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"That's a wrap!" The producer shouted from the other side of the glass divider. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton looked around at each other in disbelief; their second album was finally finished. Overwhelmed with emotions, the four boys stepped away from their instruments and ran to each other forming a group hug. After being in a band with each other for 4 years, the boys seemed to forget what personal space meant. Their band, 5 Seconds of Summer, spent three months in Los Angeles working on their album. After long days and nights of writing and recording, it felt great knowing it was finally finished and would soon be getting in the hand of their anxious fans who have been waiting nearly 2 years.

"Are you guys getting all girl on us," Alex Gaskarth, the band's friend and mentor, said as he stood in the doorway of the small studio.

"What the fuck is up Alex!" Michael said, being the first to break from the group hug to give his friend Alex a bro hug.

"Feldy told me you guys were finishing the album today I wanted to be here when you finished but I seem to be too late," Alex said as he sat down on Ashton's unoccupied drum stool.

"How are you dude? How's the tour going?" Michael excitingly asked.

"It's going good man, just happy to have a few days off finally," Alex said.

"Where are the other guys? Tired of being crowded in a tour bus with them?" Luke asked as he took a seat on the couch.

"Yeah a little actually," Alex smirked. "They're out getting ready for the big party tonight! Are you guys coming?"

"What party?" Luke asked.

"Ah shit, we forgot to tell him," Ashton said.

"Asshole," Luke laughed.

"We just didn't want you to come Luke," Calum said playfully.

"You're invited Luke," Alex laughed reassuring Luke. "We have this annual party. A few of us bands rent out a hot night club for a night and we have a little competition," Alex smiled.

"What kind of competition?" Luke asked as he scanned the faces of his smiling bandmates.

"It's called a Dogfight," Michael smiled wildly at the idea.

"You want in?" Alex asked.

"Aren't Dogfights illegal? Isn't that animal cruelty or whatever?" Luke asked and the room filled with laughter.

"No you idiot," Michael laughed. "Dogfights are parties where where all the guys battle it out to see who can bring the ugliest date."

"Why haven't we been invited to one of these before? We have known you for a few years now," Luke asked, offended.

"You guys were too young and immature, but I think you are ready to party with us big boys now," Alex said pinching Calum's cheek.

"What's so hard and 'mature' about finding an ugly date?" Ashton asked.

"You can't ask your mum Ash," Calum laughed. And Ashton responded with a middle finger in the air.

"There are rules to the Dogfight believe it or not," Alex started. "One. Don't bring anyone that is special needs. That's just fucked up-"

"Awh, I guess I can't take you anymore Ash." Michael said.

"Shut the fuck up," Ashton said throwing a drumstick in Michael's direction. "Why is everyone being mean to me?"

"Two. You must treat her respectfully.," Alex continued. "Pretend she's someone you're actually on a date with. Three. You must get your date a drink, the more drinks the better. We want these girls drunk. Four. To be judged, you have to get your date to dance on the dancefloor. One last rule and probably the hardest for you guys, your date cannot be a fan of your band."

"Well what does the winner get?" Luke asked.

"There's a cash prize for the winner," Calum grinned. "And trust me, my girl is disgusting. That cash prize is all mine."

"No dude you haven't even seen mine, she's gross. I'm going to win for sure," Michael challenged.

"Guys, rule number two. Be respectful," Alex said shutting up Calum and Michael.

"Kind of ironic, because we're literally only talking to these girls because they are ugly," Luke snapped.

"See, this is why we didn't tell you dude. You're no fun," Calum said.

"I'm fun!" Luke defended himself. "I'm very fun, you'll be amazed at who I bring tonight. I'm going to win this Dogfight you fucker."

"Do you have the money?" Alex asked.

"How much?" Luke said pulling out his black wallet.

"100 bucks," Alex said extending his hand.

"Really all that for just for a stupid bet?" Luke asked.

"Well the winner gets 5,000 dollars so if you're feeling that cocky I'm sure you'll make it back," Alex winked at Luke, and Luke handed him a crisp hundred dollar bill.

"I'm going to win this Dogfight," Luke said again, not sure of who he was really trying to convince - himself or his friends.

I'm sorry this chapter is soooo short! I just want to get to the other parts already, I have a lot planned for this story! Leave a comment on where you think this is headed! -C

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