Chapter 4

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In the next gen captains gc

Komori is online

Kenma is online

Akaashi is online

Tsum-Tsum is online

Komori: Ok so we got Tsumu out and he's better now!

Kenma: Yep and now we're at his house

Everyone is online

Ennoshita: on thank god!

Terushima: @Tsum-Tsum are you alright?!

Tsum-Tsum: Yep! I promise everything is alright

Ennoshita: Oh thats great!

Yahaba: Thats good Atsumu! 

Shirabu: Well at least your okay

Komori: Well we will be going tomorrow but we are staying the night

Ennoshita: As long as your coaches know

Terushima: Alright well its late and we still have school tomorrow

Futakuchi: Yeah lets all get ready for bed bc im tired

Komori: OOO
Komori: Tomorrow we should give each other nicknames!!

Kenma: Sounds good

Akkashi: Sure

Yahaba: Im good with that

Shirabu: Yeah yeah 

Terushima: lol. i think Komori here is jealous of Atsumu bc they already have a nickname!

Komori: ...

Futakuchi: lol!

Shirabu: He called you out

Komori: shut up 😭😭😭

Yahaba: Lol

Komori: OH would u look at the time! 😅

Komori is offline

Tsum-tsum: lol

Shirabu: 😂😂😂

Yahaba: Damn🤣

Ennoshita: 😂😂

Terushima: lmfao

Futakuchi: lol

Akaashi: 🤣

Kenma: lol

Ennoshita: Okay but seriously let's go to bed

Tsum-tsum: K! Goodnight yall!

Kenma: night

Akaashi: good night guys

Terushima: night!!!

Shirabu: good night 

Yahaba: night

Futakuchi: Goodnight guys

Ennoshita: night guys

Tsum-tsum is offline

Kenma is offline

Akaashi is offline

Futakuchi is offline

Yahaba is offline

Shirabu is offline

Ennoshita is offline

Terushima is offline
*the next day at 4 am*

In the next gens gc

Tsum-tsum is online

Tsum-Tsum: @everyone

Tsum-tsum: Should we just skip school today? Its Friday and since Kenma, Akaashi, and Komori are over they can just go home Sunday 

Tsum-tsum: Yall want to come down to Hugo?

Everyone is online

Ennoshita: I-

Ennoshita: Actually I've always wanted to go so why not🤷♂️

Yahaba: HELL YEAH!

Shirabu: you just don't wanna have to text the others on your team😑

Yahaba: .... okay maybe..

Komori: Lmao

Terushima: Sure!

Futakuchi: I'm down

Ennoshita: We could skip school today and go down there..

Shirabu: Yeah! Let's all pack and send an email to our coaches!

Futakuchi: Sounds good!

Terushima: YES!

Yahaba: why email?

Ennoshita: bc who has time to check there emails?🤨

Yahaba: I-

Yahaba: good point..😅

Tsum- tsum: k! See ya guys soon!

Akaashi: ^

Kenma: ^

Komori: ^

Futakuchi: See yall at the train station!

Ennoshita: let's meet there in 15!

Shirabu: got it

Yahaba: yep

Terushima: kk!

Futakuchi: see you guys!

Everyone is offline

That's all for this one sorry its short! And sorry that this took so long 😭

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