Chapter 07

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HanSeo opened his eyes slowly, looked around in a daze and when he tried to get up he felt a weight on his waist, when he looked down I went an arm around him and so the plug fell, he had slept with Vincenzo Cassano, and...

— Oh my gosh. — Whispers as she brings her hand to her neck. Yes, HanSeo had let Vincenzo mark him. HanSeo tries to turn around slowly and when he succeeds he faces Vincenzo and stands admiring but something catches his eye. — Right... It can't be.

— Yes you can. — Cassano speaks with his eyes closed. — You are one. — Bring HanSeo closer. — Let's get some more sleep.

— No, Vincenzo waits. — HanSeo pushes him. — How did I do that?

— ... — Vincenzo opens his eyes. — You're like me.

— I can't be.

— But it is. — Vincenzo sits down and brings HanSeo along. — Those medicines prevented your wolf from appearing, when you stopped taking it, it began to appear gradually.

— So... — Points to Vincenzo's neck which had a nice bite.

— I tagged you and you tagged me. — Vincenzo smiles. — Unlike the others only alphas can mark omegas, but we pure DNA have equality, alphas and pure lupus omegas go hand in hand, so if an alpha marks your omega, the omega also has the right to mark your alpha.

— I'll be able to transform.

— Ask him.

— Um?

— I know you can already hear a voice inside you.

— How...

— I have too, it's our wolf talking to us... I learned that mine loves you very much.

— Vincenzo!

— What? — Cassano deposits a sealar on HanSeo's lips and then gets up from the bed. - Is there a bathtub here?

— Has.

— Stay here, I'll be right back.

— Where else would I go. — Talk to a downcast woman. And then he throws himself on the bed.

Vincenzo goes to the bathroom and turns on the faucet to fill the tub, then goes towards the kitchen and looks for a good wine, and then it was still eight in the morning.

— It must be eight o'clock at night somewhere. — He finds a bottle, grabs two glasses and goes back to the bathroom, arranging everything to his liking and then goes back to the bedroom, where he had a HanSeo who had gone back to sleep.

— Lazy. — He picks up HanSeo and leads him to the bathroom. — Perfect. — Speaks When he stops in front of the mirror, Cassano watched the warmongering scene in front of him. Two naked bodies full of marks of a wonderful night. When he finishes admiring the scene, Vincenzo gets into the tub with HanSeo and has him sitting on his lap.

— What. — HanSeo opens his eyes and sees where he is. — Cozy. — Snuggles more into Vincenzo's chest. - We can stay here forever.

— As much as you want.

— You're so perfect. — HanSeo kisses Vincenzo's cheek. — How did someone like me find someone like you?

— I should ask that. — Vincenzo brings his hand to HanSeo's chin and holds it, then brings his lips to HanSeo's lips initiating a slow kiss that then turns into something urgent.

HanSeo settled into Vincenzo's lap, he puts one leg on each side and then fits into it.

— Um... So... Good. — Speech going up and down slowly.

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