Ch. 5: The Egg Emperor Reborn

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The cops will soon discover that Eggman and I got out of jail, and that could make them think that I have allied with Eggman. I know that this could be a insanity, but the world is in grave danger right now, and I need Eggman to resolve this situation. I really don't like to work with Eggman, but I have no choice.

We were lurking in the sewers, looking for an exit that would take us to Station square, then we have to find Knuckles so that he can take us to the Master Emerald in order to track down the unknown emerald that Dr. Ladimir is searching right now.
I didn't liked the idea of using the sewers to escape, but it was the only way to get out of jail without been noticed. Suddenly, we heard an alarm, and that means that the cops discovered our escape; they will be all over Station square looking for us, and probably get me inside a cage with Eggman.

"You heard that?" I said very scared.

"Yes, they probably are going to look for us at every corner of Station square, we must hurry up" he replied.

"Hey Eggman, knowing that we are going to fight this new enemy together, I was wondering, How you're going to defend yourself if anything attack us? Don't you need some equipment or something?"

"Oh, I didn't thought about that; all my equipment are in my lair, including my Eggmobile."

"Then we'll first go to that place so that you can get anything you need, after we find Knuckles of course."

We managed to find an exit; we weren't in Station square, but we were very close. We then entered the city and started looking for Knuckles while avoiding the cops. We notices that they were almost everywhere, so we had to do anything possible to not get caught. We were moving and hiding almost at the same time, behind walls, cars and shamefully got into trash can, and right after walking through a stinky sewer.

On the way we managed to see Tails, Amy, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, Blaze and cream, but no signs of Knuckles. We keep searching with caution, and we finally found him helping hungry people. I caught his attention whistling, and he came to me.

"Hey Sonic" Knuckles said while greeting. "Have you found what you were looking for?"

" Err, yes, yes I do"

By that moment, Knuckles saw Eggman and got a little angry. Knuckles always react like this every time he sees Eggman and he's only thinking of punching his face. I don't blame him, Eggman had gave Knuckles some headaches too.

"S-Sonic", Knuckles said with a angry face. "What's this guy doing here!? He's suppose to be in jail!"

"Shhhh, be quiet Knuckles, your going to get the cops attention."

"Well, that's obviously a good idea, that's where he belongs"

"I'm starting to doubt that this idiot would be useful for us" Eggman said.

"Did you just call me idiot? THAT'S IT! YOUR DEAD!"

Knuckles tried to attack Eggman, but I'd stopped him before he could even touch him. He really gets angry very easily, not to mention that he's having a gloomy face all the time.

"Knuckles, please calm down," I said while stopping him. He then decides to hear me and he calmed down.

"Sonic, would you explain why he's here, with you?

"I took him out of prison"

"Wait, you did what?"

"I know, is crazy, but I had no other choice"

"What do you mean with that?", Knuckles asked with confusion.

" It's simple Echidna, I have met the guy that attacked the city a long time ago, and I'm the only one who knows everything about his plans for world domination, or destruction to be correct"

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