Chapter 8

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It takes us two days to make it to Casyeria, but it might as well have been a month. I spent most of that time organizing my bags, sleeping, and writing. Little of that time was spent above deck. Will had left the siren in a bucket full of water. She was still unconscious and looked rather uncomfortable. My anger and hatred for sirens were the only reasons I didn't try to find her a more comfortable arrangement. Upon my arrival in Casyeria, I saw my mother and father waiting for me at the end of the dock. The captain speaks briskly to them about the death of Calo, hands me my luggage, and bows. Will wanders over, smiling. 

"I will bring your cargo around in a bit." he says, winking. My parents look at me. I see my father raise an eyebrow. 

"I'll explain later." I'm hoping my voice doesn't sound squeaky. Just then, I see a woman scurrying towards me. Her long brown hair is in a loose updo. My heart drops into my chest. Her eyes scan the group around me. 

"W-where is Calo?" She stutters, clearly trying to remain calm. My mother is the one who steps up. 

"Calo...has passed." she says. Calo's mother's head jerks back as though she has been struck. A look of utter horror appears on her face. She looks at me. I feel my heart begin to crack and my resolve crumble. 

"Why didn't you save him?" I can feel the tears begin to run down my cheeks. 

" I-" But it is too late; she rushes off down the cobblestone path. I want to collapse and just die right there, but I feel my father's strong arms take hold of me. 

"Stay strong," he says wistfully. I manage to nod and regain my footing. I glance up, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes. 

"There's no need for that. You did everything you could." My mother lays a hand on my shoulder. We begin walking back to the palace. As we enter the castle gates, I hear my name called. I look up and see Calo's father. He looks more distraught than I would have thought possible.

"Are you alright?" he asks me.


He looked at me sadly. I want to say something, but there is a lump in my throat.

"Perhaps it would be good for the prince to get a bit of rest." Will says from the corner.

"Yes." my father says.

I walk quickly to my room, shut the door, and cry. I stay like that until the sun goes down. The tears eventually run dry, and my eyes are dry, red, and sore. I open the curtains on the balcony. I sit down, open a book, and try to read. The words on the page blur. I wipe my eyes. I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Yes?" I call.

It opens. Will stands in the door frame, smiling.

"Your cargo has been unloaded."

"Thank you." I respond, trying to gather myself. I had no idea what to do with the siren anymore. I wanted her to suffer and feel my pain.

"Care to come see her?" Will asks.

"Sure." I say that and follow Will out of my room.

The siren was swimming in a large tank on the south side of the palace. She looked paniked.

When she saw us, she swam over and slapped her tail against the glass.

"Do you think she could break it?" I ask

Will laughs "I'd be surprised if she could. It's the strongest glass in Casyeria."

I study the siren.

"What do you want to do with her?" Will asks.

"I'm not sure yet." I answer truthfully.

"Well, I'll be back in a bit." Will says and walks off.

I turn back to the siren.

"Can you understand me?" I ask.

"Yes, she replies, whipping her tail impatiently.

I was a bit caught off-guard.

"What do you want with me?" she asks.

I gather myself and respond. "You killed my best friend. You must pay for what you did."

She frowns. "I didn't; my sister did."

"The red-haired siren?"

"Yes, her name is Nurilla."

I think for a second.

"But you were with her."

"I was only there looking for jewels, she responds. "I have no interest in killing humans."

Strangely, I believe her.

"Where is Nurilla now?"

"Back in Siren Cove, probably."

Suddenly, her eyes widened. "Please don't go after her!"

I can tell she's scared. Her tail lashes against the glass.

"I won't." I say. I had considered going to find the other siren, but seeing her fear, I decided otherwise.

I study her a little while longer. I notice all the gems on her jewelry are emeralds.

"You really like emeralds, huh?" 

"They are my favorites." she says, twisting the emerald ring on her finger. 

I take my emerald bracelet off my arm and throw it into the tank. She grabs it. Her eyes shine like the gems.

"Enjoy it." I say.

"Thank you!" she exclaims happily. 

The side door opens, and Will enters his hair seemed to have been slicked back with oil.

"It's time for dinner," he announces.

I nod and follow him out. As I glance back, I see the siren gazing at the bracelet. She's very different, I thought to myself, and I shut the door.

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