Chapter Three: Getting to know Her

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Before I get started, I'd like to let my best friend, msmellark74 , know that I thank her for pretty much giving me the middle names for Katniss and Peeta even though she didn't know I would use them in this chapter...hope you aren't mad, girl!

Katniss had waken up the next morning to feel no arms around her, the complete opposite of last night. She felt cold; empty. As she sat up, she felt a piece of paper crumble beneath her. She pulled it out.

Sorry I had to go so soon. If Gale caught me, it would be the end of me and us. Hope you forgive me.

She smiled to herself right as Gale entered her room. She quickly tucked the paper underneath her pillow. "Good morning, Catnip. Have a nice night?" She nodded and he smiled. "Great. We're all waiting on you for breakfast."

She nodded again and he left her room. She got up and went to the bathroom across the hall.

She handled her business, putting on one of her many oversized jumpers and leggings. She grabbed her flower crown from her room and put it on before stepping into the dining area linked to the kitchen where they were all seated at Gale and Peeta's small table. Gale and Madge were busy debating over something that occurred a few days ago, so Peeta gave Katniss a small smile.

She smiled back and went into the kitchen to fix herself a plate of breakfast. Before she could open the fridge to get herself some orange juice, a hand covered hers completely on the handle of the fridge. She looked and saw Peeta, with a smile on his face. "I really enjoyed being with you last night," he whispered.

"I enjoyed being with you too." She wouldn't admit how safe she felt in his arms just yet. Things were just falling into place for them, but it was never too late for something to happen and them have to be apart. Heck, Gale could just walk in, see this, and get pissed, she thought.

Peeta looked around cautiously before kissing her. He pulled away. "I wanted to do that last night, but...I wasn't sure--"

She cut him off with a small peck to the lips. "It's fine," she said softly, giving him a small smile. He smiled back and took his hand off of hers quickly before Madge and Gale could notice them as Madge followed Gale into the kitchen.

"Gale, I'm saying that you liked her picture on Instagram and haven't even bothered to like my most recent one!"

Gale rolled his eyes and huffed. "Madge, it's not that big of a deal--"

"She's been your hashtag WCW for almost a month now!" Madge exclaimed. "That's supposed to be me, your girlfriend!"

Gale didn't say anything as he grabbed Madge by the hand and dragged her out of the kitchen after grabbing himself a muffin, which Peeta had freshly baked that morning. Katniss got the orange juice out and poured herself a glass as the sound of Gale grabbing his keys was heard. "I'm taking Madge back to her house, I'll see you two later," he said. "Oh, and, Peeta, if I come in and find a dirty condom anywhere in this house, I'll kill you," he added, leaving like it was nothing.

Peeta and Katniss shared a look. He had really left them alone. Together. Peeta left her in the kitchen while he went and sat down on the couch, turning on the television. She sipped her orange juice and ate one of the muffins, finding it one of the most delicious things she had ever tasted.

She tossed the muffin wrapper in the trash and put her cup in the sink before going out and sitting on the couch next to Peeta. Quite close actually. He wanted so badly to just pull her flush against him and kiss her, but Gale and his threats had him questioning whether this was a good idea. Gale was a serious guy and, although it didn't seem like it when him and Madge were arguing, he would take care of the people he loved. Katniss was one of those people, so he'd probably skin Peeta alive when he found out what happened between them last night.

Katniss tucked some of her bangs behind her ear as she looked over at Peeta. "So..."

He chuckled. "Let's get to know each other before things get serious," he suggested. She nodded eagerly. "So, what's your full name?"

"Katniss Jolee Everdeen," she said quietly. He smiled.

"Jolee, it means pretty, right?" He asked her. She nodded. "Well, a pretty middle name for a pretty girl, I see," he smiled. She blushed and tucked her bangs behind her ear again.

"What's your full name?" She asked him quietly.

"Peeta James Mellark," he answered. She smiled slightly.

"That's a nice name." He nodded a thanks.

"So when's your birthday, Katniss?"

"May eighth," she said. Peeta nodded as he calculated how long that would be from then. Ten months and a couple of days, dangit, Peeta thought. That seemed so far away when they wanted to be together so badly. "When's your birthday?"

"October tenth," he answered. She nodded in reply, not really knowing what else she could ask, but Peeta knew what he could ask.

He asked her questions like where she came from, how old her younger sister was, what was it like to have a younger sister, and did she like staying with him and Gale. She answered yes to the last one of course and then she asked him questions about where he came from, about his older brothers once she learned he had two older ones, what was it like, and ended her questions boldly with, "Do you like having me stay with you and Gale?"

Peeta hesitated before he answered. "I admit, at first when I found out that you were coming, I wasn't too excited. You're seventeen and you can't drink or do anything fun, so what would we do together? Then I found out you were staying with us after Gale threatened to murder me if my eyes looked away from yours or I put my hands on you. He really doesn't want us together," he sighed. Katniss sighed also.

"You know, Peeta, technically, I can do anything you can, just not legally." He looked over at her.

"What are you saying?" He asked her.

"I'm saying that if I wanted to, I could drink alcohol and go to the club just like you can, just with a fake I.D.," she said quietly.

"But would you?" She took a moment to ponder this. For him, maybe, she thought. She only shrugged and Peeta chuckled. He knew she wasn't capable to do those type of things. She was just too...pure for that; too fragile. He leaned over and kissed her. "But to answer your question, yes, I really like having you stay with Gale and I." She smiled and he returned the smile.

She had scooted onto the other end of the couch by the time Gale came back. He sat down between them. "What did you two do while I was gone, Catnip?"

"Nothing, we just watched T.V.," she lied. Although she hated lying to her big brother, this was going to be worth it and she knew that. Peeta winked at her behind Gale's back and she smiled slightly. Definitely going to be worth it.

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