Chapter 7

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Billy's POV

"Stu! Ready to go, man?" I pushed the last DVD into place in the dimly lit horror section. Stu had gone who knows where in the store. "Stu!"

Without Stu, we couldn't have acted on the plan. It would crumble into tiny pieces. I slowly walked down the aisle of short white shelves, looking for him down every aisle until I reached the last one.

I crept quietly closer to the romance section. It had to be the aisle he was in. I could give him a good scare.

Like one of those cliches in a horror movie, where the killer sneaked up on the victim. The victim wouldn't know it but the killer was behind them the whole time waiting for them to notice.

I held my breath as I slowly turned into the section. DVDs rested abandoned on the floor, but no Stu. "Okay, where could you have gone?" I grumbled under my breath, counting that way so I could loop around.

"Boo!" Arms shot under my arms and hoisted me off the ground an inch or two.

"Ugh!" I squirmed trying to get out of his hold. "Let go of me, you fucker!"

"I got you good!" He chuckled, dropping me to my feet.

"Yeah, whatever." I collected the DVDs. "Come on, we need to put this up, get our paycheck, and leave," I grumbled back to him.

He squatted down next to me taking up a couple of DVDs from my arms. "Oh, yeah. I forgot it was payday." He slid the cases into their rightful place with ease.

"Yep, and then we need to go get Tatum and Sid from across the street... You know what happens after that." I whisper at the end of my sentence.

Stu smiled as he knew what we would be doing next. His trademark grin was on full display as we went back to the front desk.

"Here you go, boys." Our manager, Mabel, an elderly woman grinned as she gave us our checks. "Take care now you two."

"We will!" Stu called back behind us as we went out the front doors. We need to move quickly because Sam will be coming by the house soon.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey, guys!" I stepped down from the last step of the stairs as they shut the front door. "Sam will be coming over and he should be here in a few minutes, okay."

They froze in their places, looking up at me. "Oh, that's today?" Sidney spoke up after a moment of silence with a wavering smile.

"Yeah, it is. He came back last night and he wanted to come by today for dinner." I scratch the back of my head. I looked at everyone and each had a face of unease.

"He's not as bad as you think. He's a great guy, you don't need to be nervous to meet him." I sauntered off into the kitchen and returned with water.

"Alright, I'm just going to go hang out in my room." Billy walked off with his hands in his pockets. Stu followed behind him.

"Well, there goes that, I need to clean this place up a bit." My water bottle was placed on a table against the stairs and I got to work.

In almost no time at all, the doorbell rang. "That must be Sam!" I rushed to the door. I swung the door open to see him. His short dark tousled hair made him look like he just rolled out of bed.

"Hey!" I hugged him on sight. He is finally here after so long.

"Like I promised!" He wrapped his arms back around me.

"I was thinking about getting takeout for dinner. What do you think?" I stepped out of the doorway so he could get out of the cold winter night air.

"That sounds good, (Y/N)" He took off his coat and hung it on the hook next to the door.

"Okay, How about you go meet Tatum and Sidney over there and I'll go order some food." I lead him down the short hallway into the living room.

Sidney and Tatum sat so close that they might as well be glued together to read the same magazine.

Billy's POV

Stu and I stationed ourselves at the top of the steps, next to the phone. Their conversations echoed up the steps to our ears. 

Black cloaks donned our bodies with masks set aside. My foot tapped impatiently against the hardwood floor.

"How long are we going to wait?" Stu whispered. He sat leaning against the wall next to the phone.

"One more moment," I could hear (Y/N) erupt with laughter below. It was like music to our ears. My arms crossed tighter and my glare on the floor hardened, knowing their laugh's cause is that Stupid Sam guy.

"Hey, I'm going to go upstairs real quick." Tatum came over to the steps and climbed up.

"I got the sleep meds in their drink and they drank it." She whispered to us and put her thumbs up before leaving.

"Now," I plucked the phone from the receiver and dialed the numbers for the phone downstairs. I put the phone to my ear and the modulator to my mouth, waiting for someone to pick it up.

The phone didn't ring more than three times. "(Y/N), I'll take the phone outside okay?" I heard his voice call and the floorboards creaked and groaned under his feet as he went outside.

"Hello? Who is this?" He opened the conversation up. Crickets chirped in the background on his side.

"What's your favorite scary movie?" The modulator rasped. I signaled for Stu to make the move.

He grabbed the mask, quickly stuffing his head into the mask and stowing the knife in the cloak.

Stu's POV

I journeyed down the dark halls. My heart thumped against my ribcage, one step after the other in quick succession.

This is the part where the victim is put on edge, looking every which way for the threat only for the danger to be right under their nose.

This will be an ending with a punch and victory. I have drawn the window open and climbed a tree, dropping down to the roots.

My hand itched for the knife in my back pocket. He paced along the backyard's patio, distressed.

"Micheal Myers" He mumbled into the phone, biting his lip. I crept slowly behind until I could hear the other side.

"I'm got it all wrong. Micheal didn't show up in the third movie." Billy told him on the other side.

Now for the ending. I launched at him, my arm wrapped around his mouth.

He twisted and squirmed in my hold. The cold metal shined in the cold moonlight. My blade rose up and up over my head.

As quickly as my knife came up, it came down. Blood splattered and spilled from his stomach.

"Ugh!" blood seeped past his lips with his groan of pain. He dropped to the ground and I followed with him. My blade swung down over and over.

"Sam, is the call over?"
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