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Everyone was packing and sending the emails to their coaches. They were excited to see everyone and met some new people.


The first person to get to the train station was Shirabu, he waited for around 5 minutes then Yahaba showed up.

"Oh god why did it have to be you to show up first." Yahaba said in a sarcastic tone.

"What now? We said 15 minute's its only been 8?" Shirabu said in a annyoyed voice.

"Are you guys fighting again?" Ennoshita asked shaking his head while walking up to them.

"No.." They both said at the same time.

"Good..Now no more fighting please.. If I find you fighting again then I will lock you two in a room together." He smiled at them.

Both of them nodded a bit scared of Ennoshita at the moment.

"Good. Now do you guys have everything together?" he looked at the both of them.

"Yep." They both said.

"Good! now that everyone is here lets go!" Terushima said as him and Futackuchi walked out of the shadows and into the light.

"Good. Did everyone email their coaches?" Ennoshita asked them walking up to the ticket booth.

They all nodded and payed for their tickets and got on the train.


In the 'Next gen Captains' gc

Ennoshita is online

Ennoshita: @Tsum-tsum we're on the train now!

Tsum-tsum is online

Tsum-tsum: Alr! thanks fer lettin me know! see ya later!

Ennoshita: kk! see you

Ennoshita is offline

Tsum-tsum is offline



All of them sit down and wait for the train to start.

"Okay I know I'm not the only one that wants to know this whole Kyotani deal! so please spill!" Terushima said as the train started moving.

"Okay, okay! Lets get the others on call so I don't have to tell it twice." Yahaba said getting his phone out and calling the gc.

The phone rang twice before Komori's voice shouted in the background.


Atsumu: Komori shut up Kenma's on the phone!

Komori: Sorry Kenma!

Kenma: *Sigh* It's fine. Anyways Yahaba is everything okay?

Yahaba: Yep! Can you get everyone togerther and put the phone on speker phone?

Kenma: Sure?


Kenma: Alright its on speker phone and everyone is here.

Yahaba: Okay I'm explaining this Kyotani thing to everyone, because someone is impatient

Komori: I'm guessing Terushima

Terushima: I-... Yeah..


They all laughed at that.


Akaashi: Okay not gonna lie I'm curious too..

Yahaba: Okay, okay, so when I walked to the gym and then I heard shouting. So I looked through the window and saw Oikawa, Iwazumi, Makki, Mattsun, and Kyotani all talking so I decided just to listen.

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