Chapter 13

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I scheduled my interview for exactly one week from the day I got my email. I actually had two interviews that day, and I had my interview for United States University the same day I had my call with Bradley. “They asked you that?” He asked and I nodded. “Yes! Like, what does how many friends I have have anything to do with my ability to do my job?” It was the truth. They asked me if I was the type of person to have a small group of friends or a large group of acquaintances. “Maybe they’re trying to see if you’re the type of person who gossips, stirs the pot.” I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head. “Maybe.” I said. “Don’t disregard it. They may offer you a spot and you have to take it if they do.” He said and I nodded. “I won’t.” He grinned at me. “How do you feel about the other two?” He asked. “Pretty confident. I’ve found that I interview well.” I said with a grin. “You weren’t nervous?” He asked and I shook my head. “I guess because I was so sure of my answers but that also seemed like a pathetic interview. None of the questions had anything to do with why I want to do nursing or who I am as a person.” I said, flopping back on the couch.
“That’s probably good because I don’t think I really know who I am.” I said quietly, almost a whisper. “You don’t?” Bradley asked and I sat up. “No.” I said. “That’s funny. I think you’re… strong willed, you’re caring and ridiculously smart. All the things that make up a good nurse in my opinion.” He said. “You think?” I asked and he nodded. “Definitely. Especially since you’ve gotten away from your parents. You may not feel sure of who you are but you know what you want.” My bottom lip poked out at him. “Since when did you get so wise? I guess it’s cause you’re an old man.” I said and his jaw dropped. “Okay that’s crossing the line!” He said but the smile on his lips told me he found it funny like I did. “You really think I’ll get in?” I asked and he nodded. “I do.” I smiled at him and sighed. “I guess I’ll have a little faith in myself then.” I thought about my next question. I didn’t want to ask but I wanted to know. “How’s Jake?” I asked and Bradley chuckled. “Still wondering why you’re angry. He cornered me on the ship the other day.” My eyebrows shot up. “He did?” I asked. “He wanted to know why you were mad and cornered me because he thought I knew.” He said. “But you do know.” I said and he laughed. “Yes. But that doesn't mean I have to tell him.”
“I think you’re getting too much pleasure out of him not knowing.” I said and he laughed. “No, not too much. Just enough.” I laughed at his words. “He’s taking it hard, huh?” I asked and he nodded. “It’s bugging him majorly, and apparently his call with Kelly earlier didn’t go so well.” My eyebrows raised. “Really?” I asked and he nodded. “Let’s just say I heard a lot of yelling coming from our bunk.” I worried my lip between my teeth, gnawing on it. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” He asked and I sighed. “You cannot let Jake know that you know.” I said and he pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key. “Kelly showed up and she basically told me I’m ruining her relationship, Jake wants me out of the house and then she actually tried to get me to leave.” I said. Bradley was quiet for a moment, his hand covering his mouth. “She really did that?” I nodded. “Something’s always been off about her to me. I liked her well enough but she always struck me as the jealous type.” He said and I sighed. “And now that I’m living here-” “You’re seen as a constant threat.” I nodded, lips pursed. “Guess that’s why he was screaming and I don’t blame him.” I nodded. “He… he begged me to stay.” I said and he seemed baffled. “Jake Seresin? Hangman? Begging? No way.” He said.
“That’s what it seemed like to me.” I said as I looked down, picking at the polish on my toes. “Well even if he does want you gone you can always come live with me.” He offered and I smiled at him. “Thank you, Bradley. I appreciate that.” He smiled back. “Well I better get off here. Almost time to go to bed.” He said and I smiled at him. “Goodnight, Bradley.” I said and he smiled. “Good luck with your interviews and let me know how they go.” I nodded. “Bye, Katie!” He said and the call ended. I flopped back on the couch, taking a deep breath. It was hard to think about how far I’ve come in the last two months. Since leaving my parents I’ve found out a lot about myself, one of those things being, without a routine I can’t keep myself straight. I was running late all the time for just about everything!
