Chapter 7

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I stand on the deck, tears running down my face. It had all happened too fast. A sailor brings me a plate of food. The smell makes me nauseous. I stand there, staring at the fiery sky.
"My Prince, we are to make port in two days if we leave now. Shall we raise anchor?" the sailor asks. He looks warily at the water.

"No," I say.

I feel cold and numb. All my plans for the future seemed to have crumbled before me. How was I to confront all those at home? My mother and father, Calo's mother, the kingdom The news would certainly crush Calo's mother.

The first mate, Will, comes over to me. His brown eyes seem to study me. He is the only one who has not treated me like petty royalty throughout the whole journey. I appreciated that.

"I don't know how to raise the dead, but I do know how to comfort a friend," he says quietly.

I look at him. "It's not fair that they killed him. I should have done something!"

"You couldn't have stopped them." He interrupts. "The sirens are vicious; they do what they wish."

I look away. The fiery sunset made the sky look as though it were painted with fire and blood.

"I want revenge." I say. I'm almost afraid of the anger coating my words.

"You will have your revenge someday." he says. "But for now, we should return home." I could tell he was hoping I'd agree.

"I can't." I say it coldly.

"You are the prince and will be expected. It is time you return."

"I wish to stay just a bit longer."

Will was silent for a moment. I could tell he was worried.

"I've seen what hatred can do to a person." He says it sadly. "I don't wish to see it destroy you."

I look up, surprised at his words. I turn my head back to the sunset; the pain in his eyes is too much for me to bear.

"It's time we go. Are you ready?" He asks.

"No, I need justice, Will! My best friend was murdered! I will find those sirens and slay them!" I wished he'd just return to his post and leave me alone.

"Calo's mother would be happier if we caught one and brought it to her." Will responds. "There is little point in killing them."

I was silent for a second. I realize he does have a point. Perhaps it would show the sirens who ruled the seas. I look at the ocean, feeling better and more optimistic. The sky was beginning to darken. The water looked like a black void. Suddenly, I hear a loud splash below us. Will looks at me and mouths "sirens." I nod and step back away from the edge.
Will sends a sailor to get fish bones. I look at him in bewilderment.

Why the fishbones?" I ask. Looking back at the water I knew the sirens would be upon us soon.

"Stick them in your ears." He says. "They'll block the sound, and we can grab the siren."

I frown. I was not at all inclined to stick fishbones in my ears; however, to avenger Calo, I was ready to do just about anything. I sigh and nod. The sailor brings back the bones, and I gingerly put them in my ears. It is uncomfortable, but not intolerable.

Just then, I see the water below me begin to bubble. The sirens emerged. There were two: the black-haired siren from earlier in the day and a new siren. She has long red hair and red scales. They begin to sing. Will was right; their song did not affect me.

"Sway" Will whispers to me.

I sway and fake stumble toward the railing. The black-haired siren lunges from the water. In a swift motion, I grab her, pulling her onto the deck. She lets out a startled yelp.

"Attaboy, Vinara!" Will yells.

"Raise the anchor!" I yell. The sailor runs off.

The siren hits a bucket with her tail and yelps again. She tries to get away but fails. The siren in the water looks worried. I almost feel bad for her. The siren on the deck whispers something inaudible and blacks out. The red-haired siren dives under the water and disappears. Will smile. 

"Well, you did it." he says.

Exhausted, I can only nod.

"Why don't you head below?" he says. "I'll take care of our cargo."

I nod again and head below. A feeling of relief shoots through me.

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