Episode 12: The Mayor Of Bijoneonda

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So at the start of the year, I thought of publishing one episode per month, but somehow, a miracle happened as my creativity got strong and made my upload around bi-weekly somehow. I know college is in the way and those pesky exams are approaching and they could potentially impact my mental health but no matter how much pressure I go through, I will never give up and keep the series going

"Alright Kuki, I hope no one died here" Yumia spoke confidently, hoping no one was hurt or ever dead. She and Kuki are hoping that no one has died or been seriously injured in Bijoneonda, especially in the Dulcis Center because it's the most prominent area of all Bijoneonda. 

As Yumia and Kuki approached the iron bridge that was looming over the blue streaming water leading to the archway, their steps quickened, anticipation mingling with trepidation. The sight that greeted them as they neared the Dulcis Center sent a pang of concern through Yumia's heart. The usually bustling hub of activity and madness was now marred by signs of destruction. The air has an eerie silence, broken only by the faint echoes of their footsteps against the stone path. bits of rubble littered the ground, and shards of glass glinted in the dim light filtering through the above. Yumia's red eyes gazed swept over the scene, searching for any sign of life amidst the chaos.

Her words hung in the air, a silent prayer for the safety of the residents of Bijoneonda. Yumia couldn't shake the feeling of responsibility that weighed heavily on her shoulders. As one of the protectors of the realm, it was her duty to ensure the safety and well-being of its inhabitants. She glanced at Kuki, her expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. The bond between them, forged through countless trials and triumphs, strengthened her resolve. Together, they would uncover the truth behind the destruction that now marred the Dulcis Center and ensure that justice was served. With a shared nod of determination, they pressed forward, their footsteps echoing in unison as they crossed the bridge and entered the archway. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but Yumia knew that they couldn't afford to falter. The fate of Bijneonda depended on their courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

"What the heck happened here?" Yumia asked, her red eyes observing the buildings which are in a similar state to the village in Lytrygon in which Yumia is unaware of what the Flowerfolk are going through. "Mayor, I think they got here" a voice spoke, which shocked Yumia and Kuki like a spark of electricity. Yumia thought it was an enemy as she pulled out her Crowbar of Justice in suspicion and answered, "Who's here!? Don't hurt us!"

Kuki looked at the tall woman and clarified, "Um, Yumia, I think it's just Bareon and his friendos, even the mayor is here"  which made Yumia lower the crowbar in realization. This gives small relief to her because she would sometimes think mysterious voices or beings are enemies at first but she might get sussy about new people's actions to see if they're reliable or not. with that, Kuki and Yumia went towards an alleyway where Bareon and others were hiding within, the alleyway also had some rubble, but Bijoneonda as always, stayed as its colourful, cheerful town. 

"Alright," started Kuki  "What has happened here? Why is there rubble and destruction here?" she looked are the few people, including the mayor who replied, "Orcies, orcies have been destroying bits of our cute, pretty town!" he sounds very worrying that the mayor has concerns that Bijoneonda could be destroyed forever "Arbor and Avialeena did come here and took down some orcies, but uhh, they got to do other things like saving their pal Chandran" 

"Might've already known this fact from the Cosmic Temple," Yumia commented with her eyes glued on the Mayor "But Varnota is also in danger, and I think the others might've known this by now"

As the conversation with the mayor continued, Yumia couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility that settled heavily on her shoulders. The threat of the 13 Dictators loomed large over Gyrovale, casting a shadow of uncertainty over its future, but right now, they're dealing with The Order Project. She listened intently as the mayor spoke, his words painting a grim picture of the challenges they faced.

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