I was determined to not run late for my two interviews so I woke up that morning and immediately got ready. I curled my hair, did light makeup, pulled on a navy knee length pencil skirt and a white tie neck puff sleeve blouse. I looked cute and thankfully I felt that way. I took my shoes downstairs and sat on the couch. I set an alarm on my phone and opened Twisted Love back up. I hadn’t opened it since I read it last week. I blushed simply opening the book but thankfully read on not coming across any other point that made the space between my legs ache. When my alarm went off I stood and slipped on my nude heels, set my book in my bag and went out to the truck. The drive to the University of San Diego was a quiet one. I kept thinking about my last interview and I was hoping and praying this one would be different. I want to really show these people that I want this. I sat in the lobby of what seems to be the administration building and waited with two other girls. My leg bounced and bounced as I sat there. I considered pulling out my book, but what if someone here has read it and knows what’s inside? I’d be mortified if someone knew! One of the mahogany doors opened and a man poked his head out. “Blair?” He called and I stood, immediately walking over. “Good morning, Miss Blair.” He said, holding out his hand to shake. “Good morning.” I said, gripping his hand firmly as I shook it. He smiled at me and opened the door wider.
“Just take a seat at the end of the table.” He said. I sat at the end of the long conference table and set my purse next to me on the floor. Everyone was silent for a minute as they looked over some papers and we sat like that until everyone went around and introduced themselves, ending with the director of the program. “Well, you have quite the resume.” She said, setting her papers down. “Why the change from law to nursing?” She asked. I knew this question was coming and I had decided the moment I got this interview I would be honest. “Law was what my parents wanted me to do. Nursing is what I want.” I said and she nodded. “And why did you do what your parents wanted you to for so many years?” I hesitated. “Well… my parents were very manipulative. They skewed my view of the world, they made me see the world only one way and they did it from a young age. Only within the last few months did I realize all this. So I decided it’s time I do what I want with my life.” I said and she smiled at me. “Do you have a good support system?” She asked and I nodded. “I do now.”
Once the interview was over and I stepped out of the conference room I let out a sigh of relief. A grin sat on my face the entire walk out to the truck and once I was inside I squealed. I stomped my feet and banged my hands on the steering wheel. I felt like I could explode! That interview went a thousand times better than I expected. “One down, one to go.” I muttered as I cranked the truck and left. I headed towards San Diego State and stopped for chicken nuggets halfway there, less messy and less chances I’d get something all over my clothes. I sat in the parking lot of their Allied Health building and ate, finishing up with an hour to spare. I was so worried I would get distracted by my phone in the truck I got out and went ahead and went inside. I sat there, waiting what I thought was patiently but apparently it was impatiently according to the guy across from me. “Will you stop?” He asked rudely and my eyes snapped to him. “Your leg bouncing is annoying me.” He declared.
“Then good thing it’s my leg and not yours.” I said, ignoring him. “You’re a bitch aren’t you?” He asked. I could only think of Coop, seeing as that sounded like something he would ask. “I can be when I want to be.” I said, still not looking at him. “Uppity bitch.” I snorted. “I’ve been nice. But I’m over that. If you’re going to get your feelings hurt because someone is doing something you don’t like, then maybe nursing isn’t for you.” I said and he gawked at me. “And don’t get your ego hurt when you get beat out by a bunch of women.” I said. His holier than thou attitude will probably keep him from getting in. Most people who have that attitude can’t hide it and these people conduct so many interviews, they’ll probably notice it before he even opens his mouth. “Miss Blair?” As soon as my name was called I stood, walking towards the door without a look behind me. “Hi.” She said and I nodded, shaking her hand. “Hello.” She closed the door behind us and once again I was sat at another conference table. I was asked why the switch from law to nursing again, but the director caught me off guard with her next question.
