The Villain

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I'm the villain in your story

You blame me, and make it gory

You're the victim, you're innocent

Black an white, there is no tint.

You're the one who ruined me, 

Now you get to watch me bleed.

I've been framed

You look tamed.

I'm the monster who makes life tough

But really I have had enough

You have no right

I cannot fight

I can't explain

I can't contain

The fear the lies

All hope in vain

All down the drain

say my goodbyes,

break all my ties.

You deceived me,

I believed you.

Couldn't do a thing once you set your sight

You're the 'hero' who's not quite right.

Why did you throw me under the bus?

What happened to friendship? 

What happened to us?


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