Chapter 1

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Percy's POV:

"This is nice." I said as I sat down on the sand.

"You said it. But I doubt it will be for long." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

Leo had just come back from dying. Guess who he brought with him! CALYPSO! We made up and now we're friends. She forgave me and agreed that it was the Gods' fault.

Annabeth and I talked for a little bit before being called to the Big House. We ran up and looked around for Chiron.

"Whassup?" I asked.

"There have been... strange occurrences in a small town called Jasper, Nevada. We need you two and one other demigod to go investigate." Chiron informed.

"Alright." We walked out.

"Who do you think we should ask to bring?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know. Nico or Leo?" I suggested.

"How about Nico? Leo can be... he's also got Calypso right now. I know Will is with Nico but I think he'll handle it better." Wise Girl calculated.

"Ok." We jogged over to the Hades Cabin. "Yo, Nico! Come out here!"

"What is it?" He asked tiredly.

"Another quest we were hoping you could come on." I stated.

"Sure. When." He rubbed his eyes.


Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I took the liberty of asking when. Right now."

We hopped on the camp bus and drove to Nevada. It was a LOONGG ride, but we finally got there! As soon as I got out of the car, I immediately felt the power radiating/pulsing out of the ground... or pretty much everywhere.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Maybe we should start over there." Nico pointed to a fast food place called K.O Burger. "I'm hungry."

"Same." I nodded.

"Ditto." Annabeth said.

We walked over there. There was a boy who looked about sixteen years old running the cash register.

"Welcome to K.O Burger, can I take your order?" He asked us.

"Three-no- four burgers with three soft drinks please." I ordered.

"Ok. That will be 17.99 as your total." I handed him some change and Annabeth handed him the cash. "It will be ready in about five-ish minutes. Have a good day!"

We went over to a table. Nico looked around before leaning in across the table.

"There's something... off about that guy." He whispered.

"Yeah. Almost like he's seen something. Wanna ask him if he's seen anything?" I asked.

"Okay..." We got up after eating and saw him walking out to a motorcycle.

"Come on." I waved at them and we started walking casually the same way the boy was headed.

After a few minutes of walking, we started to hear metal clanging and other sounds of battle. We ran over to the sound and saw HUGE robot people things fighting each other. One was a girl robot who seemed good in gymnastics. Another was a green guy who seemed clumsy. Another was a yellow guy who looked like a bumblebee. There were three others. Purple and weird.

I saw the boy we had seen earlier and two others. Another boy and a girl. Suddenly, one of the purple guys shot a beam at the kids and I jumped to push them out of the way.

"LOOK OUT!" I shouted. We landed in a pile of limbs. "Uh... you ok?"

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Wait. You're the people from K.O." The original boy said.

"Yeah, but we might wanna get out of the way before that guy," I pointed to the purple guy, "shoots again."

We ran to a tunnel thing and hid in there. We decided with introductions.

"I'm Jack. Jack Darby." The boy nodded.

"I'm Raphael. You can call me Raph." The younger boy said.

"I'm Miko." The girl stated.




"Nice to meet you, but why did you follow me?" Jack asked.

I sighed and looked at my friends. We had a silent agreement.

"We were sent to investigate the weird activity here. We'll explain more after we get to safety." Annabeth answered.

"Jack. Raph. Miko. It's safe to come out now." A female voice, the girl robot, called. We walked out. "Great. More humans to babysit."

"Who you calling human?" I smirked.

"Uh... should we call Optimus, or...?" The green one asked.

"Take them to base. We'll figure it out there." The girl robot decided.

The yellow one buzzed something then did a weird transforming thing into a car. The girl transformed into the motorcycle from earlier. The green one transformed into a truck car.

"Hop in." Raph opened the door for me to get into the yellow one.

"Uh. Ok." I got in, but didn't fasten my seatbelt.

"You gonna...?" Raph gestures to it.

"Oh. Forgot." I fastened it and we got rolling.

We started driving to a rock hill. The road ended at a wall. I thought we were gonna do a U turn, but we just drove right into the wall.

Now, I've done pretty crazy stuff, so things like that don't startle me. What startled me were even more robot people inside the hill.

I got out and started walking over to Annabeth, who was consumed by the architecture. She started ranting about it until I stopped her.

"Wise Girl! Do you want to rebuild or do you want to investigate?" I smirked. She sighed but stopped ranting.

A big blue and red robot walked over and crouched down in front of me. He stared me in the eyes and I stared right back. His eyes held kindness, pain, hurt, so many emotions, all I recognized in myself. But he kept a strong face on, like how I do. This guy, right here, was a true leader.

"My name is Optimus Prime. Leader of the Autobots. How did you learn of our existence." He looked at the three robots from earlier who tried to avoid his gaze.

The green one and the girl both said the same exact thing. "Whoops."

I love Transformers, Percy Jackson, Keeper of the Lost Cities and so much more! I don't own Transformers or Heroes of Olympus. I just own the plot. Hope you enjoyed!

~Pjo-HOO-Kotlc bookworms!

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