12: Fatherhood

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Third Person

The sun cast a warm glow as Irene, radiant in her evening gown, prepared for the event she had long awaited. Greggy, watched her with a mix of admiration and encouragement.

"Go out there and have a blast, Irene," Greggy said, his eyes reflecting both pride and love.

"You've been taking care of all of us for so long; it's time for you to enjoy yourself."

As Irene adjusted her dress, Greggy stepped forward to assist, his hands gently zipping up the back of her gown.

"There you go," he grinned, "stunning as always."

Irene turned to face him, a grateful smile on her lips.

"Thank you, Greggy. I appreciate this, and I'll be back in the day after tomorrow. It's only 2 days and 1 night, don't worry."

Greggy brushed a gentle kiss on her lips. "No rush, love. Take your time and savor the moment."

"Are you sure you'll be okay with the kids, Greggy?" Irene asked worryingly. 

Greggy, with a confident smile, responded, "Of course, love. I'm a super dad, remember? How hard can it be?" He chuckled, trying to lighten the moment.

Irene burst into laughter at his playful remark.

"Alright, super dad, I trust you," she teased, giving him an affectionate kiss.

Before Irene headed out, Greggy gently reminded her, "Your luggage is already in the car. Don't worry about a thing, just enjoy your time. We'll be fine here."

With a reassuring smile, Irene nodded and embraced Greggy once more.

"Thank you for being amazing, as always. I'll be back before you know it."

As Irene stepped out the door, Greggy stood in the doorway, watching her leave. He took a deep breath, ready to embark on this weekend adventure with their three little ones.

As Irene left, Greggy found himself in the unexpected role of a solo parent for the weekend. His three children—Alfonso, Luis, and the newest addition, Victoria—looked up at him with a mixture of curiosity and innocence.

"Alright, team," Greggy declared, gathering his children,

"we're on a mission to make this weekend unforgettable. First order of business: Dinner. Any preferences?"

Alfonso and luis with excited smiles, chorused, "Pizza!" that made Victoria clap her hands without any idea what's really happening.

And so, the evening unfolded with laughter, pizza, and shared moments around the dinner table. Greggy reveled in the joy of seeing his children happy, savoring every bite of their pizza while the room echoed with their cheerful banter.

As the night progressed, Greggy,  guided his children through their bedtime routine. From preparing Victoria's diapers and milk to coaxing Alfonso and Luis into their pajamas, the house was filled with the comforting sounds of a family winding down.

As the trio nestled into their beds, Greggy took a moment to weave a bedtime story, even though Alfonso and Luis claimed they were too old for such tales. With each word, Greggy painted a world of wonder and adventure, and to his surprise, even the older boys found themselves captivated.

With a final goodnight, Greggy tucked them in, their eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment. Soon, the room was filled with the gentle symphony of their peaceful slumber.

Left alone in the quiet, Greggy watched over his children, a profound sense of contentment washing over him. He marveled at the beauty of their innocence, the serene expressions on their faces as dreams whisked them away to far-off places.

I's What IfsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora