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"Oh my gosh," Avery whispered to herself as Luke walked out of the cafe. She got the broom and started to sweep the sugar she dropped all over the floor. "Oh my gosh," she squealed. Unable to focus on the task at hand she quickly ran to her apartment upstairs to share the good news with her dad. "Dad! Dad! Dad!" she yelled as she approached the door.She ran into his room and he was asleep at his desk with a bottle of tequila in his hand and papers scattered all over the table. Ever since Avery could remember, her dad never went a day without drinking. Although he tried his hardest to hide his drinking from his daughter, she knew from a young age he had a problem.

Still excited she pulled her phone out and called her best friend Jocelyn. Avery paced around the hallway not able to stand still.

"Hello," Jocelyn answered.

"Jocelyn guess what?" Avery blurted not able stay calm.

"You met your future husband?" Jocelyn joked.

"Yes. No well, maybe... I have a date tonight!" Avery nearly yelled.

"A date?! With who?" Jocelyn yelled.

"Yes a date! My first date ever!" Avery swooned.

"With who?!" Jocelyn yelled again.

"His name is Luke. He came into the cafe today he's a musician and he has beautiful blue eyes-"

"I think the most surprising thing about this conversation is that you had someone come in the cafe!"

"Oh you be quiet," Avery said as she plunged herself on her bed.

"I'm really excited for you Avery, he sounds perfect for you. What are you going to wear?" Jocelyn asked.

"Oh my goodness, I never even thought about that! What do you think I should wear?" Avery said walking to her closet.

"How about a nice black dress?" Jocelyn recommended.

"A black dress on a date? He will think I'm going to a funeral! Do you have any dating advice?"

"Just be your wonderful, funny, self. And, don't go losing your virginity tonight, save that for the second date," Jocelyn joked.

"Oh be quiet. This is going to only be our first date, too early to be talking about that."

"What is this I hear about a date?" Avery's dad said standing in the doorway wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Jocelyn I'll call you back," Avery said as she hung up the phone.

"What is this I hear about a date?" Avery's dad repeated.

"I met someone today daddy, and he's really nice and he asked me to go out with him tonight," Avery smiled.

"Were you going to ask my permission?" her dad said taking a seat on her bed.

"Dad, I'm turning 18 tomorrow and I haven't even been on my first date yet.It's not like we're doing anything for my birthday anyways," Avery begged.

"You know we can't afford to do anything for your birthday princess. If business doesn't pick up we're going to have to sell the cafe. Money is just really tight right now," Avery's dad said looking down, ashamed.

"I know that dad, just please. Let me have one night to have fun," Avery said giving her dad puppy eyes.

"Is the cafe all cleaned up?"

"Yes, sparkly clean."

"Well, I guess I have no choice but to let you go, do I? Who is this boy, and where is he taking you?"

"His name is Luke, and we're going to go to a movie or something," Avery lied, knowing her dad would never let her go to a party with a stranger.

"What movie theater? I might just have to follow you," her dad joked.

"No dad, I'm 18 I am old enough to go out by myself!"

"Don't use that on me just yet, I have a few more hours of my baby being 17," Avery's dad smiled with tears in his eyes. "Your mom would have loved to be here for your first date," her dad smiled.

"Oh dad, don't cry. You're going to make me cry!"

"I miss her, every day," Avery's dad said looking at Avery's framed photo of her mom that had a permanent home on her nightstand."Well, I'll leave you to get ready now," Avery's dad said kissing her on the head. "You should wear the maroon dress, that one always looks beautiful on you."

" You think everything looks beautiful on me dad. That's my church dress I can't wear that on a date!," Avery laughed.

"Make sure you let that guy know it's your church dress too," Avery's dad said as he left the room.

Avery jumped on her bed and opened her laptop. She scrolled through YouTube to find the perfect makeup tutorial. Avery had only worn makeup once in her life during a choir concert, and she didn't even apply it herself. She played with the blue eyeshadow and pink blush, trying to apply it perfectly. As the video came to an end, Avery compared her makeup to the girl's on her computer screen and sighed at how different they looked. Avery looked down at her phone and noticed it was already going to be 6:00, Luke would be there in only 30 minutes.

Avery went through her closet trying on almost everything, and nothing fit right. After trying on about 10 dresses the last dress that stood in her closet was her maroon dress her dad wanted her to wear. She tried it on and looked in the mirror. The length of the poofy dress went past her knees. She felt like the dress hugged her curvy body in all the wrong places. She looked in the mirror, angry at what was looking back- herself. Although she was excited to go out with Luke, something told her it was too good to be true. Guys never took a second look at Avery, let alone talk to her. She was starting to become content with being single forever, then Luke came along and ruined everything. She took one last look in the mirror, not happy with her outfit choice, and not happy with her makeup, but seeing she had no more time to fix what she was wearing she decided to go with it.

"Can I come in?" Avery's dad said knocking at the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey baby, I just wanted to let you know I'm heading out. I have some stuff to take care of. Here's some money just in case," Avery's dad said handing her a small wad of cash.

"I have my own money dad, it's alright!"

"No I insist, take it."

"Thanks dad," Avery said accepting the money.

"Be careful sweetheart. I'll see you later. You look beautiful by the way," he smiled as he shut the door behind himself.

Avery sat on her bed daydreaming of her date with Luke to come. She knew she was going to have a wonderful time with him. She imagined dancing with him and how much taller he would be. She was nervous, very nervous. Avery knew how awkward she could be. What if he tries to kiss me? Avery thought to herself. She knew she wouldn't know what to do, she's never had her first kiss. Avery's panicking was cut short by the cafe's doorbell. She quickly ran down the stairs and walked into the empty cafe. She saw Luke standing there with the same ripped skinny jeans and an Offsprings band-tee.

"Hi," Avery smiled as she opened the cafe's door.

"Wow," Luke said as he looked down at Avery's dress. "You look, great," He lied.

Avery blushed at the ground, excited to see what her first date had in store for her.

Sorry this chapter is so short and boring. I wanted you guys to get a feeling of how Avery was as a person and all that jazz. Hope you liked it! Leave comments on how you think their date is going to go! Who do you think will win the Dogfight? 


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