Dear monsters

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I can sense them watching me.

I say its fine, to let it be.

They whisper insults,

words cut and bleed.

You're a vampire and need to feed.

When the teachers come and saved me,

you played the victim, said I betrayed thee.

I know your tricks, I know your lies,

that doesn't explain why I feel bad inside.

That sinking feeling, the turmoil I find

It's driving me crazy, I'm out of my mind.

You are the pain in my resistance,

You are the bane of my existence

I still wonder how you have such persistence,

Nobody believes me despite my insistence.

I'm fighting myself every night,

try to stay calm, close my eyes tight.

All you monsters say that 'you don't bite'.

You're the victim, you're the savior,

I'm the threat to mother nature.

They all believe you, I have to laugh. 

I write the truth, you burn the draft.

I want to scream, I want to cry

Why can't anybody see through your lies.


Song of Misery, Misfortune, and Mirth | PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now