Chapter 11

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After vomiting up to his guts, HanSeo fainted and was now asleep for almost twelve hours, Vincenzo could already consider himself panicking, he couldn't feel what his omega had, this was very distressing, even the doctor who was called couldn't tell what HanSeo had.

And now at this moment Vincenzo was in his training room destroying everything in front of him, he was out of control.

Unfortunately Cassano couldn't feel what HanSeo had if he only knew that HanSeo's wolf who did the same goes into a coma and that he won't wake up until four months from now. At least that's what the wolf was thinking of doing, but it doesn't blame him he's just afraid of what happened years ago, he just doesn't want to lose. Yes, HanSeo was pregnant again, and his wolf had been hiding it for a month, he hid everything, even the smell, and made the bond between Vincenzo and HanSeo weak to the point that neither felt the other. The wolf will only let HanSeo wake up when he is close to having the cub, which will be in three months.

— Mr. Cassano.

— What? — Vincenzo stops what he was doing and looks at the alpha in front of him.

— There's two people looking for your omega.

— Who are these people?

— One of them is the guy who kidnapped him.

— How is it? — Cassano doesn't let the security guard answer him, he runs out of the room and heads towards the unknown smell in his room. —You. — He uses the alpha voice, causing one of the people to put the other behind him.

— I said it wasn't a good idea.

— But he seemed trustworthy. — Says holding the back of the other's blouse.

— HanSeo called us...

— Don't tell lies.

— I'm not lying, he called and asked me to come here... I'm here, where is he?

— Unwilling.

— He's not okay. — So-Moon says softly. — I have to go see it.

— He won't let it. — Shin Hyuk-Woo speaks as he looks coldly at Vincenzo, which movement of the alpha lupus, Hyuk-Woo would protect his omega and his cub with his life.

— Why do you want to see my omega? — Cassano asks.

— I... I'm different from the other omegas. — So-Moon takes courage and steps out from behind his alpha.

— Moon...

— It's okay, he won't hurt us, he knows if he does his omega will be very angry. — Moon slowly approaches Vincenzo. —I wasn't going to come, but I feel something and here I am, I know he's not okay, I can feel... If you let me see you I promise to try to make you wake up.

Vincenzo leads the couple to HanSeo's room and Moon as soon as he enters approaches him. So-Moon was different from the other omegas, he didn't have wolf-only DNA, his mother was a witch of white and black magic this made him half a wizard. As soon as Moon stands by the side of HanSeo's bed, he takes Jang's hand and holds it tightly.

— What is it? Cassano asks looking at a light that looked like a rainbow coming out of So-Moon's hand and into HanSeo's.

— My omega is special.

After a few minutes HanSeo starts to open his eyes, he looked around lost.

— HanSeo? — Vincenzo calls heading towards the bed.

— What happened?

— It's been almost two days since you've passed out, I was so worried.

— My wolf said I had to sleep, I didn't say why. — HanSeo speaks as he sits down. — You guys came.

— You forgot to warn them they were coming, I almost killed them.

— But I still don't know what happened, my wolf didn't want to talk to me... He's pretty that I'm awake. — HanSeo makes a face of pain.

— We're going to have a puppy.

— ... — HanSeo looks expressionlessly at Vincenzo. — How is it?

— Love! — HanSeo just passed out. — Don't sleep again...

— Calm down, this time it wasn't his wolf, he's just in shock, he'll be back soon. — So-Moon says calmly.

After hours HanSeo woke up and it was just a euphoria, Vincenzo and HanSeo had their eyes shining with tears of happiness. This time nothing was going to go wrong.

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