Chapter 08

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After hours of travel the couple arrived in Italy and a car came to pick them up.

— Where are we going? — HanSeo asks as he watches the city out the window.

— I have a house in the countryside, already asking for security to be tripled.

— Um. — HanSeo was more interested in all those wonders, he had never left Korea, that was the first time he had gone to another country.

— I spent my whole childhood there, I loved running through the woods with my dad.

— And your mother?"

— She didn't like it very much... In fact I am adopted, my adoptive parents could not have children so they went to a convent I had in Korea and adopted me, since the day I was left there I never saw my mother again.

— Do you know who she is?

— I know, but I don't want to see it... My parents are the ones who raised me.

— But she's your mother.

— Let's not talk about it... Look, we're coming.

All of HanSeo's attention went to the house in front of him, actually calling it home was an affront, in fact here it was almost a castle.

— Here's so...

— I know. — Vincenzo pulls HanSeo into his arms and hugs him tight. — Here we will build our family.

— Family. — That word never meant so much to HanSeo, it was all he wanted. A family to call a family, a real family, the one that's there for you and with you, not what he had, that was...

— Come on love. — Vincenzo calls as soon as the car stops.

— I wanted to look at the place.

— Alright, I'll fix some stuff in there. — Vincenzo walks out but leaves some security guards for HanSeo's safety.

HanSeo walks aimlessly through the property, which was really big, he never imagined living in such a place.

— He really is addicted to wine. — Speaks looking at a closed shed with a sign written cellar. The place was huge. — That is... — On the side of the winery there was a huge plantation of grapes. — It's past normal.

— Mr. Cassano? Mr. Cassano? — A security guard called looking at HanSeo, but he didn't respond thinking it wasn't up to him. — Mr. Cassano. — Try again but this time he nudges HanSeo's shoulder gently.

— Are you talking to me?

— Yes Mr. Cassano.

— But I don't...

— Master Cassano is calling you Lord Cassano.

— Um... Oh... Okay, take me to him.

— Yes, Mr. Cassano. — HanSeo was finding this form of treatment very strange. — Over here. — The security guard was taking HanSeo to the back of the house.

— Where is he? — HanSeo asks as soon as he gets there.

— I'm sorry sir.

— What. — HanSeo couldn't finish speaking, the security guard put a damp cloth over his face.

— I'm really sorry. He wasn't to blame, HanSeok had caught someone important to him. The security guard left the house without anyone seeing him, in the cloth besides the substance to make him sleep there was another so that Vincenzo would not realize that HanSeo was no longer there, it would not last long, so the false security hastily left the place. And in less than ten minutes he arrived at a vineyard property, there was a helicopter, he put HanSeo inside and then took off. While driving, the fake security guard calls HanSeok.

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