Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s POV

A cloaked figure stood crouched over a bloody Sam on the ground. I froze in my spot staring at the dark red liquid pooling from him.

My eyes climbed up the figure to see their white mask with splatters of blood. My heart felt like it pumped in my ears. The masked man left his head up to me slowly.

I pushed my body back away and ran. My eyes stayed locked on the masked murderer. They slowly raised to stand above Sam.

They took care to bring a boot down harshly onto the center of his back and twist his boot to cause more pain.

I needed to get out of here quickly. I mustered as much courage as I could find in myself and pushed my legs to run. I ran through the kitchen and into the living room. Sidney and Tatum sat on the couch like before.

My eyes darted from the kitchen to them. "Sidney, Tatum!" I whispered. "We need to get out of the house now!"

"What are you talking about? Are you tired, sweetie?" Tatum raised a brow at my panic.

"We have no time to talk! There's a killer in the house!" I rounded the coffee table grabbing their wrists and tugging.

"Okay, okay!" Tatum got off the couch and Sidney got up too. I pulled them away from the couch.

"What's going on here?" Billy came down the hall from his room. His brows furrowed and his voice trailed off.

"There's a killer in the house!" Time felt like it moved at a snail's pace. He blinked with his eyes locked on mine like he didn't believe me at all.

"Come on, Billy!" I put my hands on his shoulders. "Please, believe this one time..." My eyes caught a black cloak breeze down the hall.

"No!" I screamed as the killer from before appeared behind Billy out of thin air.

He twisted around to see the masked stranger in time for him to plunge a knife into his torso. In rapid succession, he plunged the knife in and out of his chest.

Tears brimmed my eyes as the shock wore me down. Two people that I cared about were gone.

Tatum kicked the killer in the shin, knocking him off his balance. "Let's go!" She grabbed my forearm with a tight grip and pulled me along.

She plucked the keys out of the dish next to the door. Sidney lead the back of the charge.

My eyes burned from my tears and my lungs ached in need of air. My heart didn't know what to do. It sat at an all-time low.

Sidney got into the driver's seat after Tatum tossed the keys. My skin rose with bumps from the chilly air.

"I just want to go home. This has to be one horrible dream." I got ushered into the back seat of my black car.

The seats chilled me to the bone on this winter night. I can see my breath in the air. If the porch light hadn't been on, I would not see it.

The front door burst open with Stu supporting a limping Billy. "Wait!"

He rushed to bring Billy down the three porch steps. "There's a killer in the house! Wait for us please!"

"I got the car started!" Sidney cheered. The car roared to life.

"Come on, hurry!" Tatum opened the car door. The warm breeze from the car's heater felt pleasant.

Billy got shoved in the rush next to me and Tatum took the other side. Stu claimed the passenger seat for himself. Sidney got the car into motion.

"We made it." I panted trying to catch my breath. "Billy, your injuries need to be looked at." I turned my body to him.

His white shirt had various rips across the chest with blood coming down from them all. I touched the hole to closer inspect and I met skin. "What?"

"You're not hurt?" I looked up at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Nah, he never was," Tatum called from behind me.

"Why would you do that?" I pulled my hands away from him. I looked into his eyes with deep hurt. "Was this all a prank? It wasn't funny at all?"

My eyes welled up with more tears.

"We did it because we wanted to take you on a trip." Stu returned to his regular go-happy self. "You will love it!"

"We're leaving town. Why are we leaving town?" I watched the welcome sign flash past my eyes. A new unfamiliar town rolled into view.

"On a trip like Stu said. You must be really tired, (Y/N)." Sidney glanced back before turning back to the road.

Tatum pulled my head against her shoulder. "Shut your eyes and rest sweetie." She caressed my hair to lull me to sleep.

My eyes felt heavy from my tears and my head had a pounding headache developing. My body listened to her words and my eyes closed to dream of being in a peaceful home away from this chaos.

"(Y/N), wake up!" Tatum shook my shoulder.

My eyes opened a crack to see the sun slowly rising. It burned my eyes. "What time is it?"

"You were asleep for 3 hours." Tatum continued to brush her fingers through my hair. "We're going to make a snack run in the gas station while Sid gets gas. Come on," She took my hand and pulled me out of the car.

"Tatum, could I go to the bathroom when we get in there?" I rubbed my eyes to try to wake myself up a little bit.

"Sure, but you will get caught if you try to escape. Understand?" Tatum whispered, pushing the door open and letting me in first.

"Yeah," I scanned the area and trudged off to the bathroom. The shelves sat lined with colorful snacks. This is my last chance.

I looked back over my shoulder. Her hands rested on her hips waiting for me.

The bathroom sat in a little cove hidden by everything. Three doors resided in the hall. A gender-neutral bathroom, an exit, and an employee-only door.

I slowly looked back over my shoulder. My shaky hand hovered the exit's doorknob. I chewed on my lip. The door will raise an alarm if I open it. I need just take it now. I opened the door and ran through.

Alarms blared behind me but I didn't care to look back. I ran out of the parking lot and tried to climb the fence.

A hand snatched the back of my shirt, pulling me down. "Well, we will have to try again somewhere else, huh?" Stu's dreadfully familiar voice sang in my ears.

I dropped me back into the back seats into Billy. His arms wrapped around me like vines and not letting me go.

Tatum came back to in front of me. "I told you that you would be caught, Mx. Run away. We're doing this for your good. We love you."
1179 Words

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