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Hey! I'm not dead! I know it definitely seemed like it being I haven't updated anything since early summer of '16, and well, that was before I hit some other obligations and distractions. Now that I really don't have that many obligations, (even though in all honesty, I have more obligations, just a wider span of time between each thing) I've started investing back into the fandom again, even though I really didn't stop. I just kinda eased up on it. Now, I know what you're thinking. "The Fandom's Dead!" And you're not wrong. At this point, there's only about a handful of us left, but I'm going to make the best out of it.

With updating this fanfic, I'm in between. I've been reading over what I have, which includes reading each part over again and getting excited and eagerly willing to continue. I just have one problem. When I do sit down to begin typing, I lose my inspiration and eagerness. It's not that I don't know what I want to happen, because trust me, I had and still do have big plans for the BomBBB, (Because of my Bad Boy Boyfriend, Learning to Love Again) somewhat trilogy (it had a third fic but...I deleted it even though I knew what I wanted to happen), the Kisses (Gummy Bear Kisses, Wedding Ring Kisses) series, which would be a trilogy by now if I just got my crap together (I actually have the first couple of chapters written of the third fic, but that doesn't do me any good since I haven't even finished the second), and I haven't given Fragile and it's sequels that I planned to follow it a trilogy name yet. It will probably be the Development trilogy since, not spoiling anything since I'm sure you could've guessed it, Katniss' character development improves greatly over the trilogy. 

Now, with having no inspiration whenever I try to update my other series, someway, somehow, I've managed to find enough inspiration to do oneshots. I can easily write a oneshot and maybe add one or two other parts to that oneshot depending on the demand for it. So that's where my new idea comes into play. Until I can in fact get my muses together and update this and the other fanfics, (which I would continue with the idea even after I do get on the right track) I would like to create a Oneshot/Drabble book. Like I do with a majority of my fanfic ideas, I ask for the readers' opinions. If I were to continue with the idea of creating a Oneshot/Drabble book, who would read it?

On each oneshot, you would be able to comment the prompt and ship you would like to read, and every week or less, depending on how much I've got going on, I'd write it. I'm not going to limit it to just Everlark in D12. You can do Modern AU, Historical AU, Victorian AU, Science Fiction AU- whatever your heart desires with whatever ship. It gives the book some...variation and keeps things interesting.

So what do you say? Oneshot/Drabble book or no? And be honest. Thanks!


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