Chapter 8

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“Katie.” I rolled over in bed, burying my face in the pillow as whoever was in my room was trying to wake me up. “Katie.” Their tone was a little more harsh, but I still ignored them. “Katie Scarlett.” The voice hissed and my eyes flew open. “Mom?” I asked, fear lacing my voice. “Get up.” She hissed and I sat up, backing away from her to the other side of the bed. “Wha-what are you doing here? How’d you get in?” I asked just as I backed into something or someone. I looked up, terrified of what I might see, and I had every right to be scared. My dad grinned down at me, evil seeping out of his crooked smile. I gasped, attempting to dive off the end of the bed, but his hand wrapped around my long hair. A scream escaped me, one that sent a shiver up my own spine. “GET BACK HERE!” My dad screamed, dragging me off the bed. “LET ME GO!” I screamed and he dragged me out into the hallway.
“JAKE!” I screamed, watching as he sprinted out of his room. He ran and ran, but never got any closer. I screamed again as my father tossed me over his shoulder. He started down the staircase and I grabbed the banister. My mother immediately rushed over and pried my hands off of it. “JAKE PLEASE!” My father stormed towards the entry way as Jake came down the stairs. I could see the look of fear on his face but he wouldn’t run any faster, he couldn’t. He was sprinting as fast as possible but the pace he was going was like he was in slow motion. I grabbed onto the corner of the wall hoping to pull myself away, but my fathers strength beat mine. He yanked me from the wall, a few of my nails ripping off in the process. He swung the door open and threw me off his shoulder. I fully expected to hit the concrete, but I never did. I fell and fell and fell. Until I shot up in bed, a scream escaping my throat. Hands gripped my arms, holding me close. “LET ME GO! LET ME GO!” The arms encircled me and the familiar cologne hit me. “You’re okay. You’re safe.” Jake whispered the soothing words to me. “Don’t let them take me. Jake, please.” I cried as he pulled me into his lap. “I won’t darlin’. I’ll never let them take you away.” I cried into his shoulder as he held me close, one hand rubbing my back and the other keeping my legs in his lap. “Who was it?”
“My parents.” I sobbed and he held me tighter. “You’re safe, darlin’. I promise.” He held me,  whispering soothing words into my ear as he rocked side to side and eventually I calmed down. “What was the nightmare about?” He asked. “They pulled me out of this bed and dragged me out of the house.” He sighed, still holding me. “They won’t come in here, I won’t let them.” Soon I crawled out of his lap and sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard. “I’m sorry for waking you.” He shook his head. “No. No, it’s okay.” He moved to sit next to me, leaned against the headboard as well. “I’ve never had a nightmare like that.” I admitted, pulling my knees up to my chest and squeezing. “Well, you just got out of a terrifying situation. So it’s understandable.” I hummed and we sat in silence for a minute. “Maybe you should see a therapist. It might help.” My head whipped around to him, anger in my eyes. “I’m not fucking crazy! I don’t need some therapist rooting around in my head!” He furrowed his eyebrows at my words. “I never said you were crazy.” I scoffed. “Really? I know good and well only insane people see therapists and psychiatrists.” He still looked genuinely confused. “Who told you that?” He asked.
“My mother.” I deadpanned. “Oh geez.” He huffed before sitting up and turning to face me. “Darlin’, a lot of people see therapists. I’ve done it after a few deployments.” He said. “You have?” He nodded. “My nightmares got pretty bad at one point and I went to see a therapist, and she made things a hell of a lot easier.” I pursed my lips, my eyes meeting his green ones. “What’s it like?” I asked. “It’s a lot of talking shit out and getting a new perspective. Every time I go, it’s work related. But maybe Rooster can help you a little more. I know his sessions are more about his personal life than work.” I nodded. “Will you talk to him?” I nodded. “I’ll talk to him, but I make no promises that I’ll go through with it.” He smiled at me. “That’s okay.” We sat in silence for a little while longer until I slowly started to get sleepy again. “Think you can go back to sleep?” I nodded. “I’m getting sleepy but I can’t guarantee that I won’t wake up again.” He nodded, patting my leg. “That’s okay. I’m just down the hall if you need me.” He got up as I crawled under the covers again. He started to close the door and panic rose in my chest. “Hey, Jake?” He stopped, opening the door back up. “Will you leave it open?” I felt like a child asking. But I had this fear that I’ll wake up in the morning and it’ll be locked from the outside.