“Why apply to this program?” She asked. I hesitated, wondering how I would answer this one. "We'll, it wasn't one that I was originally going to apply to." She raised her brows, surprise taking over her features. "Oh really?" I nodded. "I applied to a few smaller schools but I was encouraged to apply to this one. I honestly didn't think I'd get an interview." I said and she smiled. "Well we were impressed with your transcripts. You did all your prerequisite law classes as well as the nursing classes. That takes dedication." I smiled at her. "I also feel like specializing in medical law gave me a leg up, at least in medical terminology." She nodded and gave me a large smile. Once everyone asked their questions I was allowed to leave and was told I would know something within the next two weeks. Jake and everyone else would be home within two weeks. The past four weeks have dragged on, and now that I was waiting on news from school, the next 2 weeks are gonna feel longer! I talked to Bradley just two days ago, so other than email, I would have to wait and talk to him.
I was ready for everyone to come home, but also, I didn’t want to face Jake. He says he doesn’t want me to leave, but what if he gets mad during our argument and changes his mind? I thought about it the entire way home and came to the decision that if he did want me gone, I’d figure it out. I’d make it work. The next few days I found anything and everything that could take my mind off my interviews and Jake coming home. I finished Twisted love and started A Court Of Thorns and Roses which sucked me in and I felt like i couldn’t finish it fast enough. “He told you to stay away from Calanmai, Feyre!” I yelled out and set the book down. “I think if a high fae told me to stay in my room I would listen.” I said as I stood and went to make dinner. I knew as soon as I finished this book I would have no choice but to go buy the others. That’s what I did as soon as I finished the book. In order to pace myself I only bought the second book, hoping it would slow me down so I didn’t finish as fast. I was so engrossed in it I almost missed Bradley’s call. I heard a buzz and glanced up, my phone was lit up with Bradley’s name and I dove across the couch to answer it. “I was starting to think you wouldn’t answer.” He laughed out. “Sorry! I’ve been so engrossed in these books.” I looked at the time and gasped. “I’ve spent the last four hours reading this book.” I said and he laughed. “You really can get engrossed in those stories can’t you?” He asked and I nodded. “Oh, yeah. It plays out like a movie in my head. I see everything.” He raised his eyebrows. “Really?” I nodded. “I guess that’s why I love books.” I said.
“Next you’ll be telling me you have a voice in your head all the time.” He laughed and I furrowed my brows. “You don’t?” I asked and he shook his head. “You do?” I nodded. “Everything I do, read, say. It all runs through my head. There is always a voice in my head.” He chuckled. “You just keep surprising me.” He said. “So you don’t think it’s weird?” I asked, worried that maybe something was wrong with me. “No. Everyone is different in some way, guess that’s one of yours.” He said and I nodded. “Is it your voice at least?” He asked, with a goofy grin and an eyebrow raised. “Yes, it’s my voice.” I said and he chuckled. “Before I forget, I’ve heard some talk that we may have to go dark.” He said and I sighed. “So no communication at all.” I said and he shook his head. “At least there’s only a week and a half left.” He said and I nodded. “How’s everyone else?” I asked. “Good. Except for Hangman.” He said. “What’s wrong with him now?” I asked. “Well he’s still racking his brain about why you’re mad.” He said. “God, it’s not that hard to figure out.” I said and he chuckled. “I know. He still asks me from time to time.” He paused, chewing his lip for a second. “You can’t tell anybody what I’m about to tell you.” He said and I looked around. “Who am I gonna tell?” I asked and he chuckled. “Right.” I nodded. “Yeah, all my friends are in the middle of the ocean.” I answered snarkily. “What about Kelly?” He asked. “You think I consider her a friend after her little hissy fit she had? Hell no!” I said.
“Well good, because what I’m about to tell you is about her.” He said with a grin. “Bradley.” I said and he nodded. “You’re worse than a woman when it comes to gossip.” I said and he grinned. “I know! Anyway, of course when Hangman called Kelly, it was a yelling match.” I raised my brows at him, a little surprised. “I think they broke up.” He added and guilt settled in my chest. If I had never moved in they wouldn’t have had any problems. “Don’t blame yourself.” Bradley said, breaking me out of my thoughts. “I never thought they’d work out.” He said. “Why not?” I asked and he shrugged. “She was needy. If they weren’t together she would blow up his phone and if he didn’t respond soon enough, damn did she get mad.” He said. “Is he upset about it?” I asked and he shrugged. “I think he’s more upset that you’re mad at him.” He said. “I can’t say I’m that mad anymore. I want to be but I’ve never been able to hold onto anger too long, unless it involves my parents.” I said and he chuckled. “I’d be very surprised if you weren’t mad at your parents.” He said. The rest of our conversation flew by and before I knew it we were saying goodbye. I hoped this wasn’t our last conversation till they got home, but I knew it very well could be.
