Chapter 12

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Captain is finally asleep...

Bin slowly pushed himself up, feeling his body ache as it continued to heal. His vampiric body had never been the best, as it didn't process blood well while stressed, but it did try its best to handle the damage it often sustained. 

Another day or two and I should be able to manage... unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to get another hour, let alone a day. 

He could already sense Karalius nearby and had caught glimpses of his miasmic form earlier during their situation with captain Moral. The man was persistent, he would give him that. Not the best at hiding that he was tracking someone, but quite exemplary in the actual tracking. 

He'd probably run off to the ship the moment Ilio chased him away. 

Bin's eyes suddenly widened as he quickly jumped out of bed and ran for his door! 

Why the hell would I think that it was just his miasma here? 

He hurried up the stairs to the deck a moment later, then stopped at the threshold as rain hammered down in a rage just beyond his bare toes. 


Karalius stood beneath the downpour, his miasma diminished and fracturing constantly in the pouring rain. A pair of dark, silk-thin wings, much like a bat's, pressed against his back every now and then, but they were mostly battered and blown about by the windy storm around him. 

What are you doing out there? Aren't you here to try and kill me again? 

He'd been resting for quite some time. 

Plenty of time for a demon to sneak into his room. 

As he continued to consider the situation, Karalius finally seemed to notice him and began drifting in his direction. 

Alright, stay calm. He hasn't tried to attack yet, so there must be a reason. 

He waited patiently until Karalius was finally standing before him, their feet nearly boot to toe. 

Wait a second...

Bin slowly took a step back, then down one step. He waited there for a full minute before a disbelieving smile slid across his dry lips. 

You won't enter without permission this time, too, huh? 

He couldn't believe that such simple words from many years past still could hold back such a powerful being. 

If Inkani knew what was keeping you at bay he would be on the floor laughing for hours. 

Of course, he wasn't going to taunt the man before him because of his oversight, though. He appreciated not being assaulted long enough to get some decent rest. 

"Are... are you able to talk right now?" he asked, curious to see if the man's mind was lucid enough for conversation. 

Karalius tilted his head slowly one way, then the other as his left eye began to form within the miasma. 

Bin felt his heart lift the slightest fraction in hope as the man before him truly began to materialize. He never seemed able to rid himself of the darkness wisping up from his flesh, but he managed to restrain it enough to allow the majority of his true body to be seen. 

There you are.

Karalius finally lifted his gaze to meet Bin's, his dark eyes seeming surprisingly exhausted. 

"Master Binan..." 

His words were deep and gruff, proving that he was, somehow, quite tired. 

I can't exactly bring him downstairs with me, though, and it's pouring outside. Bringing a bed up to get soaked through wouldn't help, either. 

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