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Avery walked home in the night. Every step she felt her tears closer to surfacing. She walked the scary night streets of Los Angeles, her feet aching in her short heels. When Luke came to mind it only made her heart heavier. She knew from the start it was too good to be true. Guys never looked at her the way Luke looked at her, she didn't know why she thought things would change now.

"Hey honey," a voice came from a car behind Avery. Avery quickly turned around and saw Candy and Marcy in a car.

"Hi girls," Avery mumbled.

"Need a ride baby girl?" Candy cautiously asked.

"I'm fine," Avery said as she continued walking.

"Look kid, you're in Los Angeles. It's 10 o'clock at night, we're just looking out for you," Marcy said from the back seat as she rolled down her window.

"How far are you from your house? We can drop you off," Candy kindly smiled.

"I'm a few blocks away, are you sure you don't mind?" Avery asked.

"No, we don't!" Candy smiled, "We came looking for you to make sure you're alright."

"Alright, a ride would be great," Avery said wiping a tear from her cheek and she climbed in the car.

"Avery, you are the bravest girl I have ever met," Candy said breaking the silence.

"Why do you say that?" Avery whispered.

"Because, you stood up to them, that's why! I am so proud of you. I know it must have been hard but you did it!" Candy cheered.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you girls earlier," Marcy said from the backseat. "I should have, but I was too focused on the money I didn't even fucking get."

"I thought Michael paid you?" Avery asked confused.

"He did, but I threw the money back at him before you came out and beat up Luke," Marcy laughed. "It was dirty money, and I saw how they were hurting you girls and I wanted no part of that."

"That's really nice of you," Avery smiled back at Marcy. "This is my place," Avery said and Candy pulled the car over to the curb.

"Alright babe, thanks for letting us drop you off. I can have peace of mind now knowing you're okay," Candy smiled.

"Thanks for checking up on me, and I'm sorry this happened to you two, you guys didn't deserve it," Avery said shutting the door.

"You didn't either kid, don't let anyone treat you like that again. If they do, call me up and I will take care of them," Marcy smiled, showing all of her teeth.

"Marcy, you should have seen her, she can take care of herself," Candy laughed. "Bye Avery!" Candy said driving off.

Avery looked at the front door of her cafe, remembering how only a few hours ago Luke was standing there with a single sunflower, and her stomach full of butterflies excited for her first date. Now, heartbroken and defeated she walked in the cafe stepping over the sugar Luke made her spill, past the guitar he begged her to play and up to her room where she could finally let the tears out that she's been holding in for the past hour. She slowly walked past her dad's room hoping he wouldn't notice she's home already.

"Avery?" her dad asked.

"Hi daddy," Avery softly said.

"How was the party I was expecting you to be home well after midnight," Avery's dad smiled.

"It was fine, ended early. Can I just get to bed? I don't feel well," Avery said walking away. "Wait," Avery said walking back in her dad's room. "How did you know I was at a party? I never told you."

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