By the weekend I was bored out of my mind. I stopped reading, trying to pace myself. I couldn’t find anything on tv I liked, the house was squeaky clean too. So, I took to the kitchen. I could cook pretty well, but I figured I would figure out some new things to cook. So I decided to try a twist on the pasta Kelly made my very first night here. I used Italian sausage, sun dried tomatoes, spinach and heavy cream to make a creamy Italian sausage pasta. By the time I finished I was starving and moaned as I took the first bite. “Holy shit.” I said. I easily could’ve eaten all of it but I restrained myself. Then I turned to baking. Mom had never been the best at baking, and I was sure I wouldn’t be. I was right. I first attempted a simple chocolate cake recipe and apparently used too much flour. I quickly learned baking was an exact science and made sure to stick with it. After that I was pretty successful. I managed to make pumpkin bread, which was so good. Then I made cookies, freezing half the dough because I apparently made a lot. I eventually had to stop because there were so many leftovers and baked goods in the fridge I had no room for anything else in the fridge. So I went back to reading.
I checked the mail the morning everyone was due to come home and found two letters in the mailbox, one from the University of San Diego and another from San Diego State. I rushed inside, ripping them open and giving myself a papercut in the process, but I didn’t care. I read them both before I squealed, jumping around. Both schools requested me to take their entrance exams, the very last thing to do before I find out if I got in or not. I could’ve exploded from the excitement and I threw myself on the couch, kicking my legs on the cushion. Once I calmed down, I was surprised that no one called the cops because of all the screaming I did, but I sat and stared at the letters, reading them over and over again. But finally I pulled myself away and went back to reading. I was curled up on the couch with a blanket over me, totally lost in the story when my phone rang out loud. I had my volume turned up that way if anyone called when they got home I wouldn’t miss it. I expected Bradley to call at some point, but when I picked it up, my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. Jake’s name and picture flashed across my screen and I hesitated on answering, but I finally did. “Hello?” I asked, bringing the phone up to my ear. “Hey, darlin’.” I wanted to simply melt at the sound of his voice. I didn’t realize how much I really missed him till I heard it. “Um a-are you docked yet?” I asked knowing it was a stupid question and that they docked an hour ago. “We are.” He said, almost breathlessly it sounded like.
“When will you be home?” I asked and he sighed. “Well, I was gonna ask you about that.” He said and I raised a brow. “Oh?” Why would he be calling me? “Would you come pick me up?” He asked.”What about Kelly?” I asked, a hint of annoyance in my voice. “She’s apparently staying late at the office and can’t get away.” He said. “So what do you say? Come get me, darlin’?” I smiled at the name. “I guess. Since you so desperately need me.” I teased. “You have no idea.” I giggled. “I’ll be there soon.” I said. “See you soon, darlin’.” I hung up and changed into a floral sundress and brushed out my hair. We still had to talk when we got home and I was still a little angry with him, but a part of me still wanted to look good. I slid on my shoes, grabbed the truck keys, my purse, and the letters before making my way out of the house. I was nervous the entire drive there, and I was practically shaking as I turned into the parking lot. I got out, looking around in the sea of white uniforms, hoping to spot him. But I knew I never would. I kept my head low and leaned against the front of the truck, not wanting anyone to spot me, especially anyone who would tell my dad. I sent Jake a text, telling him I was here and where I was parked. I would’ve called him but if he was having any conversations I didn’t want to interrupt. It was another twenty minutes before I heard a voice calling my name. “Katie!” I looked up seeing Natasha waving at me. I waved back and she rushed over, Bradley and Bob not far behind her. She yanked me into a hug which caught me off guard, but I quickly returned it. “I'm so glad y’all are home!” I said as she let go and I hugged Bradley. “So you did miss us.” He said and I scoffed. “More like you keep me entertained. A girl can only read so much.” I said and they laughed before I hugged Bob. “How was it?” I asked. “We all came home alive, that’s all I really care about.” Natasha said.