“Whatever you want, darlin’.” He pulled the door to, leaving it cracked pretty wildly and I heard him go back to his bedroom. I laid in the bed, staring out the door. Every noise sounded like someone coming up the stairs, I thought I saw shadows, I even swore I heard my dads truck outside. My heart pounded in my chest and I got up, padding over to the window and looking out of it. I looked outside but I could only see the end of the driveway. I walked over to the door, opening it and peeking my head out. The hallway was dark, eerily so but I could tell there was no one there. So I stepped out of the safety of my room and out into the hallway. I descended the stairs cautiously waiting for someone to come around the corner at any moment. As I stepped on the bottom step, it squeaked and I tensed. I didn’t want Jake to know I was up, I didn’t need to bother him any more. Once I was off the stairs I made my way over to the front window, looking out. I saw nothing but Jake’s truck in the driveway and I let out a sigh of relief. But what if the door was unlocked? I’m sure Jake locked it, but what if? I walked over to the door, staring at the lock. It was in the locked position and I turned around and immediately forgot if it was locked or not. I furrowed my brows and looked at it again, still locked. But there was an itch in the back of my brain. What if it’s not really locked and you’re just imagining it? I shook my head, opting to touch the lock. Once I felt that it was lock relief washed over me. I turned around and a scream escaped me.
“Were you leaving again?” Jake asked. “No! No, Jake I swear! I just…” I felt like a petulant child explaining this to him. “I got… I got scared. What if my dream came true? I was hearing things and I thought I heard a car out front. So I came down here to check and of course, there was nothing. But for my own piece of mind I wanted to make sure the door was locked.” He looked down at me and I looked down at my bare feet on the floor. “I’m sorry if I upset you.” I apologized. “No, I’m sorry I assumed you were leaving. Just, after last time-” “You have every right to worry about that. But that was the biggest mistake of my life, and I won’t do it again.” He smiled at me. “Come on, let’s go back to bed.” I nodded as he led me up the stairs and I went back into my room. “Hey Jake?” I asked and he peeked in the doorway. “Yeah?” I bit my lip. Thinking about the question I was about to ask. “Nevermind.” I said, looking away from him. “Katie.”  I looked back to him to see him leaned on the door frame, arms crossed over his chest. “I’m not going to judge you for anything you wanna ask or say to me.” I sighed, hugging my knees to my chest. “Can you sit here for a while? Just until I fall asleep?” It was barely a whisper, but I spoke it nonetheless.
He gave me a small smile, nodding and walking over to the bed. I got under the covers and slid down, laying on my back, which was something I didn’t normally do. He laid down next to me on top of the covers, resting his hands on his stomach. We laid there in the silence, and it was the most comfortable I had been in so long. “Thank you.” I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks and onto my neck. “What for?” He replied, his voice as quiet as mine. “Everything.” His hand brushed mine before slowly he intertwined our fingers. I relaxed into the pillows and the softness of the mattress. Jake’s thumb rubbed my own, sending me into a deep undisturbed sleep. When I awoke the next morning I was alone in bed, and that was okay. The blinds were open and the sun beamed in on my face, blinding me. I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and a soft knock on the door. I looked over to see Jake smiling at me. “Morning.” I smiled and the urge to stretch came over me. “Morning.” I said as I stretched my arms above my head, arching my back and stretching my legs so hard my toes practically pointed downwards. A high pitched whine escaped me at the pleasurable feeling of my muscles stretching from their stagnant state.
