Ch. 6: The second attack

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Station square is still passing through hard moments, but it recovered a little. Tails and his friends managed to help many persons, taking them out of the big debris, giving them food and doing body treatments. The buildings were all destroyed, so there was no place for the citizens to stay. Still, there were enough shelters for all survivors, and with a lot of space. Parents had they're childrens all time, the weren't separated from them in any moment.

Tails's job was to watch over the city and alert their citizens if any danger is near. He flew on a tall building ( a building that is still intact) to have a better view, watching in and outside the city.

"Tails! Is there any danger!?" Cream asked loud.

"Nope, all's clear!" Tails replied. Cream then got back to inform the others.

"Tails said that we're still out of danger".

"Well, let's hope that this keeps going" Rouge said with a worried face. "Did you notice that nobody saw Sonic and Knuckles in a while?"

"Yes" Shadow replied. "It looks like they are missing or something"

"They are wanted" an officer said while walking at them.

"Wanted? What are you talking about?" Amy asked with a gloomy face.

"Sonic the hedgehog went to the city's jail in order to meet up with Eggman" the officer replied.

"EGGMAN!?" The others said with an amazed face.

"Yes. We don't know what they talked about; we only know that they eventually escaped somehow, and that's the reason of why all the cops are searching all over Station square, we're searching for them."

"No, it can't be, not my Sonic! Amy said very worried.

"There's got to be some mistake" Silver said.

"Mistake or not, it's our duty to find them and bring them to justice" the officer said while leaving the others.

Everyone was looking at each other, they couldn't believe that Sonic could do something like that.

"NO,NO,NO,NO" Amy said. "I can't believe that, Sonic will not do something like that."

"Amy, calm down" Rouge said while putting her hands at Amy's shoulders.
" If Sonic really did that, he may have a good reason.

"Rouge is right" Blaze said. "We all know that Sonic and Eggman were forced to team up in some occasions.

" Yes, and maybe Knuckles is with them too since he's nowhere either" Silver said.

"But there's something I don't understand; what Eggman can do to help us in this fight?" Shadow asked curiously.

Before anyone could say anything else, Tails appeared in a big rush. He felt in front of the others and quickly got up.

" Hey guys, I have bad news!" Tails said while catching his breath.

"Calm down Tails" Amy said, " What is it?"

"I saw a bunch of robots near the city, and they are coming this way right now!" Tails replied.

"what!?, unbelievable!" Shadow said.

"Oh no, not another attack" Cream said with fear.

"Shadow, you are in charge, what are we going to do?" Rouge asked while putting her hand on Cream's head.

Shadow was trying to make a plan as fast as he could; the others were waiting, but very impatient. Shadow then managed to make a plan and he said:

"Tails, Amy, Cream, I need you to go back to the survivors and alert them about this new menace. Silver, Blaze, I need you to help me fight them back; do anything you need to do. As for you Rouge, I need some eyes in the sky."

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