Chapter 09

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 My love looks at me. — Vincenzo tried to get HanSeo to calm down to no avail.

My cub. — Two voices spoke at the same time. — She's dead, I can feel... She died.

— HanSeo, you have to calm down. — Vincenzo tries again. —You and your wolf are out of control.

HanSeo didn't listen, he didn't see anything but pain and red.

He'll pay me. — Speaks from Vincenzo's arms. — Ahhhh. — HanSeo fell to the ground in pain, his body crackled noisily, hair began to appear, down his arms, and he was taking the form of a gigantic white wolf with red eyes made of blood.

— Beautiful. — Vincenzo looks in awe.

HanSeo looks at Vincenzo and then sniffs the air, he finds him, if wolves can smile, HanSeo would be at this moment smiling like the Devil. He approaches Vincenzo and runs his muzzle over his head, Cassano feels a drop of water drip down his face, looking up he realizes it is a lone tear from HanSeo.

— I know... I know. — So HanSeo runs off leaving a Vincenzo behind. — I'll be waiting for you. — Cassano transforms and runs in the opposite direction to HanSeo.

As HanSeok ran aimlessly through the dense forest, he was panicking. He had never seen a wolf of that size in his entire life, he remembered his mother transforming sometimes but she never stayed that size.

— But what the fuck. — HanSeok speaks after hearing the grotesque roar behind him. — Where to? Where to? What the. Shit, shit, shit... Cil — He falls to the ground with something on top of him. Opening his eyes slowly he sees a soft wolf staring at him with gigantic and very sharp teeth. HanSeok could feel breaths of air coming across his face, and the eyes were murderous. — Leave me alone.

You never left me.

— HanSeo? — HanSeok asked in shock. — Is it you?

— ...

— Let go of me your fledgling dog. — HanSeok tries to push HanSeo away to no avail.— I swear I kill you.

Shut up you bunch of insignificant shit, I should kill you right here, but I want to see you suffer and beg for your useless life... Do you know how much I suffered at your hands? Today was the last day you made me cry and scream in pain, I swear to my Luna that you will never again make me suffer.

— Who the hell is Luna.

The daughter you killed when you kicked me.

— Ahahahahahahah.... I killed.... Ahahahahhahah... Who could have imagined that someone like you would get pregnant.

You shitty psychopath. - HanSeo climbs on top of HanSeok and then grabs HanSeok's heel and drags him through the forest and screams of pain could be heard for miles. HanSeo pretended he didn't listen, he didn't have time for it, he needed a hospital, but he would only go when he left HanSeok in a very comfortable place.

After almost an hour of dragging HanSeok, HanSeo arrives at his house and finally releases the ankle of the same one that was in living flesh, being able to see the bone. And so at last HanSeo let himself fall, only not falling to the ground for Vincenzo to catch him at the last second.

— Love. — It's the only thing HanSeo says before deleting.

— Take this useless. — Tells the security guards, that as soon as Cassano leaves with HanSeo, they pick up HanSeok's still-living body by taking it to the bottom of the property.

Meanwhile, Vincenzo was taking an unawakened HanSeo inside, he climbs the stairs and heads towards the last room on the left, opens the door with his foot and heads towards the bed placing HanSeo gently.

— I'm sorry my love, I couldn't do anything, but I'm sure when you wake up that one... He will no longer be alive. — Vincenzo covers HanSeo and then calls a trusted doctor, he being a rare species could not go to any doctor. When the call ends, he leaves the room and goes downstairs. —You.

— Yes master.

— Find out who got HanSeo out of here without anyone noticing.

— Yes master.

— I want him alive.

— Yes master.

— They took HanSeok down.

— Yes master.

Vincenzo dismisses the security guard and heads towards the door he led down. Arriving underground he already smells the dried blood and fear of HanSeok.

— Get me out of here. — HanSeok spoke as soon as he saw Vincenzo.

— You still have hopes of dawn alive.

— Don't be stupid. — HanSeok said laughing.— You're like me.

— I'm not the best person in the world, but I also don't pretend to be something I'm not. — Vincenzo lets his claws show and sticks them in HanSeok's face. —You killed my heiress, you wounded my omega, you signed your sentence.

— Towards... To please. — HanSeok asks in a tearful voice.

— You're not human. It was so cut, stretched and pulled that there was nothing left. It threw away his humanity. It's just skin, HanSeok. Just skin, and nothing else. - Vincenzo sticks his claws in more. — I don't kill humans, I kill monsters, and guess what... You're one of those monsters. — Cassano withdraws his claws and releases HanSeok. — Today is a beautiful day to kill.

Cassano was known to leave no trace of his victims. With a single bite HanSeok's body was swallowed, he didn't even have the opportunity to scream for help.

— Let's see how it is my love. — Vincenzo speaks back to normal. — I think this one will hurt me. — He says running his hand over his stomach. Cassano leaves the basement and goes back inside the house, going to see how HanSeo was. The doctor had already come and taken care of it, it was only necessary to wait for him to wake up and see how he would be mentally. 

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