Twister: The tornado life as a girl

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A/N: Sometimes, being a girl sucks

Welcome to the tornado life

Chaos every day, always in fright

There's pain, there's lies, 

there's fear, there's cries

You're starting to panic, you just need a hug

Yet friends will dismiss you, throw you under the rug.

Now you're in the tornado life

"You'll only ever amount up to a wife"

There's no escape once you've gone in

inside the twister you could hear a pin

You'll either be in silence or ear-shattering noise

In this life, as girls, you'll only be toys

Your mother instructs you "don't worry 'bout boys"

Your grandparents tell you "be elegant, have poise"

You get so distracted, you abandon your joys.

You just want to listen, but you're being enticed

You're started at, inspected, as if being priced.

'Doing your best' means

to be perfect teens.

'Refrain from having friends"

all these rules, they have no ends.

Pressure from peers

driven to tears

Losing your mind

Need to unwind

No one seems kind

Ran out of time

Just want to hurl

Hate being a girl

In the tornado life.


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