Chapter 6

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The sun was already starting to set, and the water was beginning to reflect the sky's beautiful glow. The sky was painted with vibrant pinks and oranges, the clouds glowing with the last bit of sunlight. We break the surface of the water, and I look around. The ship was a couple of yards away. In the fading light of the day, it looked a bit like a monster. I shuddered at the thought. The prince and two crewmates were walking around the deck, talking. Melody points to them.

"Look, they're all human." she whispers. I watch as she peers curiously at the people aboard.

"Yes," I say. "Have you ever seen a human before?"

"No," she responded. "My mother has shown me paintings, though."

I nod and look back at the ship. By now, the sky had transformed into an azure  blue.

"I think we should go for it." she says. Her eyes are wide and earnest.

I agree, and we begin making our way towards the ship. The cover of night shields us from the view of those aboard. We swam to the side of the ship. The voices are much louder here.

"What do you think they're saying?" Melody whispers.

"I'll find out." I say, swimming to the surface.

I listen closely.

"What are you doing, Vinara? Why can't we just leave?"

"Because I need justice, Will! My best friend was murdered! I will find those sirens and slay them!" The prince says I can hear the hatred in his voice.

I frown, realizing he was talking about me and my sister.

"Calo's mother will be happy if we catch one and bring it to her." Will responds.

I frown. So, they want to capture us, too. I think for a moment. It was risky to try to lure them, but I was determined. They were only humans. They couldn't do much harm. I dove back under. I look at Melody and smile.

"We'll get this heart, no problem." I say.

She nods.

"How are we going to do this?" She asks.

"Simple." I say, smiling. "We'll lure them to the edge, then pull them in. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Are you ready?" I ask, flicking my tail.

"I think so."

"Perfect." I reply. "Now, let's do this."

We swim to the surf. Melody makes a loud splash with her tail, sending water flying in all directions.

"Shhh!" I say. She gives me an apologetic look.

I hear footsteps on the deck above. I see the prince on the deck, and behind him are two crewmates.

"Sirens!" the sailors exclaim.

I look at Melody, and together we begin to sing, our voices loud over the crashing waves. The prince and crewmates' faces become expressionless. Their eyes are slightly dazed. The prince leans forward a bit. Melody looks at me.

"Do we grab him?" she asks. I nod, still singing.

I watch as the prince walks closer.
He is about to fall overboard. I take the opportunity and lunge to grab him. To my surprise, he grabs me, pulling me onto the ship.

"Raise the anchor!" he yells. The crewmates run towards the long, silver chain.
Too startled to speak, I flopped on the deck like a fish. I try desperately to escape. My tail hits a metal pail, and pain flies through my body.
Melody calls to me.

"Sirena!" she yells. "Are you okay?"

I try to call out, but I can't. All I manage to get out is one word: swim.
Thankfully, Melody seems to understand. The last thing I see is her dipping back under the waves and disappearing into the sea. Everything goes black.

The Siren and the Rogue PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang