The Trip Gone Wrong

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Sorry for the late update.
Thanks for all the views, votes, and support.
(The dialogues in italics are spoken out of bitterness, rage, and loathing. )

The morning is truly amazing, and with the spa added it's awesome. My girl is still on the swing, giggling. A few moments later, two women enter with the necessary stuff for our massage. Chocolate quickly jumped off the swing and ran to me. She hugged me tightly and looked disappointed. I chuckled. She didn't like it if any other lady interpreted our time. I took hold of her chin, slightly tilting it.
" Chocolate, they are here for our chirapsia and spa. There's no need to..."
" Is she gonna give you a massage too?"
" Yes?"
Her countenance was saddened.
Oh! I get it. She's jealous. A blush spreads across her cheeks as she realizes it. I laugh and ask one of the ladies to leave and send a guy.
" That's so sweet of you, Baby. "
" Menie. "
" Me?"
" Yup, you. "
She took off her night and laid down on her massage bed and I followed the same. Both of them started with their work. A moan left my baby's lips and I instantly turned to see her. She's so gorgeous for God's sake. I haven't touched her princess parts yet but every time I see her, it just turns me on. Oh! My Love. Oh! God.
An hour or so later she was lying there lifeless, enjoying the calmness in the environment and the cool breeze with closed eyes. I just lay there staring at her.
Suddenly she got up straight only to realise she just had a towel on her. Covering herself with a red face she asked to be excused.
" What do you want, Chocolate? I'll ask someone to get it. I just wanna enjoy the view. Sit and sleep. "
" No, Daddy. I wanna go do something... Uma..."
" What, baby? Be clear. "
" It's just some girly matter. "
" Oh, is my little girl on her big girl days?"
She nodded sheepishly and got moving.
I followed her and got a quick warm shower. Changing into comfy clothes, I saw my Chocolate coming out wearing one of my hoodies and her pink shorts.
" Chocolate, everything alright?"
" Yes, Daddy. Can we watch a movie?"
" Sure, baby. "
We were halfway through the movie when my girl excused herself.
" Daddy, I gotta pee. "
" Yes, Baby. "
It's more than fifteen minutes now. What is she exactly doing? Well, I can wait a bit longer. Let's see.

Urgh, it's thirty minutes now. I just wanna have a nice view. Where did my Chocolate go?
I got up to check on her. I guess she's in pain or is just trying to have some chocolates to get rid of the swinging hormonal feelings.
As I got up and covered a bit of space, I heard a few thuds and bangs. Oh! GOD! This is my Secret Private property, no one other than my family is aware of this location. Is my chocolate safe there? I rushed into the bathroom on the right of our kitchen and got underway to look for her. She wasn't here. Next, I got into our room. The bedroom had blood stains, BLOOD STAINS! The moment I moved into the bathroom, I saw a DEAD Bodyguard. He had his neck sliced with a sharp knife, I turned around to see another guard who was passed out. I quickly got to my closet and picked up my gun and bullets, a bulletproof jacket, and called Hunter.
" Boss, you know I can't..."
" Shut it! My guards are killed here and Violet is missing. I need backup RIGHT NOW!"
" What? Yes, I'll send you a backup. Be safe. "
I hang up. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Who the hell did this? I'll make him pay for his dear life. Bitch! He took my Chocolate, my girl, my baby!

