Chapter III

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The ride from Maine to outskirts of New York had exhausted Regina and  Izadora and as a result the two had slept the entire ride, and when they finally arrived Regina was awakened by Graham and left stunned by the view of her new home. It was a 7,500-square-foot Victorian-style mansion which Graham's father had built in the 90's, and it spanned 1,745 acres.

To put things into perspective one could drive for 24 miles without ever leaving the property and as if that weren't enough to impress someone there were more than 2 dozen bodies of water on on-site, a gazebo with stunning views, a 4,900-square-foot barn, and an orchard with apples, pears, peaches, and more.

The house itself boasted twelve bathrooms, ten bedrooms, three sitting areas, two kitchens, a laundry, library, study, attic, basement and servant rooms. In short it wasn't just a home. It was a showcase for their wealthy. A wealth that exceeded millions and had taken Graham's cunning father years to acquire through the blood, sweat and tears of others. In its own way, it was a palace, and they were its royal family. And like other palace it had its guards. About twenty trained Tibetan Mastiffs guarded the property, their imposing size and fiercely loyalty had made them the perfect candidates for the job. At first glance they appeared to be bears and though they weren't their aggressiveness towards trespassers put them on the same ranks as them. No wild animal had left the property alive since the first generation of them had been placed there in the 90's.

"When you mentioned your family had managed to build a wealth for themselves out here I figured they'd bought a home somewhere and we're living a normal life." said Regina, as she cautiously stepped out of the car and gazed at the intricate molding on the mansion while keeping an eye on her surroundings. "Never once did I imagine something like this —"

The dogs ears perked up and they sat up straight. Graham smiled at her amusement and silently order the dogs to lay back down with a wave of a hand. "It's beautiful isn't it? And don't mind them,"

"Beautiful doesn't cut it." said Regina, her eyes still mindful of her surroundings. "And I would know. I come from royal blood and was married to a king. Also, you should've mentioned the dogs before we got here, and how hot it was going to be,"

Izadora let out a cry signally to them that she was awake, hungry and more than likely in need of a diaper change.

"I'll get your bags." said Graham as he went to fetch her suitcases out of the trunk. "You get Izadora. And yeah, I should've probably mentioned we were in a heatwave."

Regina nodded and went to not only grab Izadora out of the car, but to console her. "It's alright," she said. "Mommy's here." Izadora clung to her shoulders and wailed into her neck. In a matter of hours she had learned that she wasn't a stranger, but rather someone special, someone she could trust and so her wails came to an end within seconds of being in her arms.

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