Episode 4: Human From Another World

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It seems like there's going to be a bunch of character debuts so brace yourselves, everybody! this is so far the episode with the most images of debuting characters. but I thought of drawing scenes for the series, however, my tablet is dead and unable to be charged so I must have to use FireAlpaca (I can't shade on laptops so far honestly) anyways, enjoy the episode

Over at the Magic Tree (currently inactive), Arbor sits on a sturdy stump but is still worried about Chandran and where that pesky ComplacaPat sent him. Arbor has his hood lowered, exposing his green hair, as well as his bull-like horns which are mostly hidden due to the hood he constantly wears over his head. he couldn't communicate with the tree right now due to severe stress he could not handle right now. Arbor seems to have no control over his thoughts in dark moments, especially when it's about letting people down or them being upset at him. 

"I can't go on with this.." he spoke to himself while feeling a little depressed and lonely at the same time "Where has this stupid clown taken Chandran?" he tried to calm himself down, but the anxiety was creeping up into him constantly as if he's in some battle against the tension in his mental mind. suddenly, he looked behind him and saw 2 beings. One of them has 6 wings, 2 on her head, 2 on the back of her upper body, and 2 below her body and the other resembles a goose and it is wearing a gold collar. "oh, hey Avie.." he spoke quietly. 

"Arbor, are you okay?" asked Avialeena "You seem to feel down lately since your boyfriend got abducted by that guy named if I can remember correctly, ComplacaPat?" she looked worried about Arbor as she walked closer to him. Arbor feels off-guarded as he is still in an anxiety-like state to the point of shaking in fear of what ComplacaPat would do to Chandran, hurt him. kill him (which would turn Chandran into an orb)? 

Arbor then finally calms down as he opens his green eyes and looks at the goddess. "I-I hope... C-Ch-Chandran is alright?.. right?" he muttered in a concerned matter, he thinks he failed Chandran because he wasn't able to save him in time "I bet he would be mad at me when we find his whereabouts..." and before he can say more. The Magical Tree begins to awaken, many leaves are rustling on the ground as the ground itself shakes lightly as if an earthquake is happening even though there actually isn't one. The Magical Tree begins to form a face. Arbor notices the stuff happening as he quickly stands up and runs to it even though the tree is like 10 feet away from Arbor. Avialeena and Resa followed

"What is happening?" asked Resa while staring at the Magical Tree in confusion, she had not seen a tree with a face, ever in her life and now, she would have to get used to it from now on. "It's just the Magical tree activating itself, it happens at times because Fanstyia is fueled by magic" Avialeena replied, assuring her pet, Resa about this miracle. "So, how's things going, Tree thingy" asked Arbor who seemed awkward but in reality, hiding his sorrows after what happened some time ago involving Chandran. 

"Is anything alright, Arbor, bearer of the Taurus sign?" the Magical Tree questioned the dryad hunter in confusion, raising a non-existent eyebrow in front of the two entities "Anything okay?" "You're not going to like this, honestly, I don't feel alright now because" Arbor sighs before continuing "...Those Orcies, have captured Chandran, The bearer of the Capricorn sign" The Magical Tree got shocked and worried at the same time after hearing what Arbor his told them about Chandran being captured by The Order Project's Orcies. Avialeena then speaks out "Arbor is being serious here.. Chandran is really abducted and this is no joke so please do not laugh, please," she said sternly looking at the tree without being mad at them even though they weren't involved in this fiasco "There's More!" shouted Resa, interrupting the conversation. 

"What's wrong, Resa?" asked the Magical Tree with its eyes now focusing on the purple-ish goose. "While me and Avie were searching for Arbor who walked off, along the way, we saw a caged creature that seemed to be a gargoyle and there was a witch hurting that gargoyle! the witch also has a cauldron to put that hunk of stone in so the water could boil up to its breaking point, y'know, gargoyles are mostly made of stone" she explained while her voice panicked a little. "oh, you mean Hydro? bearer of the Pisces sign?" the tree replied, Arbor, Avialeena, and Resa were shocked when it mentioned Hydro's name. how did or why he get into this situation? Arbor gets curious somehow and he wants to know what the witch's name is "I have a q-question" he asks "What is the name of that witch who captured Hydro"

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