Ch. 4: Archenemies united

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Station square was almost destroyed due to Dr. Ladimir's attack. The people were trying to recover from this, both physically and mentally; there were people under big debris; there are others that were saved from this, but they still were injured by the fire of some buildings. They were passing a hard time right now, and it won't be so easy to recover from all this.

Sonic and his friends were still at Station square, and they were having a hard time too. They noticed some of the powers of Dr. Ladimir's weapon, and that was something that they had never seen in their lifes. Sonic was afraid that the people of Earth were in danger once again, but he needs to know more about Dr. Ladimir.

" Things are getting a little complicated right now" Sonic guessed.

"If you haven't notice Sonic, things are already complicated dude" Silver just said.

"I know, but I am talking about Dr. Ladimir and that giant robot"

"Why's that crazy guy a bigger problem to you than all this devastation?" Shadow asked.

"Shadow, you had saw what all of us just saw, that guy's robot isn't the only thing that he has in his power" Sonic replied.

"Sonic is right" Tails said while nodding. "He also has all the Chaos emeralds within the robot; the city's early attack is a big problem right now, but with those emeralds in his , who knows what else he's planning to do with them".

"Tails is right" Rouge said. "Station square can't be his only objective, he could have other plans with those emeralds, and who knows, it could be catastrophic".

"Oh no, not another worldwide problem again" Cream said with fear.

"So what are you planning to do right now Sonic?" Knuckles asked.

"I think I know who can help me with this, but maybe is not a good idea" Sonic replied. "For now, I need you to go and help the citizens with whatever you can do, I'll go and find some answers".

Everyone agreed with Sonic; they went to help the people of Station square while Sonic went to do a difficult task. He went to the jail where Dr. Eggman is right now; Sonic thought that if anyone would know something about Dr. Ladimir and his giant robot, that would be him. Sonic was doubting if he would talk to him after he's last defeat, but he had no other choice but to give it a try.

Sonic just arrived, and he asked to let him see Eggman for a moment. He was allowed to enter, but just for some minutes. Eggman was held in a lonely cage, away from the other cages. That cage was only reserved for very dangerous villans, like Dr. Eggman himself. Sonic arrived to the cage, and once Dr. Eggman saw him, he gave him a bad look.

" Sonic" Eggman said. "I presume your here to laugh at my face now that you see me in this state, right?"

"Well, that won't be a bad idea" Sonic said mockingly. "But right now, there's something more important than that."

"Oh, your here to see if I know something about that devastating and wonderful robot, right?

Yep, you guessed right"

"Give me one reason of why I should tell you anything about it?"

Because if you really know anything about it and you don't share it now, maybe we could be all dead by tomorrow, including you". Sonic replied.

This convinced Eggman, but he doubt if he could help at anything.

"Ahhh, even if I would like to help you, there's nothing I can do; I can only tell you that it was made to make destructions, just like you and everyone saw earlier. I know nothing of who or what is controlling that thing,"

"Well, fortunately I do know" Sonic replied. "It is a strange man called Dr. Ladimir."

As soon as Eggman heard that name, he started to remember.

"Did you just said, Dr. Ladimir" Eggman asked while reacting.

"You guessed right again"

"So he's not dead after all"

"What do you mean Eggman?" Sonic asked.

"I know who is that man, I met him a long time ago, and he was very smart to be honest. He once showed me a plan that he alone made to conquer the world, and it was something that had to do with the Chaos emeralds."

"Now that you said that, he has them Eggman, all the Chaos emeralds are with him."

" What!? Eggman said amazed. "Then he's looking to seize it"

"To seize what?" Sonic asked confused.

"He once told me of an existence of another emerald that only the 7 Chaos emeralds united could track."

"Isn't that the Master emerald perhaps?"

"No; he didn't knew what this emerald could do when he told me about it, but whatever it does, it could be use to own the world."

"So I was right, the Earth is in danger once again" Sonic said. "Eggman, we both know that if nothing is done--"

"I know Sonic" Eggman said while interrupting Sonic. "Now then, I could have a idea of where Ladimir is going right now while following the emeralds track; you know something about the history of the chaos emeralds, right?"

" Well, I do know is that the chaos emeralds are mastered by th-- THE MASTER EMERALD!"

"Now you guesses right Sonic; and knowing that the master emerald can track the chaos emeralds, maybe it could also track this emerald that Ladimir is looking already.

"Then we need to find Knuckles, head for the master emerald and see if it can locate that emerald. Then we have to get there and find it before Ladimir those."

"Very well then" Eggman agreed. "But first I need you to get me out of this cage"

"Oh no, this cage only opens with the keys, and I don't have much time left for my visit".

"Then I suggest you to make a move on and grab the keys that is in that guard's belt; but do it quietly 'cause he's asleep".

But Sonic grabbed the keys with a quick dash without making any noise. He then opened Eggman's cage and got him out.

"Very good, but how we get out of here without been noticed?" Sonic asked.

"Good question" Eggman replied. "While I was in the cage, I saw a minor error in it. There's a path that leads in the sewers; from there we can find a way out without been noticed."

"Ewww, the sewers? Isn't there another way besides that place"

"No, that's the only way; so stop crying like a baby and let's get going before any cop arrives".

"Err, okay, okay, let's go" Sonic said with a gloomy face.

They entered the sewers and start to find a way out of the Jail. They had to hurry up and get to station square before the cops finds out that Eggman escaped with Sonic, which will make them think that Sonic allied with him. And he did do that, but to save the Earth from the menace of Dr. Ladimir.

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