When I opened my eyes I saw Jake staring at me and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Sorry. Sometimes I wish I could just take my body apart like legos or snap it like a glow stick.” He laughed at my words as I sat up. “Well if you want, I have breakfast ready downstairs.” I nodded, tossing the covers off my legs as he walked downstairs. I stood, stretching once more before grabbing the hair tie that Kelly loaned me and walking to the bathroom. There, I wiped my face down and pulled my hair into a bun, getting the weight off my neck before going downstairs. “Need help?” I asked just as the oven went off. “Can you pull those biscuits out before they burn?” I nodded, grabbing the oven mit and pulling them out. “Sorry they’re from a can, I just didn’t have the energy to do homemade.” I shook my head. “I don’t care about that. I wouldn't have cared if you didn’t make anything at all.” He laughed. “Well my mom would have my hide if she found out I used canned biscuits. It’s also a Sunday tradition to cook. Kelly should be here any minute.” Just as he said it the front door opened. “Honey! I’m home!” He grinned widely at the sound of her voice. She entered the kitchen just as he moved the pot off the stove. “Hi baby.” She said, kissing him quickly. “Hi, honey.” It was sickly sweet the way they are with each other.
“And you.” My eyes widened and I looked at her. “I have brought you a flat iron and some makeup, just in case you wanted it. We don’t have the same skin tone but I brought some eyeliner and mascara.” I smiled at her. “You didn’t have to do that.” She laughed. “No, but it’s a flat iron I don’t use anymore and I needed it out of my apartment.” I nodded. “Food’s ready if you’re hungry.” Jake said, coming back into the kitchen from the dining room. “Of course I’m hungry! Do you know who you’re talking to?” Kelly asked, joining him at the table. I grabbed the bowl of biscuits, bringing it out to the table to join them. We sat down and started plating our food. “What is this?” I asked, holding up the spoon on what appeared to be a thick white soup. I made a look of disgust as Jake took the spoon from me, dumping it on top of his biscuits. “It’s sausage gravy. Have you never had it?” I shook my head. “Mom never made it.” He chuckled. “Try it. It’s to die for! I never had it till I met Jake and I force him to make it every Sunday now.” Kelly said and I shrugged. If I didn’t like it, I just wouldn’t eat it. No harm in trying it. So, I put a small spoonful on my plate, swiping part of the biscuit through it and taking a bite. “Holy shit.” I moaned.
“She had the same reaction to the huge burrito last night.” Kelly laughed as I sat up. “I didn’t know men could cook that well!” I said, taking another bite. “I take offense to that.” Jake said, making us all laugh. Once breakfast was over Jake and I went upstairs to get ready. I slipped on a light blue dress with little white daisies on it. It was one of my favorites and in my rush to pack, clothes flying from hangers, I didn’t even realize I put it in the bag. I stepped out of my room, going for the bathroom. “Hey. Here’s that flat iron and the makeup.” Kelly said as she came out of Jake’s room. “Oh, thanks.” I plugged it in, mentally preparing myself for the task that is doing my hair. While I waited on that to heat up, I lined my eyes with the eyeliner and swiped the mascara along my eyes. I blinked a few times, wishing I at least grabbed my contacts before I left. They may give me migraines and headaches but at least I could see properly. I shook the thoughts from my head, pulling most of my hair on top of my head. I started at the bottom sections, dragging the hot plates along my hair.
“How long until you’re ready?” Jake asked as he walked by, putting his watch on. When he looked at me I saw him glance over my dress before his eyes met mine. “Oh, uh…” I was halfway through my hair at this point. I pulled it all from the bun, parting it. “I’m ready now.” I said. You always make everyone late. That’s why dad was always angry. “Katie, if you’re not ready that’s okay.” I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to make us late.” He chuckled. “We’re not meeting Rooster and Phoenix till ten and nothing opens till then anyway. Besides it’s… only nine ten.” He said as he glanced at his watch. “You can finish getting ready. We have plenty of time. I just wanted to know.” I nodded, pulling my hair back up. “Twenty minutes?” I asked and he nodded with a smile. “You got it.” With that he disappeared and I quickly finished my hair, parting it how I liked. I unplugged the hair tool and rushed back to my room, slipping on the same nude heels as yesterday, seeing as heels were the only thing I owned anymore. I walked downstairs and saw Jake and Kelly on the couch. “Ready!” I called, going and grabbing my purse from by the door. Kelly stood and raised a brow at me. “Heels? Are you really gonna be comfortable walking around in those?” She asked and I looked down at my feet feeling a little ridiculous now. “They’re the only ones I have.” Realization seemed to cross her features and her face fell. “But I’m used to it anyway! It doesn’t hurt anymore!”