I noticed some scratches on her face as well as Bob’s but I didn’t say anything about it. “Well I’m  glad everyone is okay.” I said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement and spotted Jake making his way over. “Alright, let’s let Romeo have his moment with her.” Bradley said and they all said goodbye before walking away, leaving me with a blush on my face. As he came closer I could see the smile on his face and once he got close enough he dropped his bags and his arms went around my waist. My arms wrapped around his neck as a reaction and he lifted me off my feet. I could feel his breath on my neck and I was worried he would feel my heart beating rapidly. His face was buried in his neck as he squeezed me tightly. “Fuck.” He muttered. “I missed you.” I was caught off guard by his words but I couldn’t deny that I missed him too. “I missed you too.” I said as my fingers gently messed with the hairs at the base of his neck. I didn’t think he would ever let me go, but after a few minutes he put me down, grinning at me. “How was it?” I asked. “Hard, but we’re all alive and I’m finally home.” He said, smiling brightly. “Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” He asked. “Actually,” I started, grabbing the two letters and handing them to him. He read over both of them and smiled. “Congratulations!” He yelled, sweeping me into another hug, making me laugh. “I interviewed for both of them two weeks ago and I guess they thought I was good enough for their entrance exams.” I said. “Hell yeah you’re good enough! Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked. “I didn’t really tell anyone except Bradley and Natasha. I wanted to keep it to myself for the most part.” I said and his face fell slightly. “Oh well… that makes sense.” He said. “Well, I’m sure you’re ready to go home.” I said and he nodded. “Yeah and uh, I guess we need to have that talk.” He said and I nodded. “Yeah. We do.” I said quietly. “Well, come on then.” He tossed his bag in the backseat before opening my door for me and helping me in.
The ride home was quiet and the awkwardness was growing. But I was a little annoyed as well. He left without a word and comes home acting like nothing was wrong. Hell, when he mentioned having that talk he was grinning like a fool. It unnerved me, him acting like nothing was wrong and this was going to be a little friendly chat. When we got home I let him set his bag down and take care of some stuff before he came back down stairs in a white t-shirt and jeans. “So…” He said as he walked past me, heading for the fridge. “Why did you- holy shit.” He said as he looked inside. “Were you cooking for the entire Navy?” He asked, looking at me with a grin. But when he saw my face, not smiling, his fell. He grabbed a water and closed the fridge, leaning on the counter across from me. “Why did you think I wanted you to leave?” He asked. “Kelly was pretty convincing when we got into it.” I said and he huffed. “Yeah, we talked about it.” He said. “Look, we need to be really open and honest here. I feel like every time I turn around I’ve pissed you off or upset you.” I told him, hoisting myself up onto the counter. “No. I just don’t know what to say to you sometimes.” He said and I felt bad. “I don’t know how to deal with someone being so nice to me.” I told him. “Well I don’t really know how to tell you to deal with it.” There was no venom in his voice, he was sincere and for some reason that bothered me. “I don’t want you to tell me how to deal with it.” I snapped. “I can figure that out myself.” His eyes widened in surprise.
“That’s one thing we need to talk about. I am so nice to you, but sometimes you get so angry at me and I did nothing. You just blow up out of nowhere!” He said, his voice growing louder. “I blow up because sometimes I don’t know what else to do!” I said, my voice leveling with his. “Then figure it out!” “It’s not that fucking easy!” I yelled back. “Then what? Do you want me to walk around and tell you I’m not mad every five minutes?” “No! I just need you to not ignore me! Don’t stomp around the house after we’ve had a conversation!” I could feel the heat in my face, blood rushing to it from anger. “I do not stomp!” My eyes widened at his words. “Oh yes you do! Like when I came in late from Natasha’s the night before you left!” He slammed his water bottle down on the counter, making me jump. “Because I was woken up in the middle of the night!” He said. “I didn’t force you to sleep on the couch! You didn’t have to wait on me!” I said, hopping down from the counter.
