Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

'This can't be happening.' I fell back into an armchair, backing away from the four unwelcome newcomers. The two newest of the bunch slowly parted from each other, rubbing their heads from the impact.

"You okay, Sid?" The new blonde with a mini jersey and red jeans asked the one they were once on top of. Stu was poking their forearm and giggling at me. They chose to ignore him.

"Yeah, you?" The brunette popped an eye open to look at the other.

"Dandy," They rolled their eyes and dropped their hand to their side. "Stu, stop poking me!" They pulled their arm back, furrowing their brows with a glare at him.

"Look over there! They don't know us and they're staying!" He jabbed a finger in my direction.

"Who are you all?!" My voice finally came out at a volume higher than I meant to. "Do you know how this happened? I don't." I lowered my voice. They all blinked and stared at me.

"I don't know how we got here, but I'm Tatum," The blonde in red jeans said her name. "That's Stu," She jabbed her thumb in his direction.

"I'm Sidney," The brunette girl gave a soft smile.

"Billy," He raised his hand and dropped it shortly after. He sat slumped over himself with his chin in his hand.

"Well, I'm (Y/N)...I don't know how this happened. And I'm not all too sure about a solution...or what to do for now." I brought my legs back down from the chair. My eyes darted between the four.

"I guess it will be like one big weird sleepover, right?" I questioned them.

"Sleepover?" Tatum sat up a bit.

"Yeah, you guys have nowhere else to I guess we have to put up with each other for now?"I shrugged my shoulders. "Should we get to know each other first? Try to have a better understanding of the situation?"

"Come sit over here, there are plenty of seats." I gestured to the couch and Armchair. They slowly got to their feet and shuffled to their seats. Billy, Stu, and Sidney sat on the couch. Tatum sat across from me in the armchair.

"I'll start by telling you all some things about here. It's midnight on a Saturday right now. And we are currently inside my late grandparent's home."

My eyes wander the spacious living room for a moment. "It has been a long time since anyone has been in here though, could use some cleaning."

They listened to me intently. Billy leaned over his lap with his elbows on his knees.

"I now own this house. This is my first night. I had bought a DVD from this store and the movie only played for a couple seconds...then we ended up here." I dropped my hands into my lap. "That's all I know about the situation as of now. You guys?"

"A movie? Our lives are a movie?" Stu seemed to perk up from this. "What kind?" He got onto the edge of his seat, his feet thumped on the floor. Billy's eyes once half-lidded widened for a brief second.

"Can I see it?" Billy brought a hand out, waiting for the case or DVD.

"Uh, sure? Do you want both the case and the DVD? I doubt it works now." I got up with a sigh.

"Sure, that works."

Billy's POV

'A movie on our lives?' I glanced at Stu from the corner of my eye. He was excited about this. 'Did he not catch on just yet? It could hold criminating evidence on us.' My heart beated against my rib cage as my mind raced with possibilities.

Their back turned from us, messing with the fairly large TV. A bag rustled on the entrainment center where the TV resided, then they were back. "Here," They gave me the DVD and case.

Scream was written in large letters. A familiar white mask with an extended jaw took residence on the cover. "What the fuck?" I furrowed my brows to mock anger.

"What, Billy?" Sidney slid closer to me, looking over my shoulder.

I kept my brows carefully knit and my eyes glaring at my mask. "This is about our lives and then there is this creep on the cover. Would we have been hunted down? We need to get rid of this, we dodged a bullet somehow ending up here."

I got up, the movie clutched in my hands as I charged for the large window behind us. The forest outside had dense foliage, perfect to dispose of this for now.

I slung the movie. The movie quickly descended down the large drop til it clattered to the ground. I closed the window and came back, taking a deep breath after my "outburst."

I dropped back into my seat, my heart calming down. My eyes darted amongst them all. No one objected to what I had done. The DVD still brought me deep unease. 'What if someone found it?'

(Y/N) sat with their eyes wide and their mouth a gap, stunned. "Well, you has been a long night. How about we figure out living arrangements for now?"

"Alright," We all got onto our feet and followed them.

"It's been a long time since I have been here. So I'm rusty on which room is what." They pulled the first door open in the hall to find a linen closet, and they continued on their merry way after.

"It's alright, Your grandparents must have been well off." Tatum came close behind, looking every each way.

"Yeah, they got a pretty penny from painting. Mostly of each other, but many people adored it still." They shrugged their shoulders and continued to test doors.

"There we are!" They disappeared into a room. "I found a bedroom."

We continued on with this maze of doors and turns until we all had rooms.

Stu and I shared a room that had two beds, and Sidney and Tatum had a similar arrangement. (Y/N) had their own since they now owned this place and hardly knew us.

"Alright, Stu," I closed the door quickly behind me. "We need to dispose of that DVD."

Stu whipped his head over to me. "What? Why?" He twists to look at me from the bed.

"We can talk about that later. We need to get rid of it. Let's go!" I swung the door back open and rushed down the hall. Stu came close behind at my heels as we went through the front door and towards the side of the house.

The bushes scratched against my denim and I could hardly see ahead of me, but this needs to be done.

"Found it!" Stu popped up with the DVD. I snatched it from his hands and snapped the DVD in half.

"Now we just need the case." I crouched down to the dark earth. I clawed at the dirt to make a hole.

Dirt collected under my nails. I pushed the halves into the roots.

"Do we need to find the case?" He rustled the bushes, searching.

"Yes, Stu!" I snapped at him. "We can't get caught." I glared at him.

I started to turn back to my work but a white rectangular thing caught my eye. I moved closer and grabbed it.

The bush gave me little resistance and I had it in my possession. It would be the bane of my existence for sure. I stuck it into the ground and pushed dirt around it.

"We're done, Stu. Let's head back in." I sighed in relief. The heavy weight of this is no longer on my shoulders.

I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes, ignoring Stu trying to talk to me.
1306 Words

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