Jake opened the door and we walked out, getting into Kelly’s car. I sat in the back while Jake drove. “God I hate this thing.” Jake said, starting the car. “Don’t hate on my car. She’s my baby.” Kelly said and Jake laughed. “We’re getting you a new car.” She scoffed. “I will get myself a new car when I am ready.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Jake backed out of the driveway and reached over, taking Kelly’s hand in his, kissing it before resting them on the center console. My eyes glanced out the window, watching the world fly by. Part of me wishes I could have someone who cares for me like that, I’ve wanted that for a while. But after all my dating experiences, I’m starting to wonder if that will ever happen. Every man I’ve ‘dated’ has been rude, self-centered and outright awful. I’ve always questioned if all men are like that, but then I met Bradley and the real Jake, the person he is when he’s not around Coop and I think, ‘maybe not’. Maybe I’m meant to be alone. The thought made my chest ache. No one wants to spend their life alone, but I can’t live with Jake for the rest of my life. What if him and Kelly get married? With the way he looks at her it wouldn’t be a surprise. I can’t live with them if they get married, it would be intruding and I couldn’t do that. I need a job. I need life experience. I have to learn how to be a functioning adult. I can’t expect people to take care of me for the rest of my life.
“Katie!” I jumped, turning and looking at Jake. “You okay?” I nodded, looking around and realized we were parked at the mall. “How long were you saying my name?” I asked. “About thirty seconds.” He replied. “Sorry.” I whispered, stepping out of the small SUV. Kelly took his hand as he stepped around and they walked ahead of me as I followed behind. We walked into the Barnes & Noble, and I glanced around, looking at all the books. I saw many I had been eyeing for a while, ones I knew my parents wouldn’t buy for me. If only I had some money, I would get some. I stopped, seeing a few Colleen Hoover books. I knew she was popular, but I hadn’t looked into any of her books. I picked up one called ‘Verity’ reading the reviews on the back. “Katie!” Jake called and I practically tossed the book down before rushing over. “Sorry!” I said, walking up to the Starbucks line they were in. “What were you looking at?” He asked. “Oh nothing. Just a book.” I said as I waved him off. “Do you read a lot?” Bradley asked as he walked over, coffee in hand. I nodded. “I love reading. We didn’t have tv’s in the house so I spent a lot of time reading. Of course, my parents decided what I could and could not read.” I said and he rolled his eyes.
The line moved and I realized I was blocking people. “I don’t even know why I’m in this line.” I muttered, stepping out and standing next to Bradley. “Are you not getting coffee?” He asked and I shook my head. “I have no money.” I said blatantly. “What do you want? I got it.” He said, reaching for his wallet. I held my hand up, shaking my head. “Bradley no-” Seriously, I got it.” I huffed, looking at the menu. “I don’t even know what I would get.” I said. “Try this.” He said, holding out his cup. I furrowed my brows but he motioned for me to take it. After a moment, I did. I took a sip and the flavor washed over my tongue. “That’s good. What is that?” I asked. “Iced white mocha. Phoenix got me hooked.” I nodded. “Want one?” I sighed, knowing he wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed. “A small one.” I said and he grinned at me, hauling me into the line. Once we approached the counter he ordered for me. “Can I also get a shot of raspberry in it?” The barista nodded and Bradley grinned at me. I just ignored him, grabbing my coffee at the end. “Any good?” He asked as I took a sip. “Really good. Wanna try it?” I held it up and he raised his brows, taking a sip. “Damn, raspberry in coffee? I never would’ve guessed.” I giggled. “I just thought why not! And I’m glad I did.” We met up with everyone else outside of the store and Natasha pulled me into a hug. “How was last night?” She asked. “Rough. But I made it.” I said as she looped her arm through mine.
