Chapter 8

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Something felt off. 

Nuzzling against Inkani, Ilio focused on the man until he noticed the slightest signs of movement. 

He's okay... but then why do I feel so unsettled? 

Ilio carefully inched his way out from beneath his vampire's arm, though it took a lot of effort. He'd finally gotten to rest with his mate and now he was going to walk away. 

Just need to check out the area. 

He wanted to make sure that Inkani was able to sleep well so he would just go check the area out real quick. 

Except, by the time he got to the front door of the inn he could tell that everything was not fine. 

Master Bin? 

He knew that the man had been standing guard out front, but now he was gone...

Lifting his nose up a little, Ilio sniffed a few times as he channeled his wolf closer to the surface. 

He left? 

Turning his head in the direction the man's scent was coming from, he sniffed a bit more, picking up another scent that didn't quite seem right. He then looked back toward the building Inkani and his crew were in. 

Bin is very important to Inka...

Deciding to check out the situation further, Ilio began following the scent left behind by the vampire. He quickly became aware of the eyes watching him as he quickly found himself in a bustling part of town. 

It's too late at night for all of this activity. 

Brushing off the attention he was getting, Ilio continued on his way. After a little while he stopped outside of what appeared to be a busy restaurant, but he didn't dare step inside, as the smell of cigars was already burning his nose. 

He went inside, but then he came out. 

He took a few steps away from the building and sniffed the air again. 

Farther down the street. 

"I've never seen a wolf walk right into a settlement before." 

"Is that really a dog? He smells like one, but being here is suicide..." 

"He's kind of cute. Maybe I'll keep him for a while before I skin him..." 

Bug off, all of you. I already have a vampire. 

Ilio didn't wait for them to start trying to surround him. Channeling his wolf, he allowed its power to begin radiating outward, making the vampires that had begun walking toward him immediately hesitate. 

"No way..." 

"He doesn't look like he could be so strong..." 

Ilio made it a few more yards before his path was blocked by a burly looking vampire. He could have just gone around, but it was clear that just exuding power wasn't going to deter them for very long. 

"You might be a strong wolf, but you're also a little twig. I'm not going to pass up such a large payday just because I'll have to fight a little dog for it!" the large man said, his words encouraging several others to step closer, too. 

He just called you a little dog, Ilio thought to his wolf with a hint of laughter to his words. 

His dog was already lifting its hackles and baring its teeth internally at their situation. It wanted out. 

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