Chapter 4

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Stu's POV

"Man, you have been watching over them like a hawk for what? Weeks now? Do you think they would be trying still?" I dropped onto my bed.

Billy sat hunched over (Y/N)'s laptop on his bed, searching through. "What if they do?" He continued to click around.

"We would know." I rolled to lay on my stomach with my chin propped on my hand. "You're obsessed. Do you think they would still be searching?"

" Is that, so? Says the guy that has been watching stupid shows with them all the time. We need to be sure, man."

"How sure?" A smirk graced my face at an idea that popped into my head. "They will be at work for the next couple of hours. What if we looked around their room?" Curiosity got the better of me. I wondered what that room looked like.

"Yeah," He perked up, meeting my eyes this time. A smile grew on his face thinking about my suggestion.

"Alright!" I jumped to my feet. "Let's get to moving!" I marched out the door with Billy at my heels.

We quietly snuck through the halls in case Tatum and Sidney were out and about. Boards creaked under my feet once in a while. I would earn a light sting when Billy smacked my forearm when I did. He urged me to be more careful.

My heart beat faster by the second. It felt like going on a rollercoaster. The thrill of this had to be the best part.

Tatum's POV

"Sid," I turned my head to her from my magazine propped against my lap. She sat crisscrossed on her bed flipping through her own magazine.

"Yeah?" She looked up to meet my eyes, letting the magazine rest in her lap.

"This might be crazy of me to say considering how we have boyfriends and all, but have you noticed (Y/N)?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" She slowly smiled, her brows came together. She most have not expected my confession.

"Like they are so nice and cute, you know?" I peered at her, waiting for her reaction.

"I mean yeah, they're pretty cool." She shrugged her shoulders. "But we're with Billy and Stu."

"Ugh, I know. (Y/N) does a lot for us. We need to do something to pay them back." I dropped my head against my pillows. I have been conflicted about this for a while.

I shouldn't think about them this way, but I do. Frustration seeped into my hurt at expressing these feelings. 'Do I even want them?'

"What did you have in mind?" Her voice derailed my train of thought. My eyes snapped to hers. "To help them out."

"Should we get jobs?" I sat up letting the magazine fall next to me. "I mean we have been here for weeks. I don't want to live off of (Y/N) and make them do everything, you know?"

"How would we go about it?" She took the magazine out of her lap. Her head tilted to the side as she maneuvered to lay on her side, facing me.

"Get an entry-level or one that we can train for at work..." I looked away for one moment. She might not care for this part much. "and fluff up our resumes," I added in a lower voice and my eyes darted back to her.

"Okay..." She sat back up. "We need to think of something convincing. We didn't even finish high school." She shrugged her shoulders.

That's where her disbelief came in. I turned to the ceiling and rolled my eyes. "We gotta try. Besides, we do have not many places to go or the money to use. The jobs can help."

I turned to her with a small smirk. "What do you say we try?"

"Alright," She sighed. She gave it her best to look confident. "Let's try our best."

"Yeah!" I crawled off my bed. "Let's get the boys involved. They just watch movies." I went around my bed with her following suit.

"Stu!" I went down the hall and turned the corner towards their room. "Where are you?"

"Billy!" She caught up to walk with me at my side. A door creaked around the corner at the end of the hall and a loud boom, followed the sound.

We rushed our steps to the source and saw (Y/N)'s room. Their door creaked open and the window sat open wide. The curtains lightly blew in the wind.

"What the?" I entered their room, looking around. "Did the door open on its own?" Nothing seemed to be happening from outside when I peeked out the window.

"Is there someone in the house? What should we do?" Sidney didn't dare to step foot into the room.

"Let's find the boys first." I pushed her through the doorway and down the hall.

"We got to be real quiet." I pressed a finger to her lips. Her hands had a tremor to them.

Billy's POV

"Nice going, dumbass," I grumbled pulling him out of a bush he fell into.

"They were coming! It was the first thing I thought of, man!" He trudged off to the front door.

Tatum and Sidney must have been alerted by the sound. We need to act quickly and act naturally.

"Wait, wait, man," I grabbed his forearm and harshly tugged him back. "Let's go through the back door. So we will be coming into the kitchen."

"Oh, right!" He snapped his fingers, smiling ear to ear. He twisted and briskly walked down the hill and around the house.

I had to jog to catch up with him. The crickets chirped in the woods and the lighting bugs flickered amongst the grass.

The leaves crunch under our feet and the kitchen light illuminated a sliver of the ground in the backyard. Stu occasionally stumbled over the root of a tree.

Stu got to the heavy sliding door first and yanked it open as quickly and quietly as he could and came through.

My heart thumped quickly in my chest. My breath felt like it was knocked out of my lungs.

I greedily took in air and shut the sliding door. The adrenaline coursed through my veins from the jump out of that window. The run back into the house was thrilling.

I turned back to Stu. I leaned back into the cool glass door behind me. Stu leaned against the dining table.

"What a rush!" Stu panted. I could see it in his eyes. He felt the thrill of it all too.

"Yeah, that was great," I slowly slid down to the ground. "We should do that again."

Stu pulled out a seat at the table and dropped down into it. "Agreed."

"Boys?" Tatum came into the room with Sidney at her toes. "We think there is an intruder in the house. We need to look around." Her voice was low but above a whisper. She crept to the knife stand and pulled one out.

Sidney did too. "Come on, we need to make sure the house is safe." Sid passed me a knife.

I took the knife into my hand. It certainly has been a while since I handled a knife, especially in this way.

I looked to Stu, and I saw the glint in his eye again.
1227 Words

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