“Okay, so what do you need?” Jake asked. “Um… I really don’t know.” Everything in here was clothing stores and I had clothes. “Well she needs different shoes, I know that.” Kelly spoke up. “You probably need bras.” Natasha said. I shook my head as a blush flooded my cheeks. “No,” I whispered. “I have two.” I said and she laughed. “You’ll need more than that.” She said. “Probably wouldn’t hurt to get some jeans and shirts. Can’t wear dresses everywhere.” Kelly said and I furrowed my brows. “I always have.” I said. “Yeah, but if you get a job you may not want to wear dresses or you may not be allowed.” “Let’s not worry about that now. Let’s just get things you’re comfortable with.” Jake said, laying a hand on Kelly’s shoulder. “Yeah! Now come on!” Natasha said, pulling me with her as Kelly grabbed my other arm. They dragged me into a store called ‘Adore Me’ and Natasha immediately held up a deep blue bra, grinning at me. “Is this not adorable?” She asked and I bit my lip looking back to see Kelly and Jake looking at lingerie and Bradley making his way over. “Um, yeah.” I said and she furrowed her brows. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “I just… I’ve never had anything other than black, white and tan bras.” I said and she nodded, smiling at me. “We are about to change that.” She said.
“Ma’am? We need her bra size.” Natasha stopped an associate who came over, and measured me. She told me my bra size and we were off. She held up the blue one again and raised a brow. “That’s nice.” Bradley said, grinning at us. “Fine. I’ll try it.”
With that we went around and I grabbed a couple of bras, as well as Natasha. “Ready?” Kelly asked, walking over, her arms full of lingerie and Jake even carrying a few pieces for her. “Yes!” Natasha said excitedly and soon we all got to the dressing rooms. “You two stay here.” Kelly said and Jake pouted. “But-” “Stay!” She commanded and they both took a seat on the small couch. We each got a room next to each other and started trying everything on. The bad thing is, I was in love with all of them. “These all look so good.” I whispered. “Can I get your opinion?” Kelly asked as she stood right outside my door. “Um, yeah. Hang on.” I quickly tossed my dress back on and stepped out. I was a little startled to see her in a black corset, black thong and matching garters. “Think Jake will like it?” She asked, spinning around. “Oh yeah! He’ll love it!” Natasha said excitedly, in a sheer bodysuit of her own. “Katie?” She asked and I cleared my throat, nodding. “It looks good.” Her face fell. “What’s wrong with it?” She asked and I rapidly shook my head. “Nothing! Nothing at all!” I said. “Then why does your face look like there’s something wrong?” She asked. “You just caught me off guard. I’m not used to all this.” I said and realization seemed to cross their faces. “Oh, Katie, we're so sorry. We’re just so comfortable with each other and we didn’t think about it making you uncomfortable.” Natasha said. “Don’t feel bad. It’s okay!” I said and Kelly stopped me. “No it’s not.”
“Kelly. It’s fine. I’ve just never had anyone to shop with except my mom. I wish I was as comfortable with it as you two are.” They smiled at me. “After spending time with us, you will be.” Kelly said with a wink and we all stepped back inside our respective dressing rooms. I stared at all the bras, finally narrowing it down to two and I was about to step out when there was a knock on my door. I opened it and it was Kelly and Natasha. “Try this on.” I furrowed my brows in confusion at the sheer dress. “It’s a babydoll and g-string set.” Kelly said. “Why?” I asked. “Because sometimes it just makes you feel sexy.” She replied. “It’s not like I have anyone to wear it for.” I said, and Kelly huffed. “Wear it for yourself!” She said, placing the hanger in my hand and pushing me back into the dressing room. She shut the door and I stood still for a moment. Did I make her mad? I looked down at the lingerie in hand and decided I might as well try it on. So I did, and she was right. I did feel sexy, something I’ve never felt before. “So?” She asked from outside. She sounded annoyed and I rushed to get it off. “It fits great.” I said before getting dressed and grabbing everything. I opened the door and Natasha was still standing outside the door. “Where’d she go?” I asked.
