Chapter 3

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Billy's Pov

Hands encircled my shoulders and shook me vigorously, yanking me from my slumber. "What? What? Will you quit that?" My eyes heavily opened and I saw Stu looking down on me.

He had a big smile. "You remember where we are?" He giggled and moved back so I could get up.

I slowly rose from my warm bed, looking around our room. 'Oh, that's right. We're not in our hometown anymore.' Dirt still lingered under my nails.

The smell of fresh breakfast wafted into the room. "What's that?" I tried my best to rub the grogginess from my eyes.

"Breakfast by our oh-so-lovely landlord," His smile was wider than ever. He is too at ease here.

"Stu, what if they look into the movie more?" My eyes were half-lidded with sleep, and his smile slowly fell.

"What would we do about that, Billy?"  His brows furrowing, and he came down from his straight posture like a welting flower.

"Keep them too busy to? I'm not sure, but we should keep an eye on them." I rose to my feet. "We should get going."

We made our way out the door. "What are these?" I plucked a bright yellow Post-it off of our door.

"(Y/N) went around putting post-its on doors to remember what they are." Stu continued down the hall and I followed close behind.

"Hey, Sid," I spotted Sidney setting the table.

"Hey," She continued on. Tatum came in with swift steps with more dishes.

"We're going shopping after breakfast. We only have the clothes that we came here in so it's much needed." Tatum came around the table and pulled Stu's sleeve. "Come help."

"Ugh," Stu begrudgingly followed her through the kitchen door.

"Sid, before we got transported here." I tapped lightly on the table as I went around to her side. "I was thinking..."

My eyes searched hers as she looked back into mine with deep curiosity. "A while back, we used to be hot and heavy then we're not anymore. What happened?" I took her hands into mine, kissing her knuckles.

(Y/N) came through with a stack of pancakes on a teal oval plate. "Alright, let's have breakfast then get going to the store." Stu and Tatum followed behind with plates of food.

"We can talk about this more later," Sid whispered to me.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Alright, for now, we need some clothes for you all and some stuff for home here and there." I pulled a cart out from the rest.

The wheels rolled along the tiles as we went from aisle to aisle. I sat on my phone between the clothing sections, waiting for the four to pick some clothes.

'How am I going to fix this problem? How would you even research a solution? Hey, Google, why did my DVD spawn four strangers in my living room?' I leaned back into the metal bench with a sigh.

My eyes scanned the sections for them and then back to my hopeless search. The Google page is up and the search bar is open. Many letters deleted over the past few minutes. The little vertical bar annoyingly blinked at me.

'Should I ask Sam for help?' I chewed on my lip. 'He already has to help his grandfather, I don't want to bother him too much.'

"Hey, what are you up to?" Billy sat down with me. His words trailed off at the end. He dropped his clothes in the cart, t-shirts and jeans mostly.

"Oh! You startled me." I jumped and placed a hand over my heart. "Uh, nothing special." I turned off my phone and set it in my lap. "You got the clothes that you wanted?"

"Yep," He turned his head away from me, searching for Stu in the section he just left. "Have you found anything on our situation?" He hardly looked at me in my eyes.

"No, I'm not even all that sure how to search that." I shrugged my shoulders. His gaze hardens looking in the men's section.

"Hey, Sidney and I are done." The two girls came to the cart and gently put their things into it.

"Good, now we just need Stu then we can move on." I turned to them. "Can one of you three get him? I need to check if I got the list right."

"Alright," Billy got up and sped off into the dense clothing racks.

"What else do we need?" Tatum leaned over my shoulder to peer at my phone.

"Not a lot, some food, blankets, and toiletries." I opened my notes app with the list.

Billy's POV

"Hey, Stu!" I whisper-yelled, looking for him. He had let himself venture far into the clothing racks.

"Stu!" I whispered for him again, then I spotted him. His back faces me as he shifts through clothes folded on a table. 

"Hey," He whispered back, looking over his shoulder at me.

"We need to get going. (Y/N) wants to move on and I saw them trying to research this." I quickly and quietly explained to him.

"Research?" He lowered down a little as he whispered.

"Yeah, on how we got here. I don't know what they would have to research to find out, but it could lead to them researching the movie."

We both quickly returned to (Y/N) who sat chatting with Sid and Tatum. Stu put his things in the cart and dropped onto the bench.

"Hey, (Y/N)," A grin rested on his face. "Could we get a movie while here?"

"Um, I don't know. A DVD didn't turn out to be the best idea last time." They said referring to how we now live in their house with them. "Let's get going."

They got up pushing the cart. We followed close behind.

"Here, let me help," I grabbed the white grocery bags from the cart. They opened the trunk of their car for the groceries.

I quickly plucked as many bags from the cart and put them in the trunk. The others followed suit until all of the bags were in.

"Thanks, guys." They pulled the trunk shut.

"I'll take care of the cart." I took hold of the cold handle.

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Billy." They said over their shoulder, walking up to the driver's side.
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