Episode 13: The Condemned Centaur

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The next day has arrived over at Lytrygon, and Python and Andeddo are possibly prepared for the day, Varnota will finally be fully kidnapped, This feels like an exciting day like a no-school day where the students do not go to school. "Our Roya Highness will be very proud of us when Varnota is under the grasp of The Order Project!" bantered Python, staring at Tony's Dimensional Scythe which is tightened by her fingered hand as the purple snake tail hisses in amusement "And this purple guy's piece of junk is in my grasp, never for him to claim it back ever again!"

"Python, I am a bit concerned about that," Andeddo then started "We could potentially miss this chance cuz we would" Andeddo is mostly emotionless at the time, but he does naughty stuff though like he fought Hydro back in Wandalond, this was his and Python's closest to grasping their hands on Varnota, that centaur they are ordered to capture.

As Python and Andeddo continued their discussion, a sense of anticipation hung in the air like a heavy fog. They stood at the edge of a dense forest, the morning sun casting long shadows across the landscape. Despite Andeddo's concerns, Python remained steadfast in his determination. "Don't worry, Andeddo," Python reassured, her voice filled with confidence. "We won't miss this chance. We've come too far to let these maniacs stand in our way now."

Andeddo nodded, though his expression remained unchanged. He trusted Python implicitly, their bond forged through countless missions and battles. Together, they had faced adversaries that would make even the bravest warrior tremble. But this task felt different, more crucial somehow. Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes nearby caught their attention. Python instinctively tightened her grip on Tony's Dimensional Scythe, ready for whatever might emerge. Andeddo tensed beside her, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

But instead of Varnota, a small creature emerged from the underbrush. It was a light-yellow squirrel, as yellow as a banana. It scurried across the forest floor. Python let out a frustrated sigh, lowering Tony's weapon she had stolen back in Vedolo. "Just a goddamn squirrel," she muttered, disappointment evident in her voice.

Andeddo remained silent, his pie-eyed eyes still scanning their surroundings. Despite the false alarm, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. "We should keep moving," Andeddo finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Varnota won't capture himself."

With a nod from Python, they continued deeper into the forest, the echoes of their footsteps fading into the dense foliage. The region of Lytrygon tends to be mostly shades of pink, especially the Sakura trees and pastel flowers, giving it a girly anime vibe. They

Ventured deeper into the pink forest, the air thick with the scent of cherry blossoms and the distant murmur of unseen adorable creatures. Every step felt like a dance with danger, their senses heightened as they searched for any sign of their elusive target.

Despite the beauty of their surroundings, Python and Andeddo remained vigilant. They knew that friendly things lurked in every shadow, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Andeddo's eyes darted from side to side, his keen senses picking up on the slightest movement. "We know you're out there somewhere" taunted Python, trying to get the centaur's attention despite Varnota not being near them... yet.

As Varnota and the other three wandered through the blossoming landscape of Lytrygon, his thoughts were preoccupied with concern for his Taurus amigo, Arbor. It had been several weeks since he last saw him, and the absence weighed heavily on his mind. Arbor was not only a fellow member of their group, but also a trusted friend whose presence brought reassurance in times of uncertainty.

"Yumia," Varnota called out to the ethereal being who often served as a guide and confidante to their group. "Have you seen Arbor recently?" Yumia's tall form materialized beside Varnota, her serene expression has a hint of sadness. "Yes, Varnota, we encountered Arbor not long ago in Wandalond," she replied gently. "However, you were unconscious at the time. It seems your paths crossed briefly, but you were unaware."

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