“She went ahead to check out. What’d you think of everything?” I held them all up, my arms full of bras and the one piece of white lingerie. “They were all great, I really love them all! But I managed to narrow it down to two.” I said proudly and she raised a brow at me. “Just two?” I nodded. “Why not all of them?” I shrugged. “Bras are expensive and I don’t want anyone spending too much money on me.” She sighed. “Come on.” She walked away and I stood there. Did I make her mad too? You probably did, you’re good at that. I took a deep breath, holding back the tears that were forming before making my way out. She was talking to Jake who was nodding and listening to her intently. “Find anything good?” Bradley asked, walking up with my coffee. “Uh, yeah.” I said. “You okay?” I furrowed my brows, nodding. “Oh yeah. I’m great.” I said as I sipped on my coffee. Natasha went to pay and Jake came over. “Find what you need?” I nodded. “Yeah, I’ll put the others up real quick.” I went to walk away when Jake got an associate's attention. “She’ll take all of these.” Everything was immediately swept out of my arms and I gawked at him. “Jake! I don’t need all those!” I said and he just smirked, walking away to pay. Bradley walked over to Natasha and Kelly and I stood there. One store in, not even eleven thirty and I already feel overwhelmed. I took a deep breath, steeling my nerves before I walked over to Jake.
“Here you go.” The associate said, handing me the bag. “Thank you.” Jake said, guiding me over to everyone else. “Where to next?” He asked. “The shoe store.” Kelly said and Jake took her hand as we walked out, Bradley and Natasha behind them and me at the back of everyone. It shouldn’t bother me so much, I’m used to it, but for some reason I felt ignored. We walked into a shoe store and I looked around. It wasn’t anything I had really worn before. I’ve been in heels daily since I was fifteen. I had to wear sneakers in school sometimes but it’s been years since I’ve owned a pair of flat shoes. “See anything you like?” Kelly asked, coming over. “Oh uh… to be honest I don’t know where to start.” She hummed. “Well, a good pair of sneakers is a good place to start.” I nodded and she pulled down a light gray pair. “These are cute, and it’s a good brand.” She handed it to me and I saw it said ‘Brooks’ on the side. “Yeah.” I said and she looked through the boxes. “What size are you?” She asked. “Um, these shoes are a nine.” She nodded, grabbing an eight and a half. “Try these and we’ll go down in size if we have to.” I nodded, taking the box and going to sit before stopping. “Hey, Kelly?” She hummed, walking over. “Did…” I took a deep breath, preparing myself for her answer. “Did I make you mad in the last store?” She raised a brow at me. “No, why would you think that?” She asked. “You just sounded annoyed when you handed me that lingerie set.”
“Oh, no! No! I wasn’t mad. My mom sent me some ridiculous text and then started blowing up my phone. She tends to do that.” I nodded, relief washing over me. “Okay, good. I thought I pissed you off and I felt really bad so I just wanted to ask.” She smiled at me. “You’re good! Oh, there’s some cute sandals over here! I’ll grab you a pair.” She said before running off. I grinned and tried on the shoes, feeling a little better. As the day wore on I had more and more fun, eventually the boys walked behind us as we walked arm in arm with each other. Kelly glanced behind us before turning back. “Ooh! Bath and Body Works!” She yelled before dragging me in. “But I don’t need anything from here!” I said and she scoffed. “You can always use cheap perfume. It smells good and it means that you aren’t wasting your expensive perfume.” I chuckled. “I don’t have any expensive perfume. At least, not anymore.” I said as she started making me small things. Soon we left with a few perfumes and even a few candles that Natasha swore I needed. As we walked I saw a hair salon and slowed down, looking inside. A few women were getting their hair dried and styled and a few were getting up after having their hair done. “Wanna cut your hair?” Natasha asked, walking over. I touched my own hair, playing with the ends. “I don’t know. I’ve always had long hair ever since I can remember.” She nodded. “How about a trim then? You seem to have a lot of split ends and it’ll make you feel better.”
