of his cologne go deep into my lungs.
" Irina, you know you can come here whenever you wish. You don't need me to invite you every time. "
" Yes, big bro. I was wondering what you wanna say to me?"
I ask, trying to shut down this topic.
" Smart, girl. Anyway, I'll ask for some coffee. Hot or cold? "
" Cold. "
" Take a seat. "
He ordered the maid, returned, and sat right in front of me.
" At the outset, I want you to plea me the way you did in our childhood. "
" That's embarrassing and ridiculous, brother. I'm not a little girl. "
" Well, if you don't follow the order now I'm gonna have to punish you. "
This made me blush. Oh God!
" Alright. "
I leaned on the tea table, with my chin in my palms, elbows resting on the table, and a pout on my face.
" Bubba, can you please let me know? Pwease, pwease. "
He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.
" I'd love to cuddle with you but I have a crucial work in hand. "
I blushed but turned weighty after his words. He never has work for me to take care of. Has he also turned against me? Cease what thought did I just have? It couldn't be it. I pushed it away. No no no. He has not. Let's hear him up.
The maid entered with large glasses of cold coffee and a file.
" What's up with it? Mafia business or personal one?"
" Sweetie, I've to reveal the truth and I can help you get to your love. "
What did he just say? I didn't take notice of the wrong words, did I? I heard a chuckle.
" Your expression is priceless. I know how much of a crush you have on Ezra. Keeping it apart. I heard Lucas tell you something about our mothers, did he? "
" Yes, he did. Isn't our mother the same? Why do you act like mine was some other lady? "
" She was. "
What the fuck!
" Listen to me dear. Dad had a wife before he was married to our mom. She had a crisis with her pregnancy, the reason why Dad had a second marriage and Lucas and I came into the world. Five years later, you were born from the First Lady he married, your mom. Dad always cursed her and almost had her sent to the streets. I don't know where she is right now but she might be alive."
He took a long pause before proceeding with the talk. I wasn't in a clear state of mind, wasn't my mom killed? Is she still alive? I can meet her then. I'll take her away with me to live peacefully and...
" I remember your mom being very kind and gentle with both of us. Our moms weren't on bad terms with each other, they were very good friends. Once an assassin sent by our dad reported of your mom being spotted with Ezra's dad. The same night there was an attack on our mansion and our members were brutally killed. It was all Dad's masquerade. He had a strategy to kill Mr Elijah and take over the supreme power. This was all when you were just a year old. "
" Is Dad still looking for vengeance even now?"
" Yes, he's. Moreover, after the bloodshed, we all were shifted to a mansion far away, I do not remember the location though. Dad went crazy and was about to shoot your mom, thinking she was the only reason. She somehow managed to run away, I don't know how but I see you have the same genes as her, of a great assassin. "
He smiled weakly. It took me a lot of effort to pay close attention to his conversation. Somehow I managed to return the smile.
" Thank you, Brother. "
" Furthermore, when you turned five, Dad managed to abduct Miss Elijah and it turned into another bloodbath. The son of Elijah, Ezra invaded our territory and slaughtered Mom, the night we had kids - Mom's dinner, in front of us. Just luck, Dad and Grandpa were away for some business. "
A deep breath was taken in by both of us. That day Dad locked me up in the panic room for merely dropping a glass of water. I stayed in the room for the entire day and finally by the evening when he left, Mom came to pick me up. She had planned a dinner with all our favorite food. The dinner we all looked forward to. My mom helped me dress up. The only time I wasn't in the panic room was when Dad and Old Blade were away. She gave me a nice long bubble bath, made me wear a cute dress, and made my hair, The perfume with the fragrance of different flowers was sprayed all over me. The day in my life is never shirked. This brought tears to my eyes and my brother was quick to get up and wipe them off. Sitting next to me he laid my head on his shoulder and continued.
" I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything to protect you back then. I was weak and spooked by my father, trust me Lucas felt the same back then. It beats me to know what changed him so much. Probably the covetousness to power and money. But I promise nothing as terrible as that would happen to you again. I'm gonna make sure you run away from this hell. You deserve more my baby. I'm sorry, I - I..."
" Don't cry, big bro. You are the only one I'm left with and probably my mom whom I can just hope to be alive and in good health. "
" She'll be. I'm sure of it. She has a strong daughter and is the most vigorous of all the women. She has to be alive and good. "
" Thanks, brother. So was it your mom who we stayed with and who protected me and... Who loved me and..."
" Yes, it was our mom. Not that she's not yours but yes a lovely stepmother. Let's cheer up, sis. I've to make it up to you, right? Me being away for two years, how was your life here? Sure not any better than hell. The days after that dinner have never been good though. I wonder what Grandpa did to settle on with the Elijah's. "
He rolled his eyes which were a bit red and I giggled in response.
Yes, life without him and Lucas turning into a complete monster after Mom's death was hell.
" You know I spent almost all of it either with your Old man or in the panic room. "
" Oh. I shouldn't have asked it. Anyway, I'm sure you enjoyed gazing at your crush too. "
God, how many times is he gonna make me blush?
" No. I didn't. Just Shut the fuck up. "
He laughed and then smirked.
" Get that smirk off your face!"
" Oh! I can't I'm just reminded of something. Wait let me get it for you."
He got up and searched through the drawers of his closet and came out with an album. Sitting next to me, he started to search for a photo.
" You remember, when you were five and once heard Lucas say Bitch to a girl in the school?"
" Oh! Don't remind me of that! "
This is very awkward!
" Yup! We came back home. When mom asked you to get your assignment done you yelled at her and said ' Shut up B* '. "
" Oh. Please get that topic off!"
I covered my face and just shook it.
" Awww. Mom instantly took you across her knee and spanked you. Although it was pretty easygoing, you cried a lot. Oh, and she also made you stand in the corner with your bottoms down. Here's the picture I took!"
He exclaimed as he found the picture of me standing in the corner. My bottom was pinkish and I was sniffling.
" Hey, but it wasn't my fault I didn't know the meaning of bitch. I just heard Lucas say it once."
" Yes, but mom was so against cussing. You still do it though."
" As if you don't. "
I rolled my eyes. I picked up my coffee which was no longer a cold one.
Sipping onto it we looked for more photos of our childhood, Mom.
" There are no pics of my mom?"
" Sorry, honey. Dad burnt all her things the day she ran away. But I'll look for it, might find one. "
" Okay, thanks. "
" Now then. This is done. Let's get back to business. "
He said closing the album and turning all serious.
" I need you to no longer work for Dad and Lucas. I want you to live your life and be free for which you are to run away and settle down in a small town, I know. No one could ever think of you being there. You then can search for mom. I'll help you with the finances but judging by your skills, you might get a job with good pay. Yet I'm gonna keep helping you with it. "
" You want me to run away? Like a weakling? No. I'm not. If you wanna help me. Help me take revenge against your shitty brother and Dad."
" That's my, Irina. Glad you are the same. When I saw you in the panic room, I thought you'd lost all your hope after that shit my brother told you about our moms. "
The door of the room was banged. It was rough and infuriated.
" Who the hell is this? WANNA BREAK THE DOOR OF! STOP IM COMING. "
He nudged me and gave me a small bag loaded with knives, a gun, bullets, and other requirements. I took it as a hint and got out of the room via the balcony.

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