“Of course I did! Do you know what I’ve been doing the past six weeks? WORRYING ABOUT YOU!” He yelled and it felt good. This is what I was used to. “I NEVER ASKED YOU TO WORRY ABOUT ME!” I screamed. “WELL TOO DAMN BAD! BECAUSE I FUCKING DO!” We were nose to nose at this point, both of our faces red in anger. I stared up at his face, his green eyes shining and I watched as they flicked down to my lips and mine did the same. “You’re acting like a child.” He said quietly. “WELL I WONDER WHY!” I yelled, a step back. “ME TOO! BECAUSE I CAN’T FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL HAS HAD YOU PISSED AT ME FOR SIX FUCKING WEEKS!” “YOU’D BE PISSED TOO IF SOMEONE YOU CARED ABOUT LEFT FOR A MONTH AND A HALF WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE!” My words seemed to send him reeling, so much so he leaned back, eyes wide. “What?” He asked. “You asked if I wanted you to wake me up the morning you left, and I said yes.” Tears formed in my eyes and I felt stupid for it. I’ve been mad about this for this long and now I cry? “I woke up the next morning, alone, and you were long gone by that time.” I said, wiping my cheeks. “Oh, Katie.” He said, stepping closer. “No, darlin’. I was gonna wake you up, but you never answered when I knocked on the door, and when I opened it, you were dead asleep and I hated to wake you.” He said.
“I was gonna wake you but Kelly said since you got in so late you were probably exhausted. She said she’d go into work late and come back here to tell you why. But I guess that didn’t happen.” He said. “No. It didn’t.” I said. He reached up, his hand resting on my cheek as he wiped the tears from it. “Darlin’. I’m sorry. Is that why you thought I was mad?” I nodded and he sighed. His hand moved from my cheek to the back of my neck, pulling me into him and his lips landed on my forehead. I immediately relaxed into him and my arms went around his waist. “I’m sorry, darlin’.” He muttered against my forehead. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he released me. “Is that the only reason you were mad at me?” He asked and I nodded. “Good. Now, I’m starving so what all is in this fridge?” He asked and I laughed. Of course he was hungry, he’s probably hardly eaten all day. We fixed some leftovers and sat down at the table to eat. “So, what do you need to do before these entrance exams?” He asked. “Need to study?” I nodded. “Well SDSU sent me a word document with a study guide and USD sent me a link to a study book. I guess I just need to review them both.” He nodded. “I have two weeks off, but if you want, you can send them to me and I can print off physical copies on base.”
“I don’t wanna make you go to base during your time off.” I said and he shook his head. “I have to go tomorrow for a mission debrief, so I can do it then.” I nodded. “Okay. That’ll work.” I grinned at him. The next day he came home from base with stacks of paper. “How many pages were there?!” I asked in shock. “Not a lot. I just made multiple copies.” I took a few from him to lighten the load and set them on the table. “Well thank you.” I said as he sat the rest down. “Want some help studying?” He asked and I shook my head. “No, I do my best studying alone.” I said and he nodded. The next two weeks I spent almost every waking moment studying. Bradley and Natasha quizzed me one day when they came over and I felt like I was doing good. “Hey Jake?” I asked, peeking my head into his bedroom as he grabbed his laundry. “Yeah?” He asked. “Do you mind helping me study on Thursday night?” I asked. “I just wanna make sure I know everything before Friday.” Both of my exams were on Friday but thankfully I could take them here on Jake’s computer. “Yeah. I don’t have any plans.” He said with a grin. “Awesome! I’m pretty comfortable that I know it all, but I just want to make sure.” He walked by, nudging me as he did. “You’re pretty smart, I think you’ll do great.” His words of encouragement made me grin and I leaned against the doorframe, watching him head downstairs. What the hell am I doing? I have to get my feelings in check.
