Chapter 3

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The clouds draped lazily across the sky, their gray hues blending seamlessly with the somber sea below. Calo's words cut through the muted atmosphere, his voice tinged with an air of nonchalance. 

"Well, this could be worse," he declared.

My gaze swept across the Moravian Sea, its once vibrant colors now dulled by the overcast weather. Standing on the top deck of "The Ruby," my royal ship, I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy. The world seemed to mirror my own feelings, as if the elements themselves were aligned with my inner turmoil.

Before I had left, my servants had spoken of the terrors that lay beneath the surface of the Moravian Sea. Enigmatic creatures, they whispered, lurked in the shadows of the deep. From the seductive allure of the sirens to the mythical sea monsters, danger awaited those who ventured into the unknown waters. It was known throughout the kingdom that the sirens were the deadliest thing in the waters.

At every council meeting, representatives of the neighboring kingdoms reported the devastating deaths of their princes. It seemed as though there was a pattern. Every month, a royal ship would sail through the Moravian Sea. Every month, a prince was lured to his death. I wasn't going to let it happen to me.

"Thinking about sirens again?" Calo asked, snapping me from my thoughts. His eyes were barely visible under his light brown hair.

"No," I lied.

"Liar," Calo said, his smirk broadening.

I glared at him, but said nothing.

Calo laughed. I don't see how some pretty girl with a tail makes princes jump overboard.

"It's not just their beauty," I respond, "It's their song too."

"Well, I'll keep an eye out for you then, Your Highness." Calo replied sarcastically. "Just promise me something."

I glanced at him tentatively. "What?"

"If anything happens to me, take care of my mother." Calo replied.I can see the sadness in his eyes. We stand side by side watching the water lick the side of the ship.

"Nothing will happen to you." I responded. Calo had been very worried about this trip. He was all his mother had left.

"I hope so." Calo sighed.

"It will, besides, be a waste to lose you. You are the only person who understands me." I state.

"The rest are fools?" He asks.

"No. They just look at me like a trophy." I sigh.

"And what is so wrong with that?" He inquires.

"I'm a person too"

Calo nodded and, after a pause, said, "It's awfully cold."

"Indeed." I say.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something splashing at the side of the ship. Just then, two female figures appeared in the water below them. They were beautiful, and I knew immediately that they were sirens. One had long, straight black hair, and the other had wavy red hair. Both wore crowns made of gems and what looked to be human teeth. The Sirens began to sing in perfect unity.

"Hello, sirens." Calo said, leaning over the side of the ship. His hair fell over his eyes. He was falling for their song. I covered my ears and nudged him sharply with my shoulder.

"Calo, cover your ears!" I yelled over the siren's singing. It seemed as though they began to sing louder.

Calo continued to lean over the edge, ignoring the warnings. I turn desperately towards the crew. They were all in a trance. Swaying along to the siren's ethereal voices Just then, I hear a splash. I spin around. Calo had fallen overboard. The siren with red hair grabbed Calo and dragged him under.

"Calo!" I yell out, staring into the dark sea. I wait. One minute, then two. Suddenly, the water where Calo had submerged went blood red. I had just lost my best friend.

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