Drama in Osaka-

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3rd person POV:

When they all got to Osaka Ennoshita explained his plan to the others, they all agreed to the plan and were excited about it.

"Okay now that everyone is in agreement, let go wander around Osaka!" Terushima said, thrilled that they're there.

"And talk shit about our teams!" Yahaba added on.

"Yeah!" Ennoshita said, enthusiastic about it.

They wondered around Osaka for a restaurant to have dinner at "Hey, lets just go to a ramen place," Kenma suggested.

"Yeah I'm down." Atsumu said in a yawn.

"Yeah there's one not far from the hotel we got, right Yahaba?" Shirabu turned to Yahaba.

"Yeah," Yahaba nodded.
They started walking there talking about random things about there teams.

"So you get anything from your team or Kyotani?" Futakuchi asked Yahaba.

"Yeah..but I didn't even open it. I just completely turned off my phone!" Yahaba exclaimed, "I know this might sound childish but it really hurt when he ignored me.."

"Nope! It's not childish at all!! And I think it's great that your giving him a taste of his own medicine!" Teru said happily.

"Yea also don't worry about that drama right this moment focus on other drama and we'll circle back to that tomorrow or another day-" Atsu said, attempting to cheer Yahaba up.

"Tsumu is right! I wanna hear, start, and be in drama!!" Toya said, excitingly.

"Well then let's eat and then get checked into out hotels first and then we'll talk about drama in one of the rooms." Shirabu explained the plan.

"Sounds good to me, I'm a bit tired" Akaashi said, sounding tired.

"Same" Kenma said, looking like how Akaashi sounded.

"Okay then!" Futakuchi said smiling.
"Well then look no further it's the ramen place!" Enno said sounding almost relieved.

After they had eaten they walked to the hotel and checked in, "Okay now everyone go to their rooms and get settled and then we can met back in-... What room?" Akaashi asked everyone.

"Lets met in our room! its the biggest!" Atsu said happily.

Everyone agreed and split off to their rooms.

"Okay, 'm kinda suprised that Samu hasn't texted me." Atsu said looking confused.

"Oh he has!" Toya said having a menacing look on his face, "I just put your phone on do not disturb" Toya chuckled a little.

"Did ya do that fer everyone?" Atsu asked looking at Toya while he's putting his stuff away.

"Okay, fine yes! but only because I wanted to make sure that everyone was paying attention to this trip and didn't feel like they wanted to go back!"

Atsumu sighed and looked at Akaashi and Kenma, they shrugged and then went back to setting their things up.

"It's fine Toya I understand!" Atsu said, with a reassuring Smile.

After about 10 miuntes the others started coming in and sitting down on the beds and floor.

"Okay what drama first?!" Chika asked, suprising everyone, "What? I like good drama as much as Toya!... I'm just not as energetic about it..."

They all laughed and giggled, "Lets start with team drama!! we'll get into crushes later!" Teru said with excitement.

"Okay so first I think Oikawa and Iwazumi are togther!" Yahaba shouted

*Meanwhile: At Aoba Joshi*

"Iwa-Chan? I think we sho- Achoo"

"You better not be getting sick!"

"Mean Iwa-Chan!"

"What?!" Terushima looked surprised.

"I knew it!" Ennoshita said happily, "Kageyama owes me $20!"

Everyone started laughing.

"Makki and Mattsun are definitely dating, and I'm pretty sure that Dachi and Sugawara are dating!" Futakuchi said smiling.

"Oh they definitely are!" Ennoshita said standing up. "I'm sure of it!"

Everyone laughed again, "So what about you guys?" Terushima asked the others.

"Well I heard from Suna- because I was eass dropping, that-"

Everyone chuckled a little, "-hey! That they have a blackmail group! And I think the tall one with glasses started it! Oh your team Enno" Atsu said turning to him.


"Oh he did!" Kenma said smiling, "and I'm in it!"

Everyone looked to him and smiled, "I can only share so much, but if any of you tell them I told you or anyone! I'll kill you!" Kenma said menissingly.

Everyone nodded their heads yes, a bit scared.

"Good now any question before we start?"

"Who's in it?" Komori asked, smiling.

"Me, Tsukishima, Makki, Suna, and Kanoha."

"Wow.. that's cool now get to the good stuff!" Terushima said, with his eyes sparkling.

"Okay, so I heard from Kanoha that Bokuto actually didn't like Hinata at first." Kenma said trying not to laugh.

"Oh shit really?!" Ennoshita said surprised.

"Hinata is a-...how do I put this with out being mean?" Akaashi said looking for the word,
"You have to warm up to him!" Futakuchi said smiling.

"Exactly!" Akaashi said.

"Did you guys know-"

A/n: That's all for this part! And again I'm so sorry that this took so long!!

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