“Okay.” I said, smiling at her. “Come on.” She dragged me in, Kelly and Bradley following. “How can I help you?” The girl asked. I opened my mouth to answer but stopped, getting nervous. “She needs a trim.” Natasha said and the girl nodded. After a moment she took me back as Bradley took my bags. She talked to me as she washed my hair and then she sat me down. “Just a trim?” She asked and I nodded. “Yes, please.” I whispered. With that she got to work. I calmed myself as she cut my split ends, reminding myself there will be next to no change in the length. “That good?” She asked once she finished. Long hair is what makes you a woman. My mother’s voice echoed in my brain. “Actually, can we cut some of it off?” I asked. “You sure?” She asked and I nodded. “Positive. Maybe the middle of my back?” She agreed and got to work as Natasha, Kelly, and Bradley walked over. “You’re cutting it?” Bradley asked and I hummed. “Decided since my life was changing so drastically, my hair should too.” Once she was done she asked again and excitement ran through me. “I’m sorry. Can we cut more? Maybe to my shoulders?”
“That’s a big change, Katie.” Kelly said and I nodded. “I know. Ooh, maybe some curtain bangs?” I was asked if I was sure a few times but I insisted. “It’s hair. If I want it long again, it’ll grow back.” I said and she got to work. The weight was so different once she finished and now I was nervous, but once she blow dried and straightened it, I fell in love. “So this is what it’s like to not have your neck weighed down by your hair?” I asked, stretching my neck out and they laughed. “It looks great.” Kelly said. Natasha went up to pay, and I made a mental note to pay her back. As we walked out, Jake rounded the corner. “Where have you been?” I asked, walking over to him. He looked up from the box in his hand and stopped, stumbling back slightly. “Holy shit.” He muttered and my heart rate picked up. “Is it bad? Everyone else said it looked good but-” “No. No you look beautiful I just-” He cleared his throat. “Here,” He said, holding out the box. “I got you this.” He said and I looked down. “No. Take it back.” I said, shoving the box back towards him. “Katie-” “I told you no last night, Jake. Now take it back.” I demanded and he chuckled. “Nope. It’s yours one way or another.” He said, dropping it into one of my bags. “No, Jake! An iPhone is too expensive!” I said, taking it out and placing it back in his hand. “Katie. You need a phone. I got this for you, it’s a gift, now take it.” He said, grabbing my hand and placing the box in it. We stared each other down for a few minutes before I gave in. “Fine. But this is it. We’re done shopping for the day.” I said and he nodded. “You have everything you need so I can agree to that.” I nodded, placing the box in one of my bags. “This was free with it.” He said as he tossed a slim, longer box into the bag as well. “What?” I pulled it out as he walked past me, seeing it was a gold series 8 apple watch. “JACOB SERESIN!” I yelled, storming after him.
Once Jake and Bradley calmed me down, we went out for an early dinner. “Are you sure?” I asked, staring at the sushi in front of me. “It’s a dragon roll. I promise it’s good.” Bradley said, holding the sushi up to my face. I’m usually down to try anything but this was a little intimidating. “Come on.” He pushed and I just decided to go for it. I took the sushi roll from his chopsticks and was very surprised by it. “Holy shit.” Jake laughed. “Is that what you’re gonna say anytime you try new foods?” I immediately nodded. “That is good! Can I get one?” I asked and Bradley nodded, getting our waiters attention. The rest of dinner flew by and eventually we all parted ways. Once Jake, Kelly and I got home I unloaded all my bags and slipped my shoes off, the feeling returning in them as I did so. I put all my clothes away in the closet and dresser drawers, even unloading my suitcase and duffel bag. I made the bed since I didn’t this morning. Crawling into a messy bed stresses me out and I can’t sleep for some reason. I made my way downstairs, but stopped as I caught sight of Jake and Kelly in a heated make out session. I blushed, rushing back upstairs and into the bathroom. I decided to kill time and take off my makeup and wash my face, using the skincare Jake bought for me earlier.
