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 Luke gave the host a sarcastic bow before leaving the restaurant. Avery laughed to herself, she was starting to like Luke. When Luke was just being himself and not trying to impress anyone, he was funny and Avery liked that. Luke opened the door to the restaurant after he put his black sunglasses on, and he led the way to the car. Avery looked up at Luke and quietly laughed to herself.

"What are you laughing at?" Luke asked.

"I just think you look silly wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night," Avery said holding back another laugh.

"Oh I do?" Luke smirked.

"Just a bit."

"So," Luke said as they approached the car. "I guess I should be getting you home soon?"

"I don't know," Avery shrugged. She was finally having fun with Luke and she didn't want the night to end.

"Do you want to go for a walk? I feel like walking," Luke suddenly said.

"Sure, it's a nice night. That actually sounds like a lot of fun," Avery said shivering at a sudden gust of wind.

"Oh are you cold?" Luke said as he unzipped his jacket.

"Yeah, just a little."

"Here you go," Luke said handing Avery his jacket, proud of his own kind gesture. Avery accepted the jacket and was hesitant to put it on. She feared that it would be too small and it would remind Luke of why he brought her to the Dogfight. She slowly put the sweater on and was relieved that it fit her fine. Luke liked hanging out with Avery, and Avery liked hanging out with Luke. Avery was much smarter than the girls Luke normally hung around. She didn't care about Luke's fame or his band, she just wanted to know him. When they talked it was almost as if the past was just that - the past, and it no longer affected their future.

"You're missing something," Luke said looking at Avery.

"What?" Avery asked smiling.

Luke took off his sunglasses and carefully put them on Avery. "There, you are now almost as cool as I am."

"I don't think so,"Avery laughed as she took off the glasses and handed them back to Luke. "Don't put them back on, you look better with them off."

"Oh Avie, are you hitting on me?" Luke teased.

"Is 'Avie' your next attempt at a nickname?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Well, that's better than A," Avery laughed.

Luke and Avery walked and all the shops on the street were closed. It was almost like Los Angeles was a small little town that belonged only to Luke and Avery. The two walked in silence appreciating the light breeze. The dark starless sky stretched out in front of them and they walked almost without a thought in mind. At the end of the street they saw a small dimly lit park.

"I know what we are going to do," Luke smiled.


"Let's go to the park. I feel like it's been ages since I've been to one," Luke smiled as he started to walk faster. Avery almost had to jog to keep up with Luke's wide steps. As soon as they approached the park Luke ran to the playground like an excited child.

"Avie! Come on! Go down the slide with me!" Luke excitedly shouted.

"I'm alright, I'll watch," Avery smiled as she stood outside of the sandbox.

"Avery. Don't make me go out there and get you," Luke threatened.

"You wouldn't," Avery challenged. And Luke quickly went down the slide and ran over to Avery. Avery saw him running and she quickly ran the opposite way. But Luke was too fast and he caught up to Avery with no effort. To Avery's surprise Luke picked up Avery effortlessly and he started walking back to the playground.

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