Chapter Sixteen: Support

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Peeta could hear the sobs all the way from the kitchen as he scrolled through his phone. He moved from his spot against the counter and peeked out of the doorway, seeing Katniss on the couch, her phone pressed to her ear. Her facial expression was a mixture of sympathy and annoyance. "Madge?" He asked Katniss softly, already knowing who it was.

"Madge," Katniss mouthed in confirmation. It had been nearly three months since Gale's trial and Katniss' birthday, and it seemed like with each passing day, Madge lost a little more of her mind. Katniss and Peeta both worried about Madge's mental health and also her health just in general. She had moved back in with her parents, and she called Katniss almost every other day.

"Katniss, I don't know what I'm going to do," she sniffled and Katniss sighed.

"Madge," she said quietly.

"I just...he killed a man, Katniss..." Madge broke into sobs again and Katniss wanted nothing more than to bang her head on the wall. She felt responsible all over again. Gale had killed Matt because of what he did to Katniss. She was an indirect murderer, or at least, that's what she felt like. Gale was taking the load for her, and Madge's nearly constant sobs weren't making her feel any better.

"Madge!" Katniss exclaimed after a moment. Madge had gone quiet, sniffling occasionally. "I'm sorry, but...Gale has life without parole. He won't be getting out for what...he did..." She let that sink in. Gale wouldn't get out. He didn't have a chance of seeing anything outside that prison. All because of what he did for her. Katniss had nearly begun to cry as well, but she stopped herself. There was no point in crying over it when nothing could be done, but that didn't stop her guilt. "At least you get visitation," she tried to reason.

Madge didn't say anything for awhile, composing herself. "I guess you're right," she murmured, her voice hoarse and rough from sobbing so much. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes before Madge spoke again. "I have my ultrasound tomorrow to find out the sex of the baby. I planned to go see Gale afterwards," she said softly. "Can...Can you come with me, Katniss?"

Katniss of course wanted to be there for Madge. Madge had been farther along in her pregnancy than anyone honestly expected, having to had been at least ten weeks along when the news of Matt's death came around. She really needed someone, and Katniss planned to be there for her niece or nephew. She was the one who indirectly had his or her father locked away. Stop thinking like that, Katniss told herself. "Of course," she replied. "What time?"

"Two o'clock. I'll pick you up around 1:30, okay?"

"Yeah, that's okay. I'll see you then, Madge." With that, Katniss hung up, tossing her phone on the couch cushion next to her and leaning back. She rubbed her eyes, sighing heavily.

"What now?" Peeta walked over and plopped down beside her, picking up her phone and sitting it on the arm rest. He noticed how tense she looked and he wrapped his arm around her, his hand beginning to gently knead the tension out of one of her shoulders.

Katniss sighed, rubbing her eyes once more as she tried to fight her tears. "Madge wants me to come with her for her ultrasound. After that, we're supposed to be going to see Gale."

"Kat, are you sure you want to do that? I mean, I'm not a psychologist or anything,'ve been affected a lot by Gale's sentence, and I don't know whether or not going to see him will help you-"

"It's not about me, Peeta. Someone needs to support Madge, and I feel it's only right if I do."  A tear rolled down her cheek and Peeta wiped it away, getting her to look at him.

"Katniss," he got her attention. "I don't know if you should do this. You haven't even gotten out yet and you're already crying."

"I'm guilty, Peeta," she sniffed. "I-I made my b-brother kill a man. I-I'm just as bad as him." She wiped her eyes.

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