Chapter 6

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Sidney's POV

Time ticked by as I stared at Billy. I tried to find the courage for what I was about to do.

"Hey, Billy," I called to him. We are the only ones awake anymore. (Y/N) slept between Tatum and Stu against the left side of the couch. He looked up from what he was doing.

"Yeah, Sid?" He put down the DVD from the movie we saw last night.

"Can we talk..." I glanced back to (Y/N) fast asleep. "somewhere private?"

"Sure," he shifted off the couch and I followed suit. I lead him into the fully lit kitchen with the morning light.

"I have been thinking." I turned to him. He stood hardly inches away from me. I couldn't bring myself to look in his eyes. "we should break up."

"Sid-" Billy tried to find my eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't think we should be together. I think I fell out of love with you, Billy" I let my eyes meet his for the first time since we went into the kitchen. His eyes had little emotion, his arms crossed over his chest, and he kept his head tilted down. "I'm sorry, Billy" My voice remained soft, hardly above a whisper.

"Okay, how long have you felt like this?" Did I do something?"He whispered back to me.

"No, you didn't...I felt this way for a while." I placed a hand on his shoulder. "It doesn't mean we can't be friends now, right?" I gave small smile to him. He only nodded.

"We should get some rest." His lips sat in a flat line and he turned his back on me and left the room.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in a daze shifting around to try to get up in a seated position. Limbs were wrapped around me from either side, making it almost impossible to move. The sleepover we had took up the whole night.

I rubbed the grogginess from my eyes and looked to either side. Stu took up my right side and Tatum took up the other.

Stu's cheek had been squished by the navy couch cushion. His mouth rested slightly open as he snored. His arm wrapped around my middle tightly.

Tatum had her arm wrapped loosely around my waist, just below his arm. Her head rested on my shoulder as she curled into me. I couldn't see her face past her hair.

I could see Sidney slightly past Stu's head. She rested sitting up on a couch end with her head down.

I gently tried to push Stu's arm off me but it wouldn't budge. I tried to push hard on his shoulder to get loose and it worked. He rolled onto his other side.

Now I just need to move Tatum. Tatum shouldn't be too difficult with her loose grip.  I grabbed her wrist and carefully pulled up as slowly as possible so I didn't wake her.

Her fingers dragged against my side as I lifted her arm slowly up and up until only her fingertips touched me. But she started to adjust herself, pulling me closer to her. Her arm rose to cross over my chest and her hand clasped my shoulder, pulling me in.

My escape ended in my failure. I stared up at the ceiling, fighting back sleep from my heavy eyes, but that battle came to a loss. My eyes slowly shut once more as I watched the ceiling fan spin around in fast circles.

Tatum's POV

My eyes slowly opened to see Stu lying nearby and my head on top of someone's shoulder. I jumped to get off the person to see (Y/N) sleeping away.

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