Chapter I

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Last Rites

"My sister cast a protection spell on the building." Regina informed the others as they stood outside of town hall devising a plan to take Zelena's newborn baby away from her and take on Hades before he could harm anyone in town.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing." Robin said indignantly.

Regina looked at him. "I wasn't planning on doing nothing. As a matter of fact, I know exactly what to do." she said. "There's a secret tunnel that goes right under the town hall. We don't know how to defeat Hades, but maybe we can get your daughter back and talk some sense into Zelena, if you're with me."

"Of course I am." said Robin for their wasn't anything he wasn't  prepared to do in order to protect his daughter from her crazed mother and equally crazed lover.

"Then I'm going, too." said Emma. 

"No offense, Emma, but." Regina said with a sigh. "You're too emotional. I-I understand. You had a loss. But you're not thinking straight."

Emma looked at them aggrieved. "Is that you th... is that what you all think?" she asked.

"Emma." said David. "We still don't know how to stop Hades. Until we do..."

"So then we figure it out." Emma said, sharply.

"So, well, then do it quickly. Because once we get that baby back, Hades will be coming for us." Regina matched her tone and with that she and Robin set foot for the tunnels.

Her days as madam mayor had given Regina plenty of advantages, and the knowledge of the secret tunnels was one of them. But Robin didn't seem all that grateful for said knowledge, it appeared he was still be upset at her for trusting Zelena with his daughter which in turn made her feel horrible about herself as she was only trying to give her sister a second chance.

"Look, I'm... I'm sorry I trusted Zelena with your daughter." she apologized which brought the silence that had engulfed them upon their entrance into the tunnels, to an end.

"Glad to finally hear it." said Robin.

Regina sighed as they continued to walk side by side. "Just for once, I was trying to be optimistic and give her a second chance like you gave me."

"You deserved it. She doesn't." said Robin.

"All she wants is what I have. I made her think love was possible." said Regina in her sisters defense.

Robin became vexed with her and stopped to turn to her. "So you're... you're not actually apologizing. You're defending her again." Regina stopped beside him. "Robin, no..." she said.
He cut her off. " No, forgive me if I don't care to listen. I have a daughter to save." he said before continuing on which made her feel even more horrible about herself, but even then she hurried after him because he was right. The baby was more important right now.

After a few minutes of walking they reached their entrance point and she put a slight on smile on her face and said. "Welcome to the town hall."

"Secret passage indeed." said Robin. "Thank you, Regina."

"You're welcome. And I know you can't accept this right now, but I do feel horrible for what I did. I'm sorry Zelena has your daughter, and I'm really trying to make up for it." she said with sincerity.

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