Once I was done I looked at my hair again, realizing how freeing it was to have it all gone. “Katie!” Kelly yelled up the stairs and I came out. “Yeah?” I asked as I walked down into the living room. “I’m leaving. Just wanted to say bye.” She said, tossing her arms around my shoulders. I hugged her back as she squeezed me. “Thank you.” I whispered and she pulled back. “I had fun today. We are so doing that again.” She said before making her way back to Jake. “Let me get a job first.” I said and she laughed before kissing him quickly and  waving as she walked out the door. “Why don’t you go grab your phone and we’ll set it up and I’ll get everyone’s numbers in it.” I nodded, bounding up the stairs and grabbing the phone before coming back down. I sat next to him on the couch, pulling it out of the box and turning it on. We spent some time setting it up to how I like. After that we sat on the couch as Jake turned on a movie. “I’m gonna start looking for jobs tomorrow.” I said and he looked at me. “Really?” He asked and I nodded. “I’ll pay you back Jake, I swear. I’ll even pay you rent once I start having regular income.” I said and he laughed. “You sure?” He asked and I furrowed my brows. “Do you think I can’t do it?” I sa tup, glaring at him. “Wouldn’t you rather go to nursing school?” I reeled back at the question. “What?”
“Oh, come on Katie. You’re free from your parents and you can do what you want! Why don’t you go to nursing school like you said you wanted?” He asked. “I can’t afford that.” I said. “Look, you can take out student loans. I know it’s not ideal, and you’ll have to pay them back but you can stay here while you go. Free rent, free food. You just keep your stuff clean and help me around the house, I don’t see why you can’t go.” I was caught off guard by his words. “I would need my dad’s approval for the loans and-” “What?” He asked, confused. “Yeah, my dad always said I would need his signature for any loans and he refused so I could never get one for school. That’s why he always bitched about paying.” He scoffed, anger taking over his features. “Your parents are real pieces of… work, you know that?” I laughed. “Pieces of shit. You can say it, Jake.” He chuckled. “Good to know. But you don’t need anyone's approval for the loans. Not even your dad’s.” My face fell and my chest ached. “So I don’t need his signature for glasses either?” His face fell like mine. “Fuck. I knew there was something else we needed to do.” He said as he leaned his head back on the couch. “No, you don’t and tomorrow afternoon we’ll work on finding you an eye doctor. I don’t want to take you to your usual one, they may rat you out to your parents.” I nodded, never thinking about the fact that someone off base could tell my parents who I was with.
“Okay. But can I think about the school thing? That’s a big decision.” He nodded, smiling at me. “Of course. So, what movie you wanna watch?” He asked and I shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen many movies.” He scoffed. “We will change that.” He said before cutting on some comedy. We watched two movies before bed that night and I slept a little better. I woke up twice from nightmares but I didn’t scream. I woke up around five a.m. when I heard Jake’s shower cut off. I laid there as he walked by, but I couldn’t go back to sleep so I decided to get up. I walked downstairs, rubbing my eyes in hopes my vision would clear up. “Why are you awake?” He asked and I shrugged, noticing he was in his flight suit. “Can’t go back to sleep.” I replied and he chuckled. “Well I’m about to leave. You can text me whenever today, if I’m in the air I obviously won’t respond. Help yourself to any food or drinks in the fridge, help yourself to anything really.” He said as he walked by me. “Rent a few movies if you want, I don't care. I should be home around four.” He said as he walked to the door and I followed him. “Just relax today and we’ll try to find you an eye doctor when I get home.” I nodded as he grabbed his duffel bag. “Have a nice day.” I said and he kissed my head before he walked out the door. “Bye.” I was caught off guard by his actions and stood in the entry way for a second. Once my body caught up with my thoughts I made sure the door was locked before going over to the couch. I sat down, pulling my legs into my chest. I realized how quiet it was when I was alone, and I didn’t like it.

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