I rush to the basement of the house after wearing a bulletproof jacket which was kept in my secret closet for such situations. I met up with my guards, there were around twenty of them and they filled me up on the situation.
" Boss, it's the Blades. They hacked our system and looked for the info of your hotel room. One of them was caught spying on Miss and is already dead..."
" Keep that Bullshit to you. How many of them are out there?"
" Around thirty, Boss. "
" How many do we have? "
" We had twenty-four along with us sir but four of them are dead. "
I wanna kill someone right now! This is getting pathetic. Cease but, I have backup coming for me.
" Are all of the thirty men out surrounding the house? Did anyone of you see Miss with them?"
None of them speak. This turns me more furious, I bang the desk!
" Fucking, Bitches, I'm gonna skin those Blades alive and dip them in salty water. "
A guard came rushing into the basement,
" Boss, Boss... The Blades, they, they wanna talk, Lu-Lucas is, he's here. "
I dashed but one of my guards named Leon caught my hand, he's a good friend of mine but I'm too annoyed to deal with any instructions or advice now!
" Boss, you need cover. "
" Yes, stay back. Formation number seven is in force. "
" Yes, Boss. "
All of them replied.
I rushed out and stood at the entrance of the house.
There was a dark blue Buggati, standing right in front of me. All the Blade guards surround the house. The only question I have is Where the hell is My Girl?
The car door clicked open and Lucas Blade came out.
" How grateful I am to meet the King so informally. I'm sorry I didn't give any prior notice My Boss. "
He said with a smirk.
" I'm delighted to meet you, my man. I would appreciate a letter or at least a text next time dear. "
" Oh! My mistake. I'll surely keep that in mind, Boss. "
" So, what's all this mess about?"
" Haha, mess. This is not a mess Boss. This is just a return gift for my Birthday which you didn't show up for. "
" Return Gift. Oh! For the great gift which I sent you, ha?"
" Your Gift? I didn't receive any."
I guess he wasn't at home back then when I sent it.
" Oh! Guess you were out. It was a huge crate containing all the men you sent to spy on me. Is it a great gift? My dear, trustworthy pal."
His countenance changed and his complexion faded. I sneered, ha! He thought this was a surprise for me. Yes, it is but his betrayal is not.
" Guess, you know me. Then I'll be free-spoken and get to the business. "
" Hmm. I was wondering if you are smart enough as your Dad. Turns out you are better. "
" I'm pretty sure, you'll think highly of now that - humm, I've your lassie on a trip to my novices where they might enjoy playing with her. Pretty sure she's tied up with ropes by now and maybe has lost her virginity..."
I stride towards him and grab him by his throat. His men point their rifles at me. Who do you try to unnerve? The King, Mafia king, and No one in the Fucking Hell touches my Girl. I sense the thick environment, no matter how armed the Balde guards are, they are indirectly under my dominion. They are sweating. Terrified of my torment, and dreading if their half-boss would kill them. Candidly they would choose to die rather than my torment. Though raising their rifles none of them dare shoot. I can feel a few of them even shivering, Good!
" Fucking son of Bitch. If you lay a finger on her I'll torture you to death, skin all of ya, ok? You are alive, I'm gonna castor you. Now be honest and tell me where she is. "
I spit on him. He turns his face. I grab his face as tight as I can and spit again all while I take a knife out from my back pocket.
I see a light flash from the bushes on the other side of the river. Incredible, I take my knife out and place it on his neck, swiftly twisting his huge ass trunk down on his knees, pulling his gun out of his pocket.
As I gave the ruling out, bullets were being fired from the copse and bushes. All the Blades fall to their knees, chill -They are not dead. Just shoot on the thigh or calves. I'm not that cruel to kill them the instant, I need them to pay. When all of them are down, my men come out of their obscuring. I now look down on my caught prey, he looks at me with trepidation clear in his eyes and sweating face. I smile at him and spit again in the center of his face.
" Oh, looks like the tiger turned out to be a vulnerable cat. "
My guards burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.
" So, guys what should we do with this little boy here, hmm? Is anyone interested in dominating him, ha?"
" Boss is love too. "
Leon spoke up with a dirty smirk on his face.
" Sure, Bro. Get a collar and a leather band to walk him around. "
Everyone was laughing. And this poor fellow was surely regretting his actions. I adjusted the band on his neck. It wasn't a collar but just a leather band.
" Hey Boy, get on all fours, crawl to look at your master. Be a good little guy. "
Leon flushed a bright but dirty smile and poked fun at him too.
" Yes, my dear boy. We can play all day long if you want. Just me and you. Come on, crawl to m,e boy. I'll grab a stick. Let's have fun. I'll reward you if you win, alright?"
All of my men laughed their asses off. This little guy didn't follow the orders yet. I grabbed his neck by the collar and raised him a bit higher.
" Hey, bitch. Weren't you attentive? Bad boy. Leon, you must punish him. "
" For sure, Boss. "
He took out his belt. This is truly getting interesting.
" Wait, Leon. "
" Yes, sir. "
I grabbed Lucas and reached out to his face. My nostrils flared as I enquired.
" Where the hell did you send my Girl?"
He didn't reply. I gestured to Leon to go ahead and he walked to us with his belt in hand. Oh! Lucas looks spooked, I like it. I gagged his mouth with my shoe.
He grabbed him and cuffed his hands behind him. He raised his belt high and slammed down on his back. The second it hit his back, he yelled as if he was drained of his life. Leon raised his belt again. Before the felt could touch him, it was shot. Who the hell is cutting in? My Fun should never be bothered. People should know this by now. I looked in the same direction, but there was no moment. I heard some rustling and asked everyone to be alert. I stomped my foot and banged it on Lucas's back to make him fall flat on the ground.
Abruptly a tiny guard of Blade came out. Hmm is it a girl? She seems familiar. My guards pointed at her. I asked them to drop their rifles.
Some of them still had them up, anyway, they won't shoot unless I tell them. She is wearing a face mask and a coffee eye mask, all her uniform black.
She approached Lucas and hunkered down.
" Brother, are you alright?"
Brother!!!??? What the Fuck. His step-sister was dead, wasn't she? So they fibbed about her.
" Hey, you asshole. Get off my Big bro. "
How daring, she called me an Asshole! I tried to grab her throat, and she kicked my hand. Fucking cute.
" You are a fighter too? I thought this was a toy gun sweetie. Girls like you shouldn't play with Big Guys. We can turn precarious."
" Hehe, if you are precarious I'm more than that. "
She raised her gun and pointed at my forehead. Within no seconds the bullet was shot, it wasn't something new for me. It passed just a centimeter away from my ear.
" Hmm, I'm impressed, girl. Would you like to join me?. "
" Another time. Release my brother or the next bullet will cross your forehead. "
She said bitterly.
" Those words don't suit you. Come on. You must be knowing what your fucking bro, did to my girl, don't you?"
" That has nothing to do with me. Release him. Now!"
Her raised gun now pointed at my guards and she shot one on the knees. Immediately, rushed to her and grabbed her arms.
Ohh,h I wanna take a look at his sister now. She was caught up.
" What a fucking coward. You can't handle a girl. You need men to hold me. What a wimp. "
" No, girl. It's just I don't touch anyone else other than who's mine. The only girls I touch are my Mom and my girl. I hate to say but I'm least interested in you. Well,l you can have fun with the others though. "
She brought her legs up and kicked me on my chest and escaped from the grip.
She quickly got up and picked her brother up. There was a sudden firing of bullets and they managed to sprint away. While my guards were dealing with the shit, I followed them into the bushes. She took off his cuffs and gagged.
Lucas stood up straight grabbed the girl's collar and barked.
" You Bitch. How dare you stay and watch all the scenes. I'm gonna push you into the panic room as we return home. You whore, I guess you love him more than me. Did I raise you for this day? Fucking a pain in the ass. I'm gonna ask, Grey to fuck you so hard. Your Mother deserved to die."
He pushed her down and She turned to him dumbfounded. She stood up, took her mask up, and pummeled him...

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