Alien Invasion

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"Awoo!" Willa howls on top of the bus that the football team is going to get in.

"Let's tear these Eastside Eels apart. Destroy them! Yeah!" Willa cheers, making us all cheer as well.

I was standing beside my boyfriend, Zoey and Andi. We watched as Willa scrapping the bus with her claws.

"Maybe just a bit too much school spirit." Wyatt said, glancing at her sister.

"What have you done to my Loca, Wyatt?" I smiled, shaking my head.

"Get our Mighty Shrimp on this bus so we can defend our turf. No outsiders mess with our pack. Yeah!" Willa yells out.

The whole town was basically here, including my family. My parents were with basically our parents are at. Max is with his friends and Justin is with Bucky. I can't believe they're friends now. But I see it sometimes. Annoying.

"When you're from Seabrook, you are Seabrook." Willa cheers, holding out her "Go Mighty Shrimps" poster up.

"Seabrook! Seabrook! Seabrook!" The whole town chanted along.

"I really hate school spirit." I said, getting annoyed at the cheery crowd.

"Lighten up, pup. This ain't bad." Wyatt said to me, bumping his shoulder onto mine playfully.

My tablet started to ring. It's my best friend Eliza!

"Eliza!" Andi said, very cheerfully.

"Hey, Andi." Eliza smiles at her, waving at her.

"I-I can't believe you're not here for this. We all miss you." Andi said, smiling down at the tablet.

"Who misses her the most, Andi?" Zoey teases her, making Wyatt to shush her silently with his finger.

"Wait, what'd she say? I couldn't hear what she said

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"Wait, what'd she say? I couldn't hear what she said." Eliza started to glitch out, making Andi and I look at each other. This is getting really bad but today has been the worst one yet.

"Okay, everyone, let's give it up for our football team as they head off to victory. Here they come!" Addison yells out for our football team.

We cheered at them as bucky and Shrimpy came out from the big banner. Bucky started to do his usual not very entertaining flips as the rest cheered for him.

"Ha! Thank you, thank you for coming to see me off for my big game." Bucky said, making me to roll my eyes.

"Not a lot of there there." Wyatt and I said to each other.

Smoke started to appear and the football team had arrived.

I cheered the loudest for Zed and to my little wolf, Wynter.

Wyatt wrapped his arms around me and kept me close to him as we cheered along.

"Go, Seabrook! Hey, Seabrook! Seabrook! Go, go, go, go!" Zed yells out as he let his team members go pass him.

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