Chapter Eleven: Living with Her

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Katniss' phone  sat across from Peeta and Katniss, Katniss holding onto Peeta's arm nervously. They were currently about to FaceTime Katniss' mother, Elizabeth. After three months of actually staying in a motel room, Peeta finally found the income to purchase himself an apartment, and it was his wish that Katniss stay with him. No, he didn't want to sign over as her legal guardian because imagine how awkward that would be; telling people the story of how you met and it involves being the partner's guardian until he or she is of legal age. They both knew their love story was complicated enough as is.

When Elizabeth answered, she gave them a questioning look once she noticed how much Katniss was clinging to Peeta.

"Okay, you're not pregnant are you?" Her mother asked them quietly. Katniss quickly shook her head as Peeta laughed a bit.

"No, Mom, I'm not. I'm only seventeen. I don't even want to have sex until I'm at least twenty, maybe twenty-one," Katniss answered.

Oh, but you said if I waited a little while you would have sex with me, Peeta thought as he looked over at her.

"Plus, again, I'm just seventeen. I wouldn't be able to take care of a baby. And I honestly don't think Peeta and I want children."

Speak for yourself, Peeta thought again. He loved children, and he did see himself in the future as being a father, but Katniss just ruined those plans.

"Oh, alright, that's good," her mother sighed in relief. "But anyway, how are you, Katniss?"

"I'm good. Peeta's been taking care of me and last night, I called Gale to let him know I was okay. He said he would strangle Peeta, but I mean, I didn't tell him where we were, which is why we need to talk to you," she replied.

"Okay, what is it?"

After several moments of silence, Katniss nudged Peeta. "O-Oh, yeah, right. Okay, well, Ms....," he paused and looked to Katniss. He didn't even know what she went by. He didn't know if she stuck with "Everdeen" or if she went back to "Hawthorne" or if she went with her maiden name, which was "Sharp". Out of the camera's view, Katniss pointed to herself, which meant, "Everdeen". "Well, Ms. Everdeen," he continued. "I have bought myself and Katniss an apartment, and we were wondering if it was alright with you for Katniss to live with me."

Elizabeth paused. "Live with you? Is she not doing that already?"

"I mean, she is, but we're in a motel room as you know. I wanted to make sure I had the income before I got us a stable apartment."

"As long as you take care of her, you have my blessing."

Peeta smiled at Katniss as Katniss grinned back. She turned to the camera. "Thank you, Mom."

"You are very welcome, but do not do anything stupid, Katniss. If I find out that you're pregnant at any point–"

"You won't," Katniss smiled, still holding onto Peeta. "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome, Sweetie. Take care of her, Peeta," she said to Peeta. He nodded in reply.

"I wouldn't dream of doing anything else, Ms. Everdeen," he smiled.

They hadn't even been living together for a full week before Katniss invited Gale over. They argued prior to his arrival. Even though it was short, it was intense as well.

"Katniss! If the man said he's going to strangle me when he sees me, why would you freakin' invite him over knowing I'm here?!"

"Peeta, I know he's been threatening you, but he's still my brother and I want him to see that I'm okay. Plus, he said he's bringing Madge. Madge will calm him down if he gets too worked up," she replied, getting up and stopping him from pacing. Peeta only shook her off and went on with pacing.

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