6: Promise in Silk

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Third Person

Greggy had always been the kind of man who cherished and celebrated his wife's choices, especially when it came to her outfits. He believed in empowering Irene to express herself through her fashion, supporting her every decision as long as she felt comfortable. There were countless instances where he'd complimented her sense of style, making Irene feel confident and adored.

However, there came a day that was different from the others.

Irene was getting ready for a special event, and she had chosen a fitted silk dress that accentuated her figure. It featured a daring slit above her knee, and the neckline revealed a hint of her cleavage. As she twirled before the mirror, she looked at her husband, seeking his opinion.

"So...." She twirled in front of her husband "...how do i look?" She asked.

Greggy was of course captivated by the sight of his wife. He couldn't help but admire her beauty, feeling proud that she was his.

"Stunning as always. God, I'm the luckiest man in the world." He replied.

But then as he was staring at his wife and thinking, a pang of protectiveness took over. He realized that he wouldn't be the only one witnessing Irene's beauty at the event, and suddenly, he felt uncomfortable with her choice of attire.

Greggy hesitated for a moment and then gently suggested, "Irene, you look beautiful as always. Well, more beautiful now in that dress, but do you think it might be too revealing for the event? Don't you think? You look different but in a good way.

Irene, who had expected her husband to praise her outfit as usual, was taken aback. She looked herself in the mirror again and didn't find anything wrong with her dress.

"It looks good and okay to me. There's nothing wrong about it and it's not that revealing, Greg." Irene replied calmly trying to understand her husband.

He approached her, he couldn't help but notice the outfit's daring elements, and a sense of protectiveness began to creep again. He gently asked again, "I know-i know, darling, but um....i-is this your final choice for the event?"

"Yes!" Irene responded. "I don't find anything wrong with it, it's my first wearing this kind of dress and I really love this dress. I look really good in this." She added.

"Irene, just to be clear, i'm not doubting your choices." He approached her and placed his hands on her waist, gently but possessively securing her.

"It's just that I don't want other men to stare at you like I do." Greggy stated and rested his head on her shoulders.

Irene, sensing her husband's unease, playfully wrapped her arms around him.

She then spoke "Greggy, I know why you're feeling this way. You're just being jealous, and I find that kind of cute."

"You know, Dawn gave me this dress, and I was hesitant to wear it at first. It's not my usual style, but I wanted to be a little different, just for today." Irene added.

Greggy, though still grappling with his feelings, couldn't help but smile at her warmth.

He admitted, "Irene, I can't help it. It's hard not to worry when you look this sexy and beautiful. Ako lang dapat makakita nito."

Irene kissed him gently and reassured him, "Don't worry, love. I'll only have eyes for you, and this outfit makes me feel confident. I want to wear it for you and for myself, not for anyone else."

Their conversation was marked by an unspoken understanding, with Irene's love and confidence shining through. While Greggy still held reservations, he realized he needed to trust and respect her choices, understanding that their love was the foundation of their relationship.

In the end, Greggy relented, understanding that he couldn't hold Irene back from expressing herself. He permitted her to wear the dress to the event.

However, to ease his own anxieties, he suggested, "Irene, I trust you, but for my peace of mind, could you please have an extra security guard with you and call me every 20 minutes just so I know you're safe?"

Irene, although she found the request a bit excessive, nodded with a loving smile. "Of course. I want you to be at ease. I'll do it for you."

She then added "and just to ease your mind even more, I promise this will be the last time I wear such a revealing dress. I'll still wear fitted dresses, but I'll make sure they won't be as daring as this one."

Greggy's eyes softened as he hugged Irene more, grateful for her understanding and willingness to compromise.

As she headed to the event, Irene went with a happy heart, contented with the outfit she was wearing. She knew that her husband's love and trust were stronger than any outfit choice, and they were ready to face the world, secure in their love for each other. The evening turned out to be a memorable one, not just for Irene's striking appearance but for the love and understanding that had strengthened their relationship.

What if this is reason why she consistently opts for formal and ladylike attire??!!!! Erz.


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