Come Thursday I took a break from studying, giving my mind a rest before the tests tomorrow. I slept in, and spent most of my day curled up on the couch or my bed reading. But just around dinner time I gathered all my study materials and went downstairs. I set everything up on the dining room table and grabbed a water and some watermelon I had cut up yesterday. I found when I study, I constantly want to eat and it helps with keeping my attention. “Hey, Jake!” I called up the stairs. “Yeah?” He asked as he came downstairs. I was a little surprised at his attire. Grey slacks, black button up and dress shoes. “What’s got you all dressed up?” I asked. “Date with Kelly. I’m running late and I still have to grab flowers.” He kissed my forehead before rushing off towards the door. “I’ll probably be home late. Don’t wait up, darlin’.” With that he dipped out, locking the door behind him and leaving my standing between the dining room and living room. Tears immediately started down my face as I saw his headlights flash in the window and his truck tear down the road. He forgot. He had a date with Kelly and forgot that he said he’d help me study. “God!” I yelled. “Quit fucking crying over everything.” I told myself before I sat at the table, pulling my papers closer. I don’t fucking need him to help me study, I’ve done just fine on my own for two weeks so far so I don’t need him now.
I sat at the table and attempted to study but I could hardly pay attention. I huffed and tossed my pencil onto the table before standing. Just as I did that the rain started to pour outside, thunder with it. Maybe now with the constant noise of the rain I’ll be able to focus. I sat back down and was able to get a lot of studying done until suddenly the power cut out. I let out a yell as it did, and sat up straight. “Dammit.” I groaned. I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight on my phone before standing and going into the kitchen. “I swear he told me there were some candles in here for emergencies. I rooted around all the drawers and cabinets before climbing onto the counter and looking in the cabinet above the fridge and found some. “Thank god!” I yelled before grabbing a few and getting off the counter. I lit two and put them in the living room, one at the dining room table with me and one in the kitchen. I sat back down and started studying. “Guess I gotta do it the way my parents did.” I remarked. My parents seemed old enough to have done everything by candlelight. I sat there for about half an hour, the storm raging on when I thought I heard the front door. I looked up, attempting to see through the dark but was startled by a voice. “Hey, darlin’.” I jumped slightly at the voice but instantly relaxed when I realized it was him. I just glared at him for a second before turning back to my papers.
“C’mon, darlin’. Just hear me out?” He asked and I sighed, deciding I might as well hear him out. “What?” I snapped. “I realized as soon as we sat down at the restaurant what happened.” He said. “And what was that?” I asked. “That I forgot I’d help you study.” He said quietly. “But as soon as I realized, I ordered our food to go. Then I stopped and got that wine you like, and some flowers.” He held up a beautiful bouquet of roses. “Please let me make it up to you?” He asked. “When you said ‘our’ food?” I asked. “Mine and yours.” He said. “And Kelly?” I asked. “She was pissed when I told her, and my mother would shoot me for this, but I kind of left her stranded at the restaurant. I got our food and left.” He said. “She tried to argue with me. Telling me that if I left it was over.” A part of me felt bad for Kelly but the other part of me, the immature part wanted to laugh in her face. “But I didn’t care. I’m tired of being given ultimatums.” He said. “She’s done it before?” I asked and he nodded. “Not with you but with other girls. She even tried it with Natasha.” He said. “Can you forgive me?” He asked, a soft smile gracing his face. “Help me study and maybe I’ll consider it.” I said, taking the bouquet from him. “Thank you.” He said and I leaned over, kissing his cheek. “Now let’s eat. I can’t seem to study on an empty stomach.” I said and he grinned before jumping up. He got the food ready, poured the wine and sat down with me. It was hard to not find some romance in this. Eating Italian food together by candlelight, some wine and roses? I just hoped I could keep my hopes down. Because if I didn’t the heartbreak was inevitable.

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