Ch. 1: Dr. Ladimir

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You may call me Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and what you may already know about me is that I am a evil scientist that tried to dominate the world many times in his life. And I would have been able to meet that goal if it were not for that blue hedgehog named Sonic and his gang.

During many years I had created tons of robots and machines of massive destruction in order to own all the world and create "Eggmanland" and to crush that annoying blue hedgehog once and for all, I even tried to use monsters against him, but every time I tried, I ended up losing. He's always getting in my way and ruining all my plans. And well, that's the story that most people knows about me, but there's something that not even Sonic the hedgehog knew about me, something that could gave me what I needed to make my empire in all the world.

A long time ago, I was in my lair, trying to find a new strategy to dominate the world like always, but nothing comes in my mind by that moment. Suddenly, someone knock the door of my lair; I thought that it would be Sonic again, so I prepare to defend myself just in case. I hope into my eggmobile with some weapons; when I opened the door, I was going to attack immediately, but I manage to stop since It wasn't Sonic, it was only a unknown man.

" Greetings Dr. Ivo Robotnik" the strange man said. " allow me to introduce myself, you can call me, Dr. Ladimir, and believe it or not, I also have a taste for world conquering."

"You do?" I asked confused. "

" But of course" Dr. Ladimir replied. "Your my biggest inspiration sir, I had followed all of your cases, and I must say, your a truly a genius Dr. Robotnik."

" Oh, ummm, thanks for your admiration" I said while turning red since it was the first time that I met someone that really admire me for my achievements( that finished in failure). "Well, back to the topic of World Domination, I'll just going to tell you that I don't share my world dominations plans with anyone; so if you came here to make an alliance with me, then thanks, but no thanks, goodbye."

"But for what I know, you still don't have a new plan to take over the world, do you?" Ladimir said.

"No, but I will thought of something" I replied in an annoying state. I just wanted him to leave me alone so that I could get back to work on a new plan. He then spoke again and said:

" And what if I told you that I do have a plan that could help us to conquer this world together?"

The annoying state has immediately gone as soon as I heard those words. I then change my mind and I let him get in my lair so he could show me his plans. But he insisted that my lair was not a good place to discuss the subject and he recommend me to go with him to his lair where no one knows where it was except him. I didn't want to wait to get to his lair and study his plans for world conquering; yet, he may have a good point. His lair would be a nice place to work together and see what has in his mind.

I actually didn't plan to join him forever; I was only thinking of using him so he could grant me the information about his plan so that I could seize it and do the world conquering by myself. I agreed to go with him to his lair; I then mount my eggmobile and took with me some things I would need to betray him and seize the information of his plans.

We arrived at his lair that was in a middle of the forest; I thought to myself " huh, nice place to hide from everyone I supposed". When we were prepared to discuss the plans, I discovered that this was something related to 7 powerful emeralds that are known as the 7 chaos emeralds. I'm also known for trying to steal this emeralds and use their power to take over the world (as always). For what I learned about the emeralds is that there's an 8th emerald somewhere in the world. And It wasn't talking about the Master emerald that Knuckles the Echidna ( one of the friends of Sonic) kept under his guard during his whole life; this emerald contains a dangerous, but amazing power that only all the 7 chaos emeralds united could track. From that moment he didn't exactly know what kind of power was holding that emerald, but he knew that it could be our key to take over the world and been recognized as their governors.

Knowing all this, I took a chance to seize the drawings he made about the emeralds, got in my eggmobile and I managed to fly over him and I trapped him in a unbreakable glass. I took the chance to laugh at him after this.

" What's the meaning of this?" Ladimir asked desperately.

Then I started to laugh like a maniac." KUAJAJAJA, AHJAJAJAJAJA!, you fool, you didn't really think that I would be joining you in MY plan for world domination, right?"


Suddenly, a strong knock on the door interrupts Ladimir.

"We are soldiers of G.U.N. We know what you are planning Dr. Ladimir, you better get out of your lair with your hands on your head."

Didn't you just said that no one knew the location of your lair!?

Ladimir didn't understand either how G.U.N. managed to track him straight to his lair, so he didn't know what to say. Suddenly, one of the soldiers of G.U.N. fires a laser weapon that somehow entered to the lair and it went straight to the drawings that would helped me in my plan for world domination, disintegrating it completely.

" No, i- it can't be" I said very frustrated. "The drawings of the emeralds are gone."

G.U.N. then was trying to open the door by force, but eggman took off the crystal where he trapped Ladimir( since he took it out of his eggmobile) and managed to escape before G.U.N. entered the lair. I didn't see anything else inside that lair when I escaped; I was only feeling disappointed for losing the drawings of the emeralds. As for Ladimir, I could only thought that G.U.N. arrested him; they could probably sent him to execution, just like they did to my grandfather, Dr. Gerald Robotnik. Well, or at least that's what I thought.

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