11: Meeting the Araneta Fam

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Third Person

As they savored the sweetness of their date, enjoying each other's company, the ambiance of their date was momentarily interrupted by Greggy's buzzing phone. His dad's calling. He took the call, setting it on speaker so Irene could join in on the conversation.

"Hey, Dad! How have you been? How's the business?" Greggy asked.

His father replied updating Greggy on the family affairs, discussing recent business ventures, and expressing pride in his son's success. The conversation flowed as they discussed common interests and the latest updates.

In the midst of their chat, his father turned the conversation toward Irene.

"So, Greggy, is your girlfriend free tonight?"

Irene's heart skipped a beat, her gaze darting to Greggy in surprise, wondering what this sudden inquiry was about.

Curiosity mixed with concern on Greggy's face.

"Yes, Dad, she's here with me. Why do you ask?"

There was a brief pause on the other end before his father revealed the reason behind his inquiry.

"I'd like to invite Irene for dinner with the family. It's about time we get to know my future daughter-in-law."

Irene was overwhelmed, a mix of emotions flooding her. She felt surprised, worried, and even a bit anxious, considering this was her first formal meeting with Greggy's family. There had been tensions between their families in the political realm, and she was unsure how her presence would be received.

Sensing Irene's unease, Greggy, ever the comforting presence, leaned in and held her hand, offering reassurance.

"Dad, that sounds great. Irene and I would be honored to join. Thank you for inviting us."

Irene's gaze softened as she looked at Greggy, finding solace in his assurance. His words calmed her nerves as he spoke softly to her, "Irene, don't worry. I'll be with you every step of the way. They'll love you as much as I do."

With a grateful smile, she nodded, feeling the warmth of his words easing her worries.

Greggy confirmed the arrangement, bidding his father goodbye, ending the call. Turning to Irene, he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer, and planting a reassuring kiss on her forehead.

"What if they don't approve of me, Greggy? What if I make a mistake?"

He reached for her hand, offering a comforting squeeze.

"Irene, you're amazing, and they'll see that. I'm here for you, every step of the way." he said, his voice gentle yet firm.

"Everything will be fine, Irene. Trust me," he then added.

Irene nodded, her heart warmed by his support, as they continued their date. Walking hand in hand, they shared a mixture of emotions, the anticipation of the family dinner intertwining with hopeful expectations.


As the evening approached, Irene found herself in her room, the nervous anticipation settling into her every action. The idea of meeting Greggy's family for the first time invoked a multitude of 'what if' scenarios in her mind, creating a storm of unease.

Seated at her makeup table, she meticulously applied her makeup, her eyes fixed on the reflection in the mirror. Countless thoughts whirled in her mind, conjuring potential pitfalls and outcomes.

What if they didn't like her?
What if she said something wrong?
What if there was tension?

Despite her swirling thoughts, she tried to steady her nerves, reminding herself of the warmth she'd felt from Greggy's family when he had introduced her to them. With a deep breath, she continued preparing